Course of study
1. course | class / classes (AmE) | programme | program (AmE) [ countable ] a series of lessons or lectures in a particular subject, usually resulting in an examination or qualification курс обучения; курс лекций: a undergraduate / postgraduate / graduate course / programme | a training course / programme | a drama / journalism / secretarial / Spanish / linguistics course / programme | a course of study / instruction / lectures | course content / work | a research program | The course runs from September to November. | Our history course covered / dealt with / treated the 19th century. course / class / programme in / on sth: a course in music / economics | a class in photography at night school | a course on architecture | a class on dealing with stress to apply to a course / programme подавать заявление с просьбой принять на курсы: After getting his bachelor's degree he may apply to a graduate program. to enter / join a course / programme поступать на курсы: More than 80 percent of those on youth training gain a qualification or a job, or enter a further education course. | | I felt I had joined an Out-in-the-Open University crash course in bird identification. to enrol in / on / for / to sign up for / to register for a course / programme / a class / classes поступать / записываться на курсы: I enrolled in / on / for the English course. | They are eligible to enrol on these programmes. | A lot of students have signed up for this course. | An increasing number of students are registering for degree courses each year. to enrol sb in / on / for / to sign sb up for / to register sb for a course / programme / a class / classes записывать кого-л. на курсы: Isabelle enrolled her brother in a training programme for engineers. | They signed up / registered more students for the course. to begin / embark on / start a course / programme: She began / embarked on / started a twelve-week course on modern art. | He embarked on a crash course to get his state license to operate the plant. to do / take / follow / go on / attend a course изучать / проходить курс: Tim did a three-year course in linguistics at Newcastle. | I'd like to take a writing course when I retire. | Students following the Honours course are expected to study Islamic History. | Before moving to Paris, Michael went on an intensive course to improve his French. | I attended a course of lectures on women in fiction. to do / take / attend / go to a class / classes / programme: Undergraduates do a liberal arts course or a basic engineering program. | She's taking a class in art history / on dealing with stress. | They are attending a literacy class. | He attended evening classes at the local college. | I go to dance classes here in New York. to be (away) on / go away on a course: She's (away) on a time management course this week. | She's away on a training course. | They're going away on a training course next week. to teach a course / class / programme: The course is taught by lectures, seminars and tutorials, and is college based. | She teaches a course in stress counselling. | I taught a Sunday school class and sang in the church choir. to offer / run a course / programme предлагать / проводить курс: Polytechnics offer a wide range of advanced courses in many subjects. | The school runs courses for beginners. to complete / finish a course: He has successfully completed the advanced course in Business Management. to pass / fail a course to drop out of / withdraw from a course 2. curriculum (curricula / curriculums) [ countable ] (1) programme | program (AmE) the range of subjects that has been officially chosen to be taught at a school, college, or university учебный план: curriculum planning / development | All state schools follow the National Curriculum. | Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum. | The university curriculum is more academic than that of colleges of education. | Do we adequately cover the programmes of study? (2) syllabus (syllabuses / syllabi) a plan that states exactly what students at a school, college, or university should learn in a particular subject, especially a list of what they may be tested on in their examinations учебная программа (курса обучения / лекций); программа обучения: the history / English / science syllabus | the degree / diploma / GCE syllabus | Our mathematics curriculum is much broader now. | The summer term was very short and the teacher didn't manage to cover the whole syllabus. | The history syllabus is getting overcrowded / too heavy. 3. the national curriculum the set of subjects that children in England and Wales must study from the age of five to sixteen: to implement the national curriculum 4. curriculum | syllabus COLLOCATIONS to be on (BrE) / in (AmE) a curriculum / syllabus: Latin is still on the curriculum of many schools. | I see "Hamlet" on this year's syllabus for the English literature exam. | Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum for religious reasons. to introduce sth into / to put sth on a curriculum / syllabus включать / вводить / вносить в учебный план / учебную программу: A second foreign language has been introduced into the curriculum. | "The Merchant of Venice" has been put on the syllabus. to take sth off a curriculum / syllabus исключать из учебного плана / учебной программы: Greek has been taken off the curriculum. | This material should be taken off the syllabus. to design / develop / draw up a curriculum / syllabus разрабатывать / составлять учебный план / учебную программу: Are politicians the best people to be developing the educational curriculum? to follow a curriculum / syllabus руководствоваться учебным планом / учебной программой: Еhe art department at Redbrook Secondary School followed a fairly prescribed syllabus. to teach a syllabus: Some teachers might even choose to teach the entire history syllabus by working backwards from the present.