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Garaf (ngaraf) n. wolf ◇ Ety/377 See also draug

gardh n. 1. bounded or defined region ○ 2. by ext. world ◇ WJ/402

garn n. own, property ◇ Ety/360

garth n. fort, fortress ◇ Ety/360

gartha- v. to defend

gas n. hole, gap ◇ Ety/357

gasdil n. "stopgap", name of a diacritic sign used to indicate that g had been lenited to zero ◇ Ety/354, Ety/357 ◇ gas+dоl

gath n. cavern ◇ Ety/358

gathrod n. cave ◇ Ety/358 ◇ gath+grфd (GAT(H))

gaud n. device, contrivance, machine ◇ Ety/358

gaul (ngaul) n. wolf-howl ◇ Ety/377

Gaur(ngaur) n. werewolf ◇ Ety/377 ◈ See alsogaurhoth, gaurwaith

gaurhoth (ngaurhoth) n. class pl. of gaur, group of werewolves ◇ LotR/II:IV ◇ gaur+hoth "wolf-host

gaurwaith (ngaurwaith) n. class pl. of gaur, wolf-men ◇ UT/85, UT/90 ◇ gaur+gwaith

gavar n. an Avar, one of the Avari PE/17

gaw n. void ◇ Ety/358

gaw- (ngaw) v. to howl ◇ Ety/377, X/Z

gawa- v. to disguise, falsify (PE/17)

Geil pl. gоl n. star, bright spark ◇ Ety/358, VT/45:15 See also gil

gelia- (ngelia -) v. to learn

gelir n. merry, happy, gay person ◇ SD/129-31

gell n. joy, triumph ◇ Ety/359

gella- v. to rejoice

gellam n. jubilation ◇ Ety/359 ◇ gell+glam (GJEL)

gellui adj. triumphant ◇ Ety/359

gellweg adj. joyful

gem (N. gemb) adj. sickly ◇ Ety/358

* genedia- v. to reckon ← genediad SD/129-31

genediad ger. of genedia-, 1. reckoning ○ 2. by ext., calendar ◇ SD/129-31

gern adj. worn, old, decrepit (used of things only) ◇ Ety/360

Gil n. star, bright spark ◇ LotR/E, S/431, RGEO/73 ◈ In The Etymologies (Ety/358, corrected by VT/45:15), this word was given as geil, plural gоl. However, later in LotR/E and RGEO/73, Tolkien seems to consider gil as a singular (with no hints in the sources of what the plural would be, besides the collective plural giliath

gildin n. silver spark ◇ Ety/393

gilgalad n. starlight ◇ Ety/358

giliath n. coll. of gil / geil, all the host of stars ◇ Ety/358, RC/232

* gilion der.pl. of gil found in Orgilion ← Orgilion LotR/D

Gilthoniel n. one of the names given to the Vala Varda, 'star kindler'

gilvнr (N. йlvнr) n. Mercury, ‘star jewel’

* gir- v. to shudder ◇ Ety/358

gоr n. yesterday

girith n. shuddering, horror ◇ Ety/358, S/431

girithron n. December (month) ◇ LotR/D

glad n. wood ← Methed-en-Glad UT/452

gladh- v. to laugh ← gladh- PM/359

glae n. grass

glaer n. long lay, narrative poem ◇ Ety/359, VT/45:15 ◈ Written glжr (with ae-ligature) in the Etymologies, rectified here according to VT/45:15

glaew n. salve ◇ Ety/369

glam (N. glamm, glamb) n. 1. barbarous speech, shouting, confused noise ○ 2. din, uproar, the confused yelling and bellowing of beasts ○ 3. by ext.,as a coll. noun, any body of Orcs ◇ Ety/358, Ety/377, WJ/390, WJ/416

glamhoth n. class pl. of glam, barbaric host of Orcs ◇ Ety/358, Ety/364, Ety/377, UT/39, UT/54, WJ/390 ◇ glam+hoth "the dinhorde, the yelling horde"

glamog n.sing.of glam an Orc, "a yelling one" ◇ WJ/390

glamor (N. glambr) n. echo ◇ Ety/358

glamren adj. echoing ◇ Ety/358

* glвn I adj. bright, shining white ← Curunнr 'Lвn UT/390 ◈ The word is deduced from its mutated form, but it is worth mentioning that a stem GALБN "bright", with glan "daylight" (and later "clear") as derivative, is listed in the Etymologies (not included in the published text, but see VT/45:13). Most of the words meaning "white" in the Indo-European languages come from the original notion of "brightness", e.g. Greek leukуs "white" is cognate with Latin lucere "to shine", lux "light". This association of sense is also found in Gnomish, PE/11:39 (glan "clean, pure", from "bright" originally) and in Early Noldorin (PE/13:144, glann "clean"). The similarity with Welsh glan (where the vowel, incidentally, is also long, though this is concealed by Welsh orthographic convention) is also striking

glвn II n. hem, border (of textile and other hand-made things) ◇ VT/42:8

glanas n.abst.of glвn I purity, by ext. innocence

gland (N. glann) n. boundary ← Glanduin, Glanhнr UT/264, UT/318, UT/441, VT/42:8, X/ND1

glandagol n. boundary mark ◇ VT/42:8,28 ◇ gland+tagol

glass n. joy ◇ Ety/357

¶ ᵲ glast n. marble

glaur n. golden light (of the golden tree Laurelin) ◇ Ety/358, Ety/368

* glavra- v. to babble ◇ Ety/358

glavrol part. of glavra-, babbling ◇ Ety/358

glaw n. radiance ◇ Ety/362

glawar n. sunlight, radiance (of the golden tree Laurelin) ◇ Ety/368, VT/45:15

gleina- v. to bound, enclose, limit ◇ VT/42:8, VT/42:28 ◈ This entry should perhaps read gleinia-, cf. VT/42:28, note 13

glо n. honey ◇ Ety/369

glоn (N. glоnn) n. gleam, glint (usually of fine slender but bright shafts of light, particularly applied to light of eyes) ◇ WJ/337, S/431

gling n. music

glinga- v. to hang, dangle ◇ Ety/359, Ety/369, VT/45:15,27

glinnel n. Elf, one of the Teleri ◇ WJ/378, WJ/385 ◇ glind("teleri")+el

glintha- v. to glance at ◇ WJ/337

¶ ᵲ glinui n. honey-bee (glо-nui)

glоr n. song, poem, lay ◇ Ety/359

glir- v. to sing, trill, to recite a poem ◇ Ety/359, Ety/369, VT/45:15 ◈ The form glin in the Etymologies is a misreading according to VT/45:15

glirvaeron n. songwriter (lit. ‘maker of songs’) glir+maeron

glist n. sugar

glithui adj. (unknown meaning) ◇ UT/448, WJ/182, WJ/186

gloss adj. snow-white, dazzling-white ◇ Ety/359, RGEO/70, VT/42:18

glыdh n. soap ◇ Ety/369

go- (N. gwa-) pref. together ◇ Ety/399, WJ/367

gobel n. walled house or village, town ◇ Ety/380

gobennas n. history ◇ Ety/366 ◇ go-+pennas

gobennathren adj. historical ◇ Ety/366 ◇ gobennath+-ren

gobeth (N. gwabeth) n. sentence (go+peth, a word collection)

gуdhel n. "Deep Elf" or "Gnome", one of the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364, WJ/379 ◇ go(lodh)+уdhel, or OS *wеdelo

gуdhellim n. class pl. of gуdhel "Deep Elves" or "Gnomes", the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364 ◇ gуdhel+rim

godref (N. godrebh) adv. through together ◇ TAI/150 ◇ go-+tre-+be, OS *wotrebe, CE *wo-tere-be (?)

goe n. terror, great fear ◇ PM/363

goeol adj. dreadful, terrifying ◇ PM/363

gofelf n. sympathy, ‘together emotion, go+felf’

gohena- v. to forgive (with person forgiven as object?) ◇ VT/44:29 ⇒ See also dihena-

golas n. foliage, collection of leaves

golf n. branch (of a tree, or plant) ◇ Ety/359

goll (ngoll) adj. wise ◇ Ety/377

gollor (ngollor) n. magician ◇ Ety/377

golodh (ngolodh) n. sage, lore-master. In older Sindarin this referred to a "Deep Elf" or "Gnome", one of the Wise Folk (Noldor) ◇ Ety/377, S/431, WJ/364

golodhrim (ngolodhrim) n.class pl. of golodh Deep Elves, Gnomes ◇ Ety/377, WJ/323 ◇ golodh+rim

goloth (N. gwaloth) n. inflorescence, a head of small flowers ◇ VT/42:18

golovir (ngolovir, golodhvir N.) n. Silmaril ◇ Ety/373 ◇ golodh+mоr "Сoldo-jewel" See also silevril, mirion

goltha- (ngoltha-) v. to teach. See also istanna-

golwen (ngolwen) adj. wise, learned in deep arts ◇ Ety/377

gomaeron n. sculptor (lit. ‘stone maker’) gond+maeron

gonathra- v. to entangle, enmesh ◇ Ety/375

gonathras n.abst of gonathra-, entanglement ◇ Ety/375

gond (N. gonn) n. great stone, rock ◇ Ety/359, S/431, X/ND1

gondrafn / gondram n. hewn stone ◇ Ety/354

* gondren adj. (made) of stone ← Toll-ondren TI/268, TI/287

gonod- v. to count, count up, reckon, sum up ◇ Ety/378, Ety/399, VT/46:6

gonodlaeras n. mathematics (gonod-+laer+as)

gor- v. to warn, counsel

gorbedui adj. only to be said with horror (PE/17)

gorf n. impetus, vigour ◇ Ety/359

gorgor (ngorgor) n. extreme horror, terror, haunting fear ◇ WJ/415, RC/334-335

gorn adj. impetuous ◇ Ety/359

gorog (ngorog) n. horror ◇ WJ/415

goroth (ngoroth) n. horror ◇ Ety/377

gorth (ngorth) I n. horror ◇ WJ/415

* gorth II n. a dead person ← [Raith >] Fui 'Ngorthrim RC/526, gyrth Letters/417

gorthad (ngorthad) n. barrow ◇ LotR/A(iii), PM/194 ◇ gorth+-sad "place of the dead"

gortheb (ngortheb) adj. horrible ◇ WJ/415

* gorthrim n. class pl. of gorth II, the dead ← [Raith >] Fui 'Ngorthrim RC/526

gost n. dread ◇ Ety/359

gosta- v. to fear exceedingly ◇ Ety/359

gowest n. contract, compact, treaty ◇ Ety/397, Ety/399 ◇ go-+gwest

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