Rhaed adj. to complete a work or design, to add finishing touches and final details (PE/17) see also -red
* rhach n. curse ← e-'Rach MR/373 rhanc adj. awry, awkward (PE/17) rhass n. precipice ◇ Ety/363 * rhavan n. wild man ◇ WJ/219 rhaw I adj. wild, untamed ◇ Ety/382, X/RH, VT/46:10 ◈ Meaning rectified according to VT/46:10 rhaw II n. flesh, body ◇ MR/350, VT/47:12 † rhib- v. to scratch ◇ Ety/387, X/RH rhоw n. winter season (in Imladris, winter was 72 days long) ◇ LotR/D † rhosg (N. rhosc) adj. brown ◇ Ety/385, X/Z † rhoss (N. thross) n. whisper or rustling sound ◇ Ety/386, X/RH * rhovan n. wilderness ← Rhovanion LotR/Map, VT/46:10◈ rhovanion der.pl. of rhovan ← Rhovanion LotR/Map rhudol adj. unwelcome (PE/17) rhыn n. east ◇ Ety/384, S/436, LotR/E rhъnen adj. eastern ← Talath Rhъnen S/420 † rhuven n.Arch., Poet. east ◇ Ety/384, X/RH rо (N. rhо) n. crown, wreath, garland ◇ Ety/383, PM/347, X/RH † rib- (N. rhib-) v. to flow like a (torrent?) ◇ Ety/384, X/RH ◈ The reading of the gloss is uncertain rоdh n. sown field, acre ◇ Ety/383, VT/46:11 * rоf n. bark ← Fladrif LotR/E, TC/169, TC/173 rig- v. to twine, wreathe (PE/17) rill n. brilliance (PE/17) rim I (N. rhim) n. crowd, host, great number ◇ Ety/383, S/436, Letters/178, Letters/382, X/RH † rim II (N. rhim) n. cold pool or lake (in mountains) ◇ Ety/384, X/RH † rоn I (N. rhоn, rhien) n. and adj. 1. crowned ○ 2. as a noun, by ext. crowned lady, queen ◇ Ety/393, Ety/389, X/RH rоn II n. remembrance ◇ PM/372 ᵲ rнnas n.abst.of rоn II memory † rinc (N. rhinc) n. twitch, jerk, trick, sudden move ◇ Ety/383, X/RH † rind (N. rhind, rhinn) n. circle ◇ Ety/383, X/RH, X/ND1 ring (N. rhing) adj. cold ◇ Ety/383, S/436, VT/42:13, X/RH † ringorn (N. rhingorn) n. circle ◇ Ety/365, X/RH ◇ rind+corn † rоs (N. rhоs) n. fem. queen ◇ Ety/383, X/RH † riss (N. rhis, rhess) n. ravine ◇ Ety/384, X/RH † rista- (N. * rhista-) v. 1. to cut ○ 2. to rend, rip ◇ Ety/384, X/RH † ritha- (N. * rhitha-) v. to jerk, twitch, snatch ◇ Ety/383, X/RH † rоw (N. rhоf) n. edge, hem, border ◇ Ety/383, X/RH roch n. horse, swift horse for riding ◇ Ety/384, S/436, Letters/178, Letters/282, Letters/382 rochben n. (horse) rider ◇ WJ/376 ◇ roch+pen rochir n. horse-lord ◇ roch+hоr ◈ see also rochirrim rochirrim n. class pl. of rochir, horse-lords, the people of Rohan ◇ LotR, etc. ◇ rochir+rim rochon n. (horse) rider ◇ UT/463 * rodon n. Ainu, divinity ◇ LotR/D ◇ OS *(a)rеto(ndo) "noble one", CE *arвtф rodwen n. high virgin noble ᵲ rogol n. saddle ᵲ rohaith n.Mil. lancer 'horse-spear' rom (N. rhom) n. horn, trumpet † romru (N. rhomru) n. sound of horns ◇ Ety/384, X/RH ◇ rom+rы rond (N. rhond, rhonn) n. 1. cave roof ○ 2. vaulted or arched roof, as seen from below (and usually not visible from outside), or a (large) hall of chamber so roofed ◇ Ety/384, VT/46:12, S/437, WJ/414, X/RH, X/ND1 ros- v. to distil, drip (PE/17) † ross I (N. rhoss) n. rain ◇ Ety/384, X/RH ross II adj. red-haired, copper coloured (especially used of animals, as fox, red deer, etc.) ᵲ rosseg n. raindrop (ross+-eg) * rosta- v. to hollow out, excavate ◇ Ety/384 * roval n. pinion, great wing (of eagle) ← Landroval LotR/VI:IV, Ety/382, X/RH † rы (N. rhы) n.Arch., Poet. loud-sound, trumpet-sound ◇ Ety/384, X/RH rыdh adj. bald ◇ S/379, WJ/187 † rui (N. rhui, rhuiw) n. hunt, hunting ◇ Ety/384, X/RH ruin adj. (fiery) red ◇ PM/366 ruist n. fireplace, hearth PE/17 run- v. to polish, grind, rub (PE/17) rusc n. fox ◇ VT/41:10 rust n. copper ◇ VT/41:10 rustui adj. of copper ◇ VT/41:10 rыth n. anger ◇ S/436 ¶ ᵲ ruthol n. oats, porridge (GL) ruthra- v. to rage (PE/17) ᵲ rъthui adj. angry † rŷn (N. rhŷn) n. "chaser", hound of chase ◇ Ety/384, X/RH
S ᵲ saba- v. to delve (SAPA) * sabar n. delved mine ← Nornhabar, Anghabar WJ/209, WJ/419, S/380 ◈ SAPA "dig, excavate" (PE/12:82) sad n. limited area naturally or artificially defined, a place, spot ◇ UT/425, VT/42:19-20 sвdh n. sward, turf ◇ VT/42:20 * sador n. faithful one ← Sador (name) ◈ Sador was Tъrin's faithful servant. The meaning of this noun is deduced from sadron, assuming that these words are in the same kind of relation as hador and hadron * sadron n.masc. faithful one ◇ UT/431 sael adj. wise ← Saelon WJ/233, MR/305, SD/129-31 ᵲ saelas n.abst.of sael wisdom saer adj. bitter ◇ Ety/385 saew n. poison ◇ Ety/385 saf- (sav-) v. to have, to possess (PE/17) see also gar- said adj. private, separate, not common, excluded ◇ VT/42:20 ᵲ saig adj. hungry † sain (sein N.) adj. new ◇ Ety/385, X/EI salab n. herb ◇ Ety/385, X/EI ᵲ salf n. lyre (Q salma) ¶ ᵲ salfin n. viola ¶ ᵲ salfinnel n. violin † salph (N. salff) n. broth, liquid food, soup ◇ Ety/385, VT/46:12, X/PH ◈ The form salf in the Etymologies is a misreading, see VT/45:12 * sam n. chamber, room ← Sammath LotR/VI:III, S/435 ◇ Q sambe ◈ see also sammath sam- v. to think (PE/17) samarad n. dual pl. of sammar, two neighbours ◇ VT/48:20 sammar n. neighbour ◇ VT/48:20 ◇ "one who dwells beside" = OE. neah + gebur sammath n. coll. of sam, chambers ◇ LotR/VI:III, S/435 sant n. garden, field, yard (or other place in private ownership whether enclosed or not) ◇ VT/42:20 sarch n. grave ◇ UT/463 ᵲ sarf n. table sarn n. 1. stone (as a material) ○ 2. small stone ◇ Ety/385, S/437, UT/463, VT/42:11, RC/327 ◈ Sern in UT/463 is a misprint, see VT/42:11 sarnas n.abst.of sarn, cairn, pile of stones ◇ LR/406 saur adj. putrid (of food) PE/17 sautha- v. to drain ◇ Ety/388 saw I pl. † soe *S. (sui N.) n. juice ◇ Ety/385, X/Z saw II n. filth, putrescence (PE/17) seidia- v. to set aside, appropriate to a special purpose or owner ◇ VT/42:20 sell n. fem. 1. daughter ○ 2. girl, maid (child) ◇ Ety/385 sellath n. coll. of sell, all the daughters ◇ SD/129-31 * sen adj. dem. this ← i thiw hin LotR/II:IV * senn n. rest ← sennas RC/523 see also sennas sennas n. abst. of send, guesthouse ◇ RC/523 "resting place", from *send, *senn (SED)? sennui adv. rather, instead SD/129-31 sera- v. to like (LoTR, seron) sereg n. blood seregon n. "Blood of Stone", a plant of the kind called in English "stonecrop", with deep red flowers, that grew on Amon Rыdh ◇ S/437 ◇ sereg+gond seron n. lover ◇ PM/348 sн adv. here ¶ ᵲ sibtha- v. to whistle sоdh n. peace sigil I n.Mil. dagger, knife ◇ Ety/385 ◇ Q sicil sigil II n. necklace ← Sigil Elu-naeth WJ/258 sнla- v. to shine white