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The timetable and forms of teaching


1. timetable | schedule (AmE) [ countable ] a list of the times of classes at a school, college, or university расписание; календарный план: Storytime is a regular feature in the school timetable. | According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 am. | Options are offered subject to staff availability and the constraints of the timetable.

to draw up / prepare a timetable / schedule составлять / готовить расписание: At the beginning of each year a timetable is prepared and a group follows a clearly defined curriculum.

to be on the timetable / schedule быть / стоять в расписании: The first lesson on the timetable for Monday morning is history.

to put sth on the timetable / schedule внести что-л. в расписание

to fit sth into the timetable / schedule найти место в расписании для чего-л.

to take sth off / squeeze sth out of the timetable / schedule исключить что-л. из расписания: Latin and Greek will be squeezed out of school timetables.

2. to timetable | to schedule (AmE) [ transitive; intransitive ] to arrange the times at which classes will take place at a school, college, or university включать в расписание; составлять / планировать расписание: The lecture is timetabled for 5.00 p.m. | The course is timetabled for one period each week. | Disabled students are timetabled into ground floor rooms. | Timetabling is a nightmare for all schools.

3. timetable | teaching load [ countable ] the amount of work that a teacher has to do (преподавательская / учебная) нагрузка; загруженность (преподавателя): a full / heavy / tight / light timetable | He has a heavy / light teaching load this semester / term. | Members of the union will continue to teach their full timetables. | His teaching load amounted to three and a half hours daily for five days a week. | Teaching loads have increased this year.

4. session [ countable ] a period of time during which a particular subject is taught to a group of students (учебное) занятие, урок: a training / practice session for teachers about computers | We have five hours of English a week, including one session in the language laboratory. | Shakespeare was discussed during the morning session.

5. class [ countable; uncountable ] a period of time during which a particular subject is taught to a group of students (учебное) занятие, урок: I've got a French class / a class in French first thing this morning. | My last class ends at 4 o'clock. | Were you late for class this morning? | Classes have been cancelled today because of a staff meeting.

in / during class: No talking in class! | I was told off for talking in class / during French class. | We had to write an essay in class.

to attend a class: I used to attend his classes when I was in high school.

to miss a class: I missed Bible class last week.

to teach / take a class давать урок, проводить занятие / урок: Who teaches / takes your environmental studies class?

6. lesson [ countable ] (BrE) a period of time during which a particular subject is taught to a group of students, especially at school (учебное) занятие, урок: I'd like to talk to you at the end of the lesson. | As a researcher and teacher trainer, I watch dozens of lessons in primary and secondary schools. | How can we make science lessons more interesting?

to give sb lessons | to give lessons to sb: Andrew gives private Spanish lessons / lessons in / on Spanish. | She gives English lessons to business people in the evenings.

to have / take lessons брать уроки: She has never had / taken any acting lessons.

lesson plan план урока: She wanted lesson plans for a fortnight ahead. | I had to write a lesson plan for each lesson.

7. period [ countable ] a period of time during which a particular subject is taught to a group of students at school (учебное) занятие, урок: They have another period of science this afternoon. | At our school we have four periods in the morning and three in the afternoon. | What class do you have first period? | Mike's taking Spanish second period.

8. double period / lesson [ countable ] сдвоенный урок, "пара";: On Monday mornings there was French, English, and then a double period of maths. | I've got a double maths lesson next.

9. free period [ countable ] "окно" (в расписании преподавателя): Teachers should have at least one free period a day.

10. lecture [ countable ] a long formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, especially to students at a college or university лекция: a course / series of lectures | a public lecture | The course will be taught through a series of lectures and seminars. | In his lecture he covered an enormous variety of topics.

a lecture on / about sth: a lecture on linguistics | a lecture on / about the British legal system

to have a lecture: We have a lecture tomorrow.

to hold a lecture проводить / организовать лекцию: The lecture is going to be held next month.

to give / deliver a lecture (to sb) (on / about sth) читать лекцию: Tomorrow she will be giving a lecture at London University. | He regularly gives lectures on modern French literature. | He delivered a course of lectures on racial harmony.

to go to / attend a lecture: We went to a lecture on Italian art. | Very few students ever attended his lectures.

11. seminar [ countable ] (1) a small class of students at a college or university who study a particular subject and who meet for discussion with a teacher семинар: a Shakespeare / business seminar | a seminar on marketing

(2) a meeting at which a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to study and discuss something семинар; конференция специалистов; курсы повышения квалификации

seminar on / about / in sth: a seminar on / in political theory | I gave a seminar about the problems of the inflationary universe. | The Faculty runs courses and seminars in methods of Social Research.

to have a seminar: Every week we have a seminar on modern political theory.

to attend a seminar: More than 100 people attended the seminar.

to give a seminar: I'm giving a seminar on the latest developments in genetic engineering next week.

to conduct / hold / run a seminar: The school board engaged me as a consultant to conduct career development seminars. | Lobbying has become so refined that lobbyists now hold teaching seminars for one another. | The department runs a research seminar, with guest speakers and opportunities for postgraduate students to present their work.

to teach a seminar: In the spring semester Gordon taught two seminars and took on more than a dozen students for independent study projects.

12. tutorial [ countable ] a regular class at a British college or university during which a teacher discusses a particular subject with one student or with a small group of students консультация, встреча с руководителем: the tutorial system | Oxford's one-to-one tutorials are an effective but also costly way of teaching. | Small group tutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures. | The tutorial provides the opportunity to develop themes or discuss problems usually on the basis of written work.

tutorial on sth / with sb

to have a tutorial: We had a very interesting tutorial on climate change.

to conduct a tutorial: There is also some opportunity to conduct tutorials with undergraduates.

to attend a tutorial: The course is taught partly in College, where students attend lectures, seminars and tutorials, and partly in schools.

13. workshop [ countable ] a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by discussing their experiences and doing practical exercises семинар; практикум; симпозиум; мастер-класс; секция (на конференции): a drama / poetry / training / creative writing workshop

workshop on sth: It also holds workshops on media awareness training.

to hold a workshop: They held a number of workshops and seminars. |

to conduct / hold / run a workshop: The group of about 30 actors has toured the country and conducted summer workshops. | Each Sunday the Society will hold a workshop on growing plants. | In early March he took time out during the day to run a workshop in the school.

to give / offer a workshop: By day they give workshops in schools trying to de-mystify classic works for schoolchildren. | Still, it is sad that the King Centre no longer offers workshops on nonviolence.

to attend a workshop: I attended several workshops and was introduced to several software packages.

14. to lecture [ intransitive ] to give a long formal talk on a serious or specialist subject to a group of people, especially to students at a college or university читать лекцию / лекции

to lecture (on / in sth): Miss Paterson was invited to lecture and conduct courses for teachers at Yale. | He lectures on European art at Manchester University. | For ten years she lectured in law.

15. break [ countable; uncountable ] | break time [ uncountable ] the time during the school day when classes stop and teachers and students can rest, eat, play etc перемена, перерыв: The children have a fifteen-minute break at 11 o'clock. | I'll speak to you at / during break. | We've got English after break. | Could you come and see me during afternoon break? | They get together with their friends at break time.

16. lunch break / hour [ countable ] the time in the middle of the day when people at work or at school stop working to eat lunch большая перемена; перерыв на обед, обеденный перерыв: Come and see me in / during the lunch break. | Then we had a lunch break during which time the Head went round and awarded marks for the cleanest class.

17. extracurricular / after-school / out-of-school activities [ plural ] extracurricular activities are not part of the course that a student is doing at a school or college внеаудиторная работа: The students were chosen because of their strong leadership potential, academic achievement and involvement in extracurricular activities. | After-school activities became an unofficial part of the school curriculum.

to organize extracurricular / after-school / out-of-school activities: This school organizes a wide range of out-of-school activities.

to be involved in / with / participate in / engage in extracurricular activities: Most families lacked the money to get their children involved in / with extracurricular activities. | They tell us about how they gradually adjusted as they became more deeply involved in the classroom and extracurricular activities. | Each child participated in extracurricular activities at school.

18. parents' evening [ countable ] (BrE) родительское собрание: You can talk to your child's teacher at a parents' evening or open day.



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