Orn n. tree (such as ash or birch, not large trees) ◇ Ety/379, S/435, Letters/426 see also galadh
orod pl. ered (N. pl. eryd) n. mountain ◇ Ety/379, S/435, Letters/263, TC/178, RC/621 orodben n. mountaineer, one living in the mountains ◇ WJ/376 ◇ orod+pen orodrim n. class pl. of orod, range of mountains ◇ Ety/379 ◇ orod+rim ᵲ oronnad n. birthday (lit. ‘begetting day’, as Elves celebrate the conception not the birth) aur+onnad oroth n. rage (PE/17) * ortha- v. to raise ◇ Ety/379 * orthel- v. to roof, screen above ◇ Ety/391 orthelian n. canopy ◇ Ety/391 * orthor- v. to master, conquer ◇ Ety/395 ᵲ уrui adj. daily, commonly see also ilaurui os- pref. about, around ◇ Ety/379 * osgar- v. to cut round, to amputate ◇ Ety/379 osp n. reek, smoke ◇ Ety/396 ¶ ᵲ ospa- v. to smoke ost n. 1. city, town with wall round ○ 2. citadel, fortress or stronghold, made or strenghtened by art ◇ Ety/379, S/435, WJ/414, RC/232 othgar- v. to do wrong (PE/17) othgarn n. misdeed (PE/17) † othlonn (N. othlond, othlon) n. paved way ◇ Ety/370, X/ND4 ◇ ost+lond † othrad (N. ostrad) n. street ◇ Ety/383, X/Z ◇ ost+rвd † othronn (N. othrond.) n. fortress or city in underground caves, underground stronghold ◇ Ety/379, Ety/384, WJ/414, X/ND4 ◇ ost+rond Othui adj.num.ord. seventh ◇ VT/42:10,25 see also odothui ¶ ᵲ ott n. egg Ovor (N. ovr) adj. abundant ◇ Ety/396◈ see also ovras * ovra- v. to abound ◇ Ety/396 ovras n.abst.of ovor crowd, heap. ◇ Ety/396 P pad- v. to step (PE/17) * pвd n. way ← Aphadon (*ap-pata), Tharbad (*thara-pata) WJ/387, S/438 * pada- v. to walk ← Aphadon (*ap-pata), Tharbad (*thara-pata) WJ/387, S/438 ᵲ pae n. vegetable † paich (N. peich) n. juice, syrup ◇ Ety/382, X/EI palan- adv. afar, abroad, far and wide ◇ LotR/II:I, LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72-74 ◇ Q palan ᵲ palandir v. watch from afar ᵲ palan-hinnen adj. famous 'far-known' palath n. surface ◇ Ety/380 ᵲ pama- v. to vomit (Q. quama-) pвn I (N. pein) n. plank, fixed board (especially in floor) ◇ Ety/380, X/EI * pвn II adj. all, in totality ← mhellyn оn phain SD/129-31 panas n.abst.of pвn I, floor ◇ Ety/380 † pand (N. pann) n. courtyard ◇ Ety/380, X/ND1 pann adj. wide ◇ Ety/380 * panna- I v. to open, to enlarge ◇ Ety/380 † panna- II v. to fill ◇ Ety/366, X/Z pant adj. full ◇ Ety/366, SD/129-31 ᵲ pбphen rel. pron. everybody par- v. to peel (PE/17) paran adj. smooth, shaven (often applied to hills without trees) ← Dol Baran RC/433 Parch adj. dry ◇ Ety/380, VT/45:5 See also apharch parf pl. perf n. book ◇ Ety/380 parth n. field, enclosed grassland, sward ◇ UT/260, PM/330, RC/349 *partha- v. to arrange, compose path adj. smooth ◇ Ety/380 ᵲ patha- v. to smooth, iron * pathra- v. to fill ◇ Ety/366 pathred n. fullness ◇ Ety/366 † pathu (N. pathw) n. level space, sward ◇ Ety/380, X/W paur n. fist (often used to mean "hand", its chief use was in reference of the tighly closed hand, as in using an implement or a craft-tool, rather than to the fist used in punching) ◇ Ety/366, S/429, PM/179, PM/318, VT/47:8 paw n. sickness ◇ Ety/366 ᵲ pe conj. if (KWI- VT/49) ᵲ pй pl. pui n. lip * ped- v. to speak, to say ← pedo, arphent LotR/II:IV, TL/21:09 pedweg adj. talkative (PE/17) peg n. small spot, dot ◇ Ety/382 pel I pl. peli N. n. fenced field (= Old English tъn) ◇ Ety/380 ᵲ pel- II v. to fade * peleth n. fading, withering ← Narbeleth LotR/D * pelia- v. to spread ◇ Ety/380 * pelin n. fading, withering ← Lhasbelin Ety/366 pelthaes n. pivot ◇ Ety/380, Ety/390 * pen- I prep. without, lacking, -less ← Iarwain ben-adar LotR/II:II pen II relative pron. one, somebody, anybody ◇ WJ/376 penbed adj. unpronounceable (PE/17) pend (N. penn) n. declivity, slope ◇ Ety/380, RC/525, X/ND1 pendrath (N. pendrad) n. passage up or down slope, stairway ◇ Ety/380, X/ND3 ◇ pend+rath, pend+rвd peng n.Mil. bow (for shooting) ◇ Ety/366 pengolodh n. teaching sage, a doctor of lore, lore-master * penia- v. to fix, to set ◇ Ety/380 ᵲ penнdh adj. restless ᵲ penind adj. without inner thought, insane penna n. vowel, lit. ‘lacking’ VT/39 penna- v. to slant down ◇ LotR/II:I, RGEO/72 pennas n.abst.of pent, history, historical account ◇ Ety/366, WJ/192, WJ/206 penneth n. coll. of pend, ridges, group of downs ◇ RC/525 ᵲ pennig n. coin † penninor n. last day of the year ◇ Ety/400, X/Z ◇ pant+оn+aur pent n. tale ◇ Ety/366 ᵲ pephen rel. pron. if anybody, whoever (Q aiquen) per- pref. half, divided in middle * peredhel n. half-elf ◇ S/430, LotR/A(i) ◇ per-+edhel perian n. Hobbit, Halfling ◇ LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E, RGEO/75, Letters/308, X/ND4 ◇ per+-ian periannath n. coll. of perian the Hobbits, Halflings ◇ LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E-F, RGEO/75, Letters/308 perin adj. half, divided in middle ◇ Ety/380 ᵲ pess n. feather (Q quesse) pessa- v. to concern, to affect PE/17 pesseg n. pillow ◇ Ety/366 peth n. word ◇ Ety/366, LotR/II:IV, RS/463. pethron n. narrator, minstrel ◇ Ety/366 phaw- v. to emit foul breath (PE/17) ᵲ pholg n. pig pigen adj. tiny ◇ Ety/382 † pihen (N. pichen) adj. juicy ◇ Ety/382, X/Z ¶ ᵲ pil n. colour ᵲ pilin n. arrow ᵲ pim n. tail (Q pimpл, pimp) pоn adj. little ← Cыl Bоn RC/536 ◈ Similar words occur in Gnomish (pinig "tiny, little", PE/11:64) and in Qenya (pinea "small" etc., PE/12:73.