Студопедия — Buildings and grounds
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Buildings and grounds


1. campus [ uncountable; countable ] the land and buildings of a university or college, including the buildings where students live территория колледжа или университета; студенческий / университетский городок, кампус: Thousands of people rallied at the university campus in support of the hunger strikers.

on / off campus: Most first-year students live on campus. | Some students may choose to live off campus, in rented accommodation outside the university.

2. hall of residence | hall (esp. BrE) | dormitory | dorm (informal) | residence hall (AmE) [ countable ] a college or university building where students live (студенческое) общежитие: You may hear from your hall of residence about reunions they are organizing. | For a brief time they shared a room in hall. | Female students were required to live in dormitories or approved residences.

3. playground [ countable ] an area of land where children can play, especially at a school (usually a primary one) or in a park спортивная площадка; площадка для игр; детская площадка: The children were shouting and running in the playground. | Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground.

4. playing field [ countable ] a large area of ground where sport is played (usually at secondary schools) спортивная площадка: the playing fields of the girls' Grammar School | The school playing fields were marked out for football and rugby.

5. gym | gymnasium (formal) [ countable ] a special building or room that has equipment for doing physical exercise спортивный зал, спортзал: I try and work out at / in the local gym once a week. | It was raining, so we had to play football in the gym this afternoon.

6. school / assembly hall [ countable ] актовый зал (в школе)

7. great hall [ countable ] актовый зал (в колледже или университете)

8. classroom (1) [ countable ] a room that you have lessons in at a school or college класс, классная комната; аудитория: But teachers in the classroom argue that both methods have to be used side by side.

(2) [ singular ] the activities and methods involved in teaching аудитория, класс: School management is often too detached from the classroom.

classroom activity / activities / interaction / practice / teaching: Video can now be used mainly as a source of information and as a stimulus to classroom activity / activities such as debate and discussion. | The desire is rarely reflected in classroom practice. | This means developing presentational skills which have been part of effective classroom teaching for generations.

9. blackboard | chalkboard (AmE) [ countable ] a board with a dark smooth surface, often fixed to a wall, on which you can write and draw with chalk (used for teaching) классная доска: Nailed to the wall was a large blackboard with a compartment for chalk attached to it. | They insisted that the blackboard should be called the chalkboard.

10. whiteboard [ countable ] a board with a white smooth surface, often fixed to a wall, on which you can write and draw using special pens (used for teaching or giving talks) классная / белая доска: Projection on to the whiteboard is made directly, using the white surface as the screen.

11. staff room | faculty room (AmE) [ countable ] a room for teachers in a school учительская, преподавательская (комната): The staffroom is now alive with gossip.

12. common room [ countable ] (esp. BrE) a room in a school, college or university that teachers or students use when they are not teaching or studying комната для отдыха

13. library [ countable ] a place where books, documents, CDs etc are available for you to look at or borrow библиотека; читальный зал: a school / college / university / public library | She issued them library cards.

to borrow a book (from a library) | to take / get a book out (of a library) | to check a book out (of a library) (AmE): You can borrow a copy from any public library. | The library allows you to check out six books at a time.

to return a book (to a library) | to check in a book (at a library) (AmE): All the books are to be returned to the library before Friday.

14. lending library [ countable ] a library that lends books, records etc for people to use at home отдел абонемента в библиотеке; библиотека

15. reference library [ countable ] a public library or a room in a library, that contains reference books that you can read but not take away справочная библиотека; библиографический отдел библиотеки

16. medical room | sickroom [ countable ] a room where someone who is ill rests or gets medical treatment медицинский кабинет, кабинет врача

17. canteen [ countable ] (BrE) a place in a school, college, factory, office, hospital etc where meals are provided, usually quite cheaply столовая

18. refectory [ countable ] (BrE) a large room in a school, college or university where meals are served and eaten столовая: Fifteen staff work in the main refectory with four waitresses in the staff dining room.

19. cafeteria [ countable ] a informal restaurant, often in a factory, school, college etc, where you choose from foods that have already been cooked and carry your own food to a table кафетерий, кафе самообслуживания: Students complained about the cafeteria food.



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