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Lothod (N. lhothod) n. alt. sing. of loth, (single) flower ◇ VT/45:29, X/LH See lotheg

lothron n. the month of May ◇ LotR/D

(N. lhы) n. a time, occasion ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

lъguil n. lifetime (lы+cuil)

Luien n. one of the names given to the Vala Lуrien

luin adj. blue ◇ LotR (misc.), S/434, UT/390, Ety/370, VT/48:24

* luithia- v. to quench ← uluithiad SD/62

¶ ᵲ lыl n. sapphire

lum (N. lhum) n. shade ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

lumren (N. lhumren) adj. shady ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

lunt (N. lhunt) n. boat ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

lыth (N. lhыth) n. spell, charm ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

lъtha- (N. lhъtha-) v. to enchant ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

lŷg n. snake ◇ LotR/E

lytha- (N. leutha) v. to pick up or out (with the fingers) ◇ VT/47:10,23


ma interj. good

mвb n. a hand-full, complete hand (with all five fingers) ◇ Ety/371, VT/45:32, VT/47:6-7

maba- v. to take, to grasp

mabed- v. to ask (Q maquet-)

* mad- v. to eat ◇ Ety/371

¶ ᵲ madh n. mud

madweg adj. gluttonous (PE/17)

mae adv. well ◇ LotR/I:XII, Letters/308

maecheneb adj. sharp-eyed ◇ WJ/337 ◇ maeg+heneb

maed I adj. shapely ◇ PM/366, VT/41:10

maed II (N. moed) adj. handy, skilled, skilful ◇ Ety/371, VT/47:6, X/OE

maeda- v. to feed (MAITA)

maeg adj. sharp, piercing, penetrating, going deep in something ◇ S/434, WJ/337

maega- v. to knead, soften

mael I (N. hmael) n. and adj. 1. stain ○ 2. stained ◇ Ety/386

mael II (N. moel) n. lust ◇ Ety/373, X/OE

maelui (N. moelui) adj. lustful ◇ Ety/373, X/OE

maen adj. skilled, clever ◇ Ety/371◈ maenas N. n. abst.

maenas n.abst.of maen, craft ◇ Ety/371

maer adj. useful, fit, good (of things) ◇ Ety/371

maeras n.abst.of maer goodness, usefulness

maeron n. artist, a poet PE/17

maeth n. battle, fight (not of general host but of two or a few) ◇ Ety/371

maetha- I v. to fight ◇ Ety/371

maetha- II v. to handle, wield, manage, deal with ◇ VT/47:6

maethor n. warrior ◇ Ety/371

Maew n. gull, ‘whining bird’ ◇ Ety/373 see also gwael, mŷl

mвf n. pile, mass of rock or earth (PE/17)

maga- v. to forge metal (Q. maca)

magol n.Mil. sword ◇ Ety/371

magor n.Mil. swordsman ← Menelvagor LotR/E, WJ/234

maidh adj. pale, fallow, fawn ◇ Ety/371, X/EI

main adj. num. ord. first, (only in the sense of) prime, chief, pre-eminent ◇ VT/42:10, VT/42:25

maitha- v. to rape, ravish (PE/13)

mal n. moth (Q malo)

mвl n. pollen, yellow powder ◇ Ety/386, X/EI

malen adj. yellow ◇ Ety/386

mallen (N. malthen) adj. of gold, golden ◇ Ety/386, RC/625, VT/46:14, Tengwestie/20031207

¶ ᵲ maligon n. amber

mallorn (Arch. malhorn) n. golden tree of Lothlуrien ◇ S/435, LotR/II:IV, VT/42:27, Tengwestie/20031207 ◇ malt+orn "tree of gold"

mallos n. a golden flower ◇ UT/451, Letters/248 ◇ malt+los "flower of gold"

maloglin n. daffodil (PE/17)

malt n. gold (as metal) ◇ Ety/386, VT/46:14, VT/42:27, Tengwestie/20031207

malu (N. malw) adj. fallow, pale ◇ Ety/386, X/W

man interrogative. pron. what? ◇ TL/21:09

mвn n. departed spirit ◇ Ety/371

manadh n. 1. doom, final end, fate, fortune ○ 2. by ext. final bliss ◇ Ety/371

manen interrogative. pron. how?

¶ ᵲ mang n. butter

mann n. food VT/45

mar interrogative pron. when?

mas interrogative. pron. where?

* matha- v. to stroke, feel, handle ◇ Ety/371

maur n. gloom ◇ Ety/373

maw I n.Arch. hand ◇ VT/47:6

maw II (N. hmaw) n. soil, stain ◇ Ety/386, VT/46:14

medli (N. megli) n.. bear ◇ Ety/369, Ety/371, X/DL ◇ mad-+glо "honey-eater"

medlin (N. meglin) adj. honey-eater, bear-like ◇ Ety/369, X/DL

* medui adj. last ← na vedui, Arvedui LotR/I:XII, LotR/A(iv)

megil n.Mil. sword ◇ Ety/371 ◈ The word was struck out in the Etymologies, but is well attested in late compounds such as Mormegil or Arvegil (with regular mutation). It is conceivably the Sindarinized form of Quenya makil, coexisting with magol (see tegil and tegol for a similar case)

* megor adj. sharp-pointed ← *megr WJ/337

mela- v. to love ◇ VT/45:34

melch adj. greedy ◇ Ety/373

meldir n. masc. friend ◇ Ety/372 ◇ mell+dоr

meldis n. fem. friend ◇ Ety/372 ◇ mell+dоs

meleth n. love ◇ Ety/372

melethor n. lover

melethril n. fem. lover ◇ Ety/372

melethron n. masc. lover ◇ Ety/372

mell adj. dear ◇ Ety/372

mellon n. friend ◇ Ety/372, LotR/II:IV, SD/129-31, Letters/424

¶ ᵲ melph n. gooseberry

meltha- v. to seduce

melui adj. lovely, sweet ◇ LotR/V:VIII, VT/42:18, RC/582 ◈ This word only occurs in the place name Imloth Melui, a vale where roses grew

me pron. 1st pl. us ← ammen LotR/II:IV, LB/354, tiro men VT/45:37

men I n. way, road ◇ UT/281

men- II v. to go

meneg adj. num. card. thousand. Given the Elven duodecimal system this properly means 1,728 ← Menegroth "thousand caves" S/409

menel n. sky, high heaven, firmament, the region of the stars ◇ LotR/II:I, LotR/IV:X, LB/354, RGEO/72, VT/44:21,23-24

meneldaeg n. horizon (menel+taeg)

Menelvagor n. the constellation of Orion, 'sky sword'

* menniath n. coll. of ment, 1. many points ○ 2. by ext., range of mountains ← Mornvenniath TI/124, Lambengolmor/799◈

ment n. point ◇ Ety/373

mentha- v. to send, cause to go

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