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Al- Ipref.arch. no, not. see also ъ

al- II adv.pref. well

alae interj. behold!

alag adj. rushing, impetuous

alagos n. storm of wind

albeth n. word of good omen (PE/17)

¶ ᵲ alchor n. temple, shrine

alfirin n. and adj. 1. immortal ○ 2. as a noun, name of a flower, bell-like and running through many soft and gentle colours ○ 3. as a noun, also used for another small white flower ◇ al-+firin

alia- v. cause to prosper, help someone, bless (Q Alya-)

alph pl. eilph n. swan

alu adj. wholesome (PE/17)

alwed adj. prosperous, fortunate (PE/17)

am prep. up, upwards, upon

amar n. earth, the appointed home of Elves and Men

amarth n. fate, doom

amartha- v. to chance, destine, decree PE/17

amarthan adj. fated

amath n.Mil. shield

amben (N. ambenn) adj. and n. 1. adj. uphill, sloping upwards 2. n. a difficult task (an uphill struggle)

amchaled adj. uplifting (am+haled)

amdir n. hope based on reason ◇ MR/320 ◇ am+tоr "looking up"

amloth n.Mil. flower or floreate device used as crest fixed to the point of a tall helmet ◇ WJ/318 ◇ am+loth "uprising flower"

amlug n. dragon ◇ Ety/349, Ety/370

ammad- v. to devour (Q ammat-)

ammal n. flagstone (Q ambal)

amman interrogative. pron. why? ('for what'?)

ammas n.Mil. breastplate

ammen pron. 1st pl. of us, for us, toward us ◇ LotR/II:IV, LB/354, VT/44:21,27 ◇ an+men

ammos n. breast, bosom (Q ambos)

amon hill, steep-sided mount ◇ Ety/348, LotR/E, RC/334

amortha- v. to heave, ‘up-rise’ (am+ortha-, Q amorta-)

amrыn n. east, orient ◇ Ety/348, Ety/384, S/437, LotR/E ◇ am+rhыn "uprising, sunrise"

an prep. to, towards, for ◇ LotR/II:IV, UT/39, SD/129-31

an- adv.pref. with, by ◇ Ety/374

anann adv. long, for a long time ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308

anc n. jaw, row of teeth ◇ Ety/348, Ety/374

and adj. long ◇ Ety/348, S/427, X/ND1

andaith n. long-mark, sign used in writing alphabetic tengwar over a vowel, to indicate that it is lengthened. ◇ LotR/E, Ety/391, X/EI

andrann n. cycle, age (100 Valian Years, where 1 Valian year = 10 of our own, making this mean ‘a millennium’) ◇ Ety/382, X/ND4

andreth n. patience (PE/17)

anfang pl. enfeng n. one of the Longbeards (a tribe of Dwarves) ◇ Ety/348, Ety/387, WJ/322

anfangrim n.class pl.of anfang the Longbeards (a tribe of Dwarves) ◇ WJ/322

ang n. iron ◇ Ety/348, S/428, PM/347

angerthas n. runic alphabet, long rune-rows (extended version of the Certhas) ◇ S/427, LotR/E ◇

* anglenna- v. to approach ← anglennatha SD/129-31

angol n. deep lore, magic (perhaps also Science and Philosophy, cf. Q. Ingolл) ◇ Ety/377

angren adj. of iron ◇ Ety/348, S/428

angwedh n. chain ◇ Ety/397 ◇ ang+gwedh "iron-bond"

Anim pron. 1st for/to myself ◇ LotR/A(v) See also enni

anнra- v. to desire, to want ◇ SD/129-31

ann-thennath n. pl. a verse mode, lit. "long-shorts" (alternance of long and short vowels, or rather alternance of long and short verse units, possibly of masculine and feminine rhymes) ◇ LotR/I:XI ◈ Tolkien's Legendarium p. 115

* anna- v. to give ◇ Ety/348 уnen irreg. past. tense. 1st

annabon n. elephant ◇ Ety/372, X/ND2 ◇ and+*bond "long-snouted"

annon n. augm. great door or gate ◇ Ety/348, S/428, LotR/II:IV, TAI/150

annui adj. western ◇ SD/129-31

annыn n. west, sunset ◇ Ety/376, S/428, LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E, LB/354, Letters/308

annъnaid n. the "Westron" language (one of the names for Common Speech) ◇ PM/316

Anor n. sun ◇ Ety/348, RC/232

ant n. gift ◇ Ety/348

anu adj. male ◇ Ety/360, X/W

anuir n. forever (an+uir)

anwar n. awe ◇ UT/418, VT/42:23

aphada- v. to follow ◇ WJ/387

aphadon n. 1. follower ○ 2. by ext. man (elvish name for men)

aphadrim n. class pl. of aphadon followers, men (elvish name for men)

apharch adj. very dry, arid ◇ VT/45:5, X/PH ◇ a- (intensive prefix) + parch

Вr n. king (used of a lord or king of a specified region) See aran

ar- pref. 1. Arch. beside ○ 2. by ext., without ◇ Ety/349

ara- pref. high, noble, royal ◇ S/428 ◇ Reduced form of aran, element in the names of the kings of Arnor and Arthedain

arad n. daytime, a day ◇ Ety/349

aran n. king (used of a lord or king of a specified region) ◇ Ety/360, S/428, LotR/II:IV, LotR/VI:VII, SD/129-31, Letters/426

Aran Einior n. one of the names given to the Vala Manwл, 'elder king'

Aran Tauron n. one of the names given to the Vala Oromл, 'forester king'

aras n. deer ◇ WJ/156-157

Araw n. one of the names given to the Vala Oromл

arben n. knight PE/17

ardh n. realm, region ◇ Ety/360

ardhon n. augm. of ardh great region, province ○ 2. by ext. world ← Calenardhon S/386, PM/348

Aredhel n. noble Elf, one of the exiled Noldor

aria- v. to excel (Q arya-)

ariel n. princess, king’s daughter

arion n. prince, king’s son, heir

arnad n. kingdom ◇ VT:44:21,25

arnediad (N. arnњdiad) adj. innumerable, countless, endless, without reckoning, numberless ◇ Ety/349, Ety/378, S/428, VT/46:6 ◇ ar-+nediad

arnen adj. royal ← Emyn Arnen, Lonnath-Ernin LotR/V:I, WR/294, WR/370

arod adj. noble ◇ PM/363, VT/41:9

arodas n.abst.of arod nobility (arod+-as)

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