Attendance and absence
1. to be present (at sth) to be at an event such as a meeting or a class присутствовать: The teacher keeps a daily record of who is present. | Among those present at the class were John and Peter. 2. to attend [ intransitive; transitive ] (1) to go to an event such as a meeting or a class посещать; присутствовать: All students were expected to attend. | I attended the classes / seminars / lectures for a month or two. (2) to go regularly to a school, college, or university регулярно ходить в школу: First-year students receive all the financial aid needed in order to attend. | He attended college after military service. 3. attendance [ uncountable ] the fact of being present at an event, such as a meeting or a class, or of going regularly to school, college, or university посещение; посещаемость: compulsory / regular / average / poor / low / good / high attendance | The schools agreed to reduce the dropout rate and improve daily attendance. attendance at sth: Attendance at lectures is compulsory. | It is a parent's responsibility to ensure children's regular attendance at school. 4. (attendance / class) register [ countable ] a book used to record whether a child is present at school журнал: If a child is absent, the teacher notes it down in the (class) register. | Teachers were reminded that school attendance registers were actually legal documents. to call / take the register / roll to say the names of the students in a class, to check who is there делать перекличку; вызывать по списку: At 9 o'clock the teacher calls the register. | The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent. 5. attendance record / figures / level information kept about someone's attendance данные посещаемости: If you look at his attendance record, you'll see that it is exceptional. 6. to miss | to be / stay away from | to be absent (from sth) [ transitive ] to fail to be present at an event, such as a meeting or a class, or to go to school, college, or university пропускать: I had to miss a week of school. | If you're absent more than five times, you fail the course. | He was absent from school without permission for three days. 7. to skip [ transitive ] (esp. AmE) to intentionally stay away from school or a class пропускать: He skipped chemistry class three times last month. | She's been skipping lessons all year. 8. to cut [ transitive ] (AmE) (informal) to intentionally stay away from school or a class пропускать: That's the second time you've cut class this week. | Your son has been cutting classes. 9. to truant | to play truant (from school) (BrE) | to skive (off) (school) (BrE) (informal) | to bunk off (school) (BrE) (informal) | to play hooky / hookey (AmE) to stay away from school without permission прогуливать: In his fourth year he was truanting regularly. | Parents often don't know their children are playing truant from school. | They skived (off) school / PE lessons to watch the football match. | It was a sunny day so they decided to bunk off school. | He played hooky again. 10. absence (from sth) [ uncountable; countable ] a period of time when someone is not at school, college, or university when they should be отсутствие; неявка: We are concerned about your child's frequent absences. | She has had repeated absences from school this year. to authorize an absence to give official permission for a person's absence an authorized absence отсутствие / пропуск по уважительной причине an unauthorized absence отсутствие / пропуск по неуважительной причине, прогул 11. absenteeism [ uncountable ] the practice of staying away from school, college, or university, usually without a good reason пропуски занятий, непосещение (школы), прогулы: a high / low rate / level / degree of absenteeism | In some colleges, teachers report a high degree of absenteeism by students. 12. truancy | truanting (esp. AmE) [ uncountable ] the practice of staying away from school without permission прогулы, пропуски занятий, непосещение (школы): a high / low truancy rate / level | a rise in truancy figures | instances of truancy | There is a connection between truancy and crime. | Schools need to reduce (levels of) truancy. | If the school's overall attendance rate is poor, then the school may well suspect a high level of condoned truancy. | Truanting is a small but growing problem in primary schools. 13. absentee [ countable ] someone who is not at school, college, or university when they should be отсутствующий, не явившийся; прогульщик: There are several absentees in the school this week. | Each week the City Attendance Officer called to check the registers for absentees. | We are able to identify absentees immediately. an authorized / unauthorized absentee: In June, 27% of their pupils were unauthorized absentees. 14. truant [ countable ] a child who stays away from school without permission прогульщик: About half in each case were categorized by their head teachers as casual or persistent truants. | He dropped out of the eighth grade because he was a truant of long standing. 15. truant (adjective) (esp. AmE) staying away from school without permission прогуливающий: Nick was truant seven days this month. 16. compulsory | obligatory | mandatory (for sb / sth) something that is compulsory must be done because it is a rule or law or because someone in authority orders you to обязательный; принудительный: compulsory education / schooling / attendance | School uniform is no longer compulsory in many British schools. | Maths and English are compulsory for all students. | Is attendance at school obligatory or optional in this country? | Attendance at school is mandatory. 17. optional (for sb / sth) something that is optional is available or possible if you want it, but you do not have to have it or do it необязательный; факультативный; дополнительный: Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain optional. | General Studies is optional for sixth-form students.