1. to mark | to grade (esp. AmE) | to correct [ transitive; intransitive ] to correct mistakes in and give points for a student's piece of work ставить оценку / отметку, выставлять балл; оценивать: I spent the evening marking exam papers / first-year essays. | The teachers did not grade their own students' papers / tests / work. | In Russia work is marked out of five / from one to five / on a five-point scale / system. | The rough draft is graded on content, not on grammar. to mark strictly / stiffly / leniently | to be a strict / stiff / lenient marker строго / нестрого ставить оценки / отметки to mark sb down (for sth) to give a student a lower mark for their work for a particular reason снизить оценку: They'll mark you down for poor spelling. | Students will be marked down for failing to follow directions. 2. to mark [ transitive ] to indicate sth by putting a mark, e. g. a tick or a cross, on or against sth отмечать: to mark sth right / wrong | to mark a pupil present / absent | Any student who is more than twenty minutes late for class will be marked absent. 3. to score [ transitive ] (1) to get a particular number of points in a test получить оценку / отметку; набрать определенное количество баллов: She scored 18 out of 20 in the spelling test. | He scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests. | Students who listened to Mozart scored higher on IQ tests than those who took the test in silence. (2) to give a particular number of points in a test ставить оценку / отметку; дать определенное количество баллов: Responses to the individual items are scored on a scale ranging from 0 to 12. | The participants' answers were scored and the totals added up. 4. marking | grading | correction [ uncountable ] correction of mistakes in and giving points for a student's piece of work исправление (ошибок); проверка (работ): Please hand in your papers for marking / grading / correction. 5. mark (esp. BrE) [ countable ] a judgment, expressed as a number, percentage or letter, about the quality of a piece of work done at school, college or university оценка, отметка; балл: a good / high / bad / poor / low mark | Her marks have been a lot higher / lower this term. | His mark in / on / for the test / exam gave him a final average of 88%. full / top mark the highest possible mark отличная оценка, наивысший балл: I got full marks in the history test. | She's hoping to score full marks in the maths test. 6. grade [ countable ] a judgment, expressed as a number or letter, about the quality of a piece of work done at school, college or university оценка, отметка; балл: a good / high / bad / poor / low grade | I wasn't very happy with the grade on / for my essay. | I need a good grade in / on / for the test / exam. | You need to improve your grades. 7. mark | grade COLLOCATIONS to have / get / receive / gain / obtain / score a mark / grade (in / on / for a test / exam / essay / English etc) | to come out with a mark / grade: She's had very good marks / grades in / for English throughout the year. | He scored / obtained full marks in the test. | She came out with the highest marks in the class. to give sb a mark / grade (in / on / for a test / exam / essay / English etc): She had to give him full marks for originality. 8. pass mark / grade the mark / grade you need in order to pass an exam проходной балл: The pass mark was set higher for girls. | What pass mark / grade would they set for an examination they are about to sit? 9. pass rate | cut-off (point / score) [ countable ] a fixed point or level at which you stop including applicants; the number of applicants who are successful in a particular exam проходной балл: These courses proved highly popular with our lads and there was practically a hundred percent pass rate. | He maintains he achieved his high pass rate by year-long cramming with similar papers. 10. score [ countable ] the number of points a student has earned for correct answers in a test, especially an important exam given to a lot of students оценка, отметка; балл; количество баллов: He had an IQ score of 120. | The school's test scores have not improved. | Scores in / on / for standardized tests have been steadily falling over the past ten years. 11. credit [ countable ] a unit which represents a successfully completed part of a course of study; entry on a record to show that a course of study has been completed successfully (At some colleges and universities you need a certain number of credits to be awarded a degree.) зачетный балл, кредит: I don't have enough credits to graduate. | This course counts as one credit towards your degree. | He's already got a credit / three credits in earth science. | Applicants, providing that they are eligible to enrol on the programmes, may earn / get / gain credits in respect of recognized qualifications. 12. corrections [ countable ] marks or comments made on a piece of work, especially school work, which indicate where there are mistakes and what are the right answers исправления: I've made a few small corrections in your essay. | Corrections should be pencilled into the margins. | My essay was covered in corrections in red ink. 13. to go over sth to check something carefully проверять; перечитывать; повторять: Remember to go over your essay checking for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me. | Shall we go over your English exercises together? 14. to collect sth | to take / have sth in to get things and keep them together for a particular reason собирать: Collect the papers and put them in a pile on my desk. | I'll take your books in at the end of the lesson. | I must have your translation in by Friday. 15. to give (BrE) / hand sth in (to sb) to give a piece of homework to a teacher who is expecting it сдавать: All assignments must be given in (to your teacher) by Friday. | Did you hand your homework in on time? 16. to give / hand / sth out (to sb) | to give / hand sth back to give something to each student in a class раздавать; возвращать: The teacher asked her to hand out the worksheets. | Would you hand these papers out for me? | Exam papers will be given / handed back after the marks have been officially recorded. 17. strict (with sb / about sth) (adjective) someone who is strict has definite rules that they expect people to obey completely строгий, требовательный, взыскательный: a strict teacher | strict discipline | They are very strict with their children. | Most schools are quite strict about the way students dress. 18. lenient (with sb) (adjective) not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be expected снисходительный; мягкий; терпимый; нестрогий: The examiners were very lenient and gave her a pass. | Marking has become more lenient in recent years. | His parents are too lenient with him. | The younger teachers generally had a more lenient attitude towards their students. 19. leniency | lenience [ uncountable ] a lenient attitude or lenient behaviour снисходительность; мягкость; терпимость