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Tests and examinations


1. test [ countable ] a set of written or spoken questions used for finding out how much someone knows about a subject or what they can do тест; проверочная / контрольная работа; зачет: an achievement / assessment / aptitude / intelligence test | a difficult / demanding / easy test | a history test

test in sth (a broad subject): a test in history

test on sth (a particular topic): a test on irregular verbs

2. exam | examination (formal) [ countable ] a spoken or written test of knowledge or skill in a particular subject, especially an important one экзамен: How many pupils are taking the geography exam this term? | Students are not allowed to talk during the examination. | The examination / exam results / scores will be announced / posted up / will come out next week.

exam in sth: an exam in geography

3. test | exam | examination COLLOCATIONS

in / on a test / exam на экзамене: Did you get a good mark in the test / exam? | I came first in our exams and tests. | How did you do in your tests / exams? | How did you do on your maths test / exam? | Several students were caught cheating in / on the test / exam. | The brighter children tend to do somewhat worse on such exams.

to have / take / do / sit (BrE) (formal) a test / exam сдавать зачет / экзамен: I have a chemistry / history / English test tomorrow. | We have a test on irregular verbs tomorrow. | He's already taken the entrance examination. | At the end of each level, you take an exam. | Applicants are required to take a written test. | The class are doing / having a spelling test today. | They stay on to do the A-level exams because this is the route into full-time higher education. | I'd better go home – I've got to do an exam in the morning. | The kids are doing a test this morning.| He'll sit his exams next summer.

to give (sb) / administer / hold a test / exam проводить / устраивать зачет / экзамен: In an attempt to know how well students are learning these basic skills, school systems administer standardized achievement tests. | This week it is sending out instructions to members not to administer or mark the tests. | The exam will be held in June.

to create / set a test / exam готовить экзаменационные материалы: Teachers can use the program to create / set tests to check children's progress.

to retake / resit (BrE) an exam to take an examination again because you have previously failed it пересдавать экзамен: Anyone who scores under 70 percent will have to retake the exam. | She wants to retake her French A-level exam. | Owen is retaking two of his GCSEs. | It only makes sense to resit an exam if you strongly believe you will do better. | If you fail these exams, you can resit them next year. | If they fail, they can often resit the next year.

4. quiz [ countable ] (AmE) a short test that a teacher gives to a class, usually to check that students are learning the things they should be learning короткий тест, контрольный опрос: We have a history quiz / quiz in history every Monday. | He gave us a quiz on reading every other day.

5. pop quiz [ countable ] (AmE) a short test that a teacher gives without any warning, in order to check whether students have been studying короткий тест / контрольный опрос без предупреждения: There was a pop quiz in history at school today. | He likes giving pop quizzes, to see if the kids are remembering anything. | After an uproar, they will still have to pass a pop quiz.

6. retake | resit (exam / examination) (BrE) [ countable ] an examination or test that you take again because you have previously failed it; an act of taking an examination or test again because you have previously failed переэкзаменовка; пересдача зачета: The exam is in June. Retakes will be held in September. | I passed the test on the third retake. | Is a resit possible?

to do / sit a retake пересдавать экзамен / зачет: I'm doing my retakes next summer. | Can you sit a retake?

to do / take a resit пересдавать экзамен / зачет: She's got to do resits in French and German. | Students will normally return to the centre where they originally studied in order to take the resit exam.

7. to retake / repeat a course повторить курс (обучения): He decided to retake the course and try to get a higher grade.



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