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Homework and preparation


1. (home)work [ uncountable ] work that a student at school is asked to do at home домашнее задание, домашняя работа, задание на дом: to start / complete / finish one's homework | I need to help Sam with his history / geography / music homework.

for homework: For homework, I'd like you to finish exercises 2 and 3 on page 24. | We have two chapters to read for homework.

to have homework: I don't have any homework tonight.

to do one's homework: You can't watch TV until you've done your homework. | She has to stay home and do her homework.

to give / set (sb) homework | to give sb sth for homework: Mrs Burgess gives more homework than the other teachers. | The professor gave / set us a lot of work yesterday.

2. assignment [ countable ] (1) a piece of work that a student is asked to do задание: a homework assignment | a history assignment | short-term / long-term assignments | The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.

to give sb an assignment: At school, her teacher gives her extra reading assignments so that she can practise. | The activity section of each unit gives practical assignments for pair or group work.

to carry out / complete an assignment: In order to qualify for the award of a certificate, the candidate must complete at least four assignments successfully. | Please hand in your completed assignments by 30 October.

3. classwork [ uncountable ] work that students do in class, not as homework работа в классе / школе, классная работа: The units are ideal for classwork, but can also be used by students at home. | We are interested to know how much classwork any material can generate.

4. schoolwork [ uncountable ] work that students do at school or at home for school учеба: Johnny's had a lot of problems at home recently and it's starting to affect his schoolwork. | He has decided not to play football in order to focus on schoolwork.

5. preparation | prep (informal) (BrE) school work that students, especially students at private school and public school, do on their own, after classes have finished подготовка, приготовление уроков: to do one's French prep | Have you got much prep tonight?

6. to revise (BrE) | to review (AmE) [ intransitive; transitive ] to read and learn information that you have studied in order to prepare for an examination повторять, перечитывать, просматривать (материал перед экзаменом / зачетом): I've got to revise my geography. | We're revising (algebra) for the test tomorrow. | I'm reviewing (my notes) for the finals / final exams

7. to study / prepare / do preparation for an exam / test to learn the information you need to prepare yourself for an examination or test готовиться к экзамену / зачету: I've only got three weeks left to study for my exams. | Janet's studying for a degree in history. | In Japan, entrance exams are very important, and many children go to extra classes to prepare for them. | He didn't do enough preparation for his exam and failed.

8. to read up on / about sth to get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it специально изучать: I need to read up on my British history. | She spent the summer reading up on the subjects she would be studying at college.

9. to swot (BrE) (informal) | to cram | to grind (AmE) [ intransitive ] to study very hard, especially for an examination зубрить, долбить, подзубрить: He's sure to pass – he's been swotting away for months. | He swotted for his finals. | Everyone's cramming for their final exams. | They're grinding (away) for their exam. | They're grinding away at their French.

10. to swot up | to mug up [ transitive; intransitive ] (BrE) (informal) | to bone up [ intransitive ] (informal) to learn as much as you can about a subject, especially in order to prepare for an examination зубрить, долбить, подзубрить: I've got to swot up the French Revolution for tomorrow's test. | I swotted up on my Spanish / chosen subjects before the holiday. | I've got to mug up (on) my History before tomorrow's exam. | I have to bone up on criminal law for a test next week. | He's boning up for his final exams.

11. revision [ uncountable ] (BrE) the work of reading and learning information that you have studied in order to prepare for an examination повторение пройденного, подготовка к экзамену: How is your history revision going?

to do (one's) revision: She did no revision, but she still got a very high mark. | She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams. | Some girls prefer to do their revision at home.

12. review [ countable ] (AmE) a discussion of a particular subject that prepares you for a test; information or a practice exercise about a subject to be studied повторение пройденного, подготовка к экзамену: Don't miss class tomorrow – we're having a review of chapters three and four. | Their teacher distributed a review for the exam.

13. swot (BrE) (informal) | grind (AmE) (informal) [ countable ] someone who spends too much time studying and seems to have no other interests (used in order to show disapproval) зубрила: Everyone else in the class hated him because they thought he was a real swot. | At school I certainly wasn't a swot, but I wasn't a layabout, either.

14. to set ( BrE) | to make up (esp. AmE) [ transitive ] to choose the questions for an examination or test; to choose the books / texts to be studied for an examination or test готовить материалы / вопросы (к экзамену / зачету); подбирать обязательную литературу / литературу для обязательного чтения: The head teacher sets the questions for the English exam. | We must set the third-year exam (paper) this week. | Which books have been set for this year's English exam?

15. set book / text [ countable ] (BrE) a book / text that must be studied for an examination or test обязательная литература, книга / текст для обязательного чтения: Galsworthy was a set book: I felt I knew the Forsyte Saga by heart. | One of the set texts for Advent dealt with the birth of John the Baptist.



Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 661. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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