Iвr n. blood ◇ Ety/400 see also agar, sereg
iarwain adj. old-young (that is old, but yet still very vigorous) ◇ LotR/II:II, RC/128 ◈ Elvish name of Tom Bombadil, rendered as "oldest" in LotR, "Iarwain = old-young, presumably as far as anybody remembered, he had always looked much the same, old but very vigorous" ◇ iaur+*gwain ᵲ ias conj. where iвth (N. iath) n. fence ◇ S/433, WJ/370, WJ/378 iathrim n.class pl. of iвth, Elves of Doriath ◇ WJ/378 ◇ iвth+rim Iau I pl. iui n. corn ◇ Ety/399 see also iavas iau II n. ravine, cleft, gulf ◇ Ety/400, VT/46:22 ᵲ iaul n. cat iaun n. holy place, fane, sanctuary ◇ Ety/400 ◇ Q yбna iaur adj. 1. ancient, old, original ○ 2. older, former ◇ Ety/358, Ety/399, S/433, UT/384 iavas n.abst of iau I, season of autumn ◇ LotR/D нd adj. rare (PE/17) ᵲ idh n. small fly оdh n. rest, repose ◇ WJ/403 † idhor n. thoughtfulness ◇ Ety/361, X/Z ᵲ idhra- v. to ponder нdhra- v. to desire (PE/17) idhren adj. pondering, wise, thoughtful ◇ Ety/361 † idhrinn (N. idhrind) n. year ◇ Ety/383, Ety/400, X/ND4 ◇ оn+rind ¶ ᵲ idra- v. to value, prize iell n.fem. 1. daughter ○ 2. girl, maid ◇ Ety/385, Ety/400 ◈ Stated to be an alteration of sell, remodelled after ion "son" (OS *jondo). It was "a change assisted by the loss of s in compounds and patronymics", hence the ending -iel in several feminine words iest n. wish ◇ Ety/400 ᵲ iesta- v. to wish оf n. cliff, sheer descent PE/17 ᵲ iladar n. Ilъvatar (GL ilador) ilaurui adj. daily ◇ VT/44:21,28 im I imperative. reflexive. pron. 1st I, myself◇ LotR/II:IV, LB/354, VT/47:14,37-38 ◈ In late writings (see esp. VT/47:37-38), Tolkien reinterpreted this form as a reflexive pronoun (= "self"). im II (N. imm, imb) n.Arch. dell, deep vale ← imlad, imloth, imrath, imrad, VT/45:18, VT/47:14 ◈ This word only survived in compounds (due to the clash with im I) imlad n. deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides (but a flat habitable bottom) ◇ S/433, LotR/Index, VT/45:18, VT/47:14, RC/234,482 ◇ im+lad imladris n. Rivendell, 'cleft-valley', the home of Elrond imloth n. flower-valley, flowery vale ◇ LotR/V:VIII, VT/42:18, RC/582 ◈ This word only occurs in the place name Imloth Melui, a vale where roses grew ◇ im+loth ∗ imp adj. num. card. twelve ◇ PE/17:95 imrad n. a path or pass (between mountains, hills or trackless forest) ◇ VT/47:14 ◇ im+rвd imrath n. long narrow valley with a road or watercourse running through it lengthwise ◇ UT/465, RC/558 ◇ im+rath ᵲ imu adj. same, identical (im+-ya) оn I adj. poss. reflexive own (referring to the subject) ◇ SD/129-31 Оn II n. year ◇ Ety/400◈ see also нnias inc n. guess, idea, notion ◇ Ety/361 Ind (N. inn) n. inner thought, meaning, heart ◇ Ety/361, X/ND1 See also innas indemm n. vision (mind picture) ind+emm (PE/17) ᵲ ing n. imagination ᵲ inga- v. to guess ingem adj. old (of person, in mortal sense: decrepit, suffering from old age) ◇ Ety/358, Ety/399, Ety/400 ◈ New word coined by the Elves after meeting with Men ◇ оn+gem "year-sick" ¶ ᵲ ingwil n. eel нnias n.abst.of оn II, annals ◇ Ety/400 ᵲ inil n. lily ᵲ inn n. grandchild, descendant (Q. indyo) innas n.abst.of ind, will ◇ VT/44:21,26 † inu (N. inw) adj. female ◇ Ety/361, X/W io (N. ia) adv. ago ◇ Ety/399 ¶ ᵲ iol n. lamb * iфl n. wash, flood-water ← Onodiфl RC/334, VT/48:33 ion/iфn (N. iond, ionn) n. m. 1. son ○ 2. by ext., scion, male descendant ◇ Ety/400, MR/373, X/ND1, X/ND2, PM/192,196 ionnath n.coll.of ion, all the sons ◇ SD/129-31 † iphant (N. ifant) adj. aged, having lived long, old (with no connotation of weakness) ◇ Ety/358, Ety/400, VT/46:23, X/PH ◇ оn+pant "year-full" ir conj. when/while◇ LB/354 ◈ This word is not translated by Tolkien оr n. sexual desire ◇ VT/46:23 ᵲ нrui adj. desirable ist n. lore, knowledge ◇ Ety/361 * ista- v. to have knowledge ◇ Ety/361, VT/45:18 ᵲ istanna- v. to give knowledge, to teach (ist+anna-) See also goltha- istui adj. learned ◇ Ety/361 ithil n. the (full) Moon, lit. 'The Sheen' ◇ Ety/361, Ety/385, Ety/392, LotR/E, LB/354, RC/232 ithildin n. a silver-colored substance, which mirrors only starlight and moonlight ◇ LotR/II:IV ◇ ithil+tinu "moon-star" ithron n. wizard ◇ UT/448, Letters/448 iuith n. use ◇ Ety/400 * iuitha- v. to employ, to use ◇ Ety/400, VT/46:23 iыl n. embers ◇ Ety/400 ◈ ivann n. a Sindarin form of the name of the Vala Yavanna ivanneth n. September (month) ◇ LotR/D * ivor n. crystal ← Ivorwen LotR/A(v) ◇ (?) MS *iυr, OS *imre (I-MIR, augmented form of mоr "jewel") * ivren adj. of crystal, crystalline ◇ S/392, WJ/85 L * laba- v. to hop ← Labadal UT/60 ᵲ laboth n. hare, rabbit ¶ ᵲ labum n. drum † lach (N. lhach) n. (leaping) flame ◇ S/433, X/LH * lacha- v. to flame † lachenn n. Deep Elf (Sindarin name for the Noldor) ◇ WJ/384, X/ND4 ◇ lach+hend "flame-eyed" lad n. plain, valley ◇ S/433 † laden (N. lhaden) adj. open, cleared ◇ Ety/368, X/LH † lae (N. lhae) n. great number ◇ VT/45:27, X/LH † laeb (N. lhaeb, lhoeb) adj. fresh ◇ Ety/368, VT/45:26, X/OE, X/LH † laeg I (N. lhaeg, lhoeg) adj. keen, sharp, acute ◇ Ety/367, VT/45:25, X/OE, X/LH laeg II adj. "viridis", fresh and green ◇ Letters/282, Letters/382 ◈ Seldom used (replaced by calen) ᵲ laegnas n.abst.of laeg I sharpness, keenness laegel n. a Green Elf ◇ WJ/385 ◇ laeg+-el laegrim n. class pl. of laegel, the people of the Green Elves ◇ WJ/385 ◇ laegel+rim laer I n. season of summer ◇ LotR/D laer II (N. lhaer) n. song, long lay ← Laer Cъ Beleg S/406, VT/45:28, X/LH † laes (N. lhaes) n. baby ◇ Ety/367, X/LH † laew (N. lhaew) adj. frequent, many ◇ VT/45:27, X/LH † lagor (N. lhagr) pl. † legrin (N. lhegrin) adj. swift, rapid ◇ Ety/367, VT/45:25, Tengwestie/20050318, X/LH † lain I (N. lhein, lhain) adj. free, freed ◇ Ety/368, X/LH * lain II n. thread ← hithlain LotR/II:VIII, LotR/Index lalaith n. laughter ◇ S/406 ◇ MS *laleiθ, Q lala- "laugh" lalf pl. lelf n. elm-tree ◇ Ety/348 † lalorn n. elm-tree ◇ Ety/367, X/LH ◇ lalf+orn lalven n. elm-tree ◇ Ety/348 † lalwen (N. lhalwen) n. elm-tree ◇ Ety/367, X/LH lam I (N. lhamb, lham) n. physical tongue ◇ Ety/367, WJ/394, X/LH lam II n. language or dialect of a particular country or people WJ/394◈ lamath n.coll. of lam I, echoing voices ◇ PM/349 ᵲ lamdaen n. consonant ‘tongue-sign’ (Q. lambetengwл) ᵲ lammad n. voice lammas n. abst. of lam II, account of tongues ◇ LR/167, WJ/206, WJ/393, X/LH lammen n. my tongue (lam+-en) ◇ LotR/II:IV, PE/17 ◈See guren for a similar form lanc I n. naked ◇ UT/418 † lanc II (N. lhanc) n. throat ◇ Ety/367, X/LH lanc III n. sharp edge (not of tools), sudden end (as a cliff-edge, or the clean edge of things made by hand or built) ◇ VT/42:8 † land I (N. lhand) adj. open space, level ◇ Ety/368, X/LH, X/ND1 land II (N. lhand, lhann) adj. wide, broad ← Landroval LotR/VI:IV, Ety/367, X/LH, X/ND1 † lang n.Mil. cutlass, sword ◇ Ety/367, X/LH ᵲ lann n. tissue, cloth (Q lannл) † lant I n. clearing in forest ◇ Ety/368, X/LH * lant II. n. fall ← Lanthir S/406, PM/349 ◇ Q lanta lanthir n. waterfall ◇ S/406, PM/349 ◇ lant+sоr "falling stream" ¶ ᵲ lar n. fat, grease ᵲ lar- v. to hear † lasbelin (N. lhasbelin) n. season of autumn ◇ Ety/366-367, X/LH ◇ lass+pelin "leaf withering" lass (N. lhass) n. leaf ◇ Ety/367, Letters/282, TC/169, X/LH * lasta- v. to listen † lath (N. lhath) n. thong of leather ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ᵲ latha- v. to surpass (Q. lahta) † lathra- (N. * lhathra-) v. to listen in, eavesdrop ◇ Ety/368, X/LH † lathrada- (N. lhathrada-) v. to listen in, eavesdrop ◇ Ety/368, X/LH † lathron (N. lhathron) n. hearer, listener, eavesdropper ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ᵲ laub n. shirt, tunic † laug (N. lhaug) adj. warm ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ᵲ lausta- v. to make a rushing, roaring noise (generally of wind) † lav- (N. * lhaf-) v. to lick ◇ Ety/367, X/LH