Студопедия — Qualifications
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1. to qualify (1) [ intransitive ] to pass an examination or finish a course of study so that you are able to do a particular job получить квалификацию: Andrew qualified (as a teacher) in 1995. | After qualifying in medicine, he worked for a time at City Hospital.

(2) [ transitive ] to give someone the necessary skills and knowledge so that they are able to do a particular job обучать для какой-л. цели, готовить к какой-л. деятельности; давать право заниматься каким-л. видом деятельности: Fluency in three languages qualifies her for work in the European Parliament. | This course qualifies you to teach in any secondary school.

2. qualification [ countable; usually plural ] an official record showing that you have finished a course of study, passed examinations at the end of it, and have a particular level of skill or knowledge in a subject; the examinations that you have passed квалификация; подготовленность: What qualifications do you need to be an English teacher?

academic / educational / vocational / professional / legal / medical / teaching / technical / secretarial / postgraduate qualifications: She left school at 16, with no academic / educational qualifications. | The two-year course leads to a teaching qualification. | We encourage our staff to expand their professional qualifications.

qualification for sth: The entry qualifications for the course are high. | You would need a postgraduate qualification for this job.

qualification in sth: These courses lead to recognized qualifications in art and design.

to study for a qualification: Each year some graduates take this opportunity while others study for a professional qualification.

to have / hold a qualification: I don't have a formal accountancy qualification. | You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications. | This trend has been accompanied by improved professional training and a significant rise in the numbers holding professional qualifications.

to get / gain / acquire / obtain / achieve / take a qualification приобретать / получать квалификацию: He didn't get any qualifications at school. | She gained a qualification in marketing. | The number of people obtaining / achieving basic craft qualifications has fallen. | Staff will be encouraged to take nationally recognised vocational qualifications.

to award / give (sb) a qualification присваивать квалификацию: They will be able to choose courses leading to qualifications awarded by national bodies. | A nationally recognised qualification should be awarded on successful completion of a validated course.

to improve a qualification повышать квалификацию: We will set up a statutory General Teaching Council to improve professional qualifications and set standards for teacher training and retraining.

to lack a qualification не иметь квалификации: Universities can admit carefully selected mature students even if they lack formal entry qualifications. | 40 percent of the prisoners lack any qualifications.

paper qualifications (BrE) official qualifications rather than experience or personal qualities

3. degree [ countable ] (1) a course of study at a college or university курс обучения (в колледже или университете), по окончании которого присваивается (ученая) степень: But do these programs really keep the pathway to a four-year degree open?

to do / take a degree (in a subject) (at a college / university) to study in order to get a degree: Maggie is doing a degree in psychology. | She's doing a degree at Exeter University.

to offer a degree предлагать / проводить курс: They're offering a degree in stage management. | The University also offers Master's degrees by research lasting 12 months.

to admit sb to a degree: No student can be admitted to a first degree unless he has completed full-time attendance for at least three university sessions.

(2) the qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed a course of study at a university or college (ученая) степень; звание; диплом: a medical / physics degree | a degree in medicine / physics | a college / university degree | I was convinced that without a college degree I could never succeed. | Many industrial production managers have a college degree in business administration or industrial engineering.

undergraduate / postgraduate / academic / advanced degree: People with excellent undergraduate degrees should not be deterred from applying. | Seventy-six percent of the delegates have either a college degree or postgraduate degrees.

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