Types of subjects
1. subject [ countable ] an area of knowledge which is studied and taught at a school, college or university дисциплина, предмет: English was my favourite subject at school. | There appears to be no syllabus, no timetable, no formal division of work into school subjects, no specific playtimes. to study a subject: There were also sharp drops in the numbers wanting to study engineering subjects and pharmacy. | University offers a unique opportunity to study subjects not offered at school as well as those of which applicants may have some experience. to teach a subject: They would use new methods to teach traditional academic subjects and equip young people with technical skills. 2. discipline [ countable ] an area of knowledge which is studied and taught at a college or university дисциплина, предмет: History and economics only became separate academic disciplines in the 20th century. | The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students, who now prefer subjects such as business studies. | Recent historical studies stress the importance of scientific disciplines and research programmes. 3. subject area [ countable ] a particular subject or group of related subjects дисциплина, предмет; группа / цикл дисциплин / предметов: The course covers three main subject areas. | A choice of optional units is also available from other relevant subject areas. 4. academic subject / discipline / course теоретическая дисциплина, теоретический курс: Each academy has one integrated project that combines the career theme with the separate academic subjects. | The book brings together several academic disciplines. 5. vocational subject / course профессионально-ориентированная дисциплина, профессионально-ориентированный курс: Others might take two to four vocational courses at a community college or a technical institution. 6. compulsory subject / course a subject / course that a student must take обязательный предмет 7. optional subject / course | option (BrE) | elective subject / course (AmE) | elective (AmE) [ countable ] one of the subjects that a student can choose to study at school for an examination, or as part of a course at college or university, in addition to the courses they must take факультативный предмет: Spanish is an optional subject. | There are optional courses in sociology. | Several options are offered for the student's senior year. | I did an option in Korean Studies. | The students regard this subject as a soft option. (= easier than other optional subjects) | Elective courses vary from school to school. | A mixed group of students would be catered for by placing greater emphasis on electives. 8. core subject a subject that is compulsory in English schools for five- to sixteen-year-old pupils: The core subjects of the National Curriculum in England, which are compulsory for five to sixteen-year-olds, are English, mathematics and science. 9. foundation subject a subject that is studied and taught in English schools in addition to the core subjects: The second level of the National Curriculum is the so-called foundation subjects, which are technology, history, geography, music, art, physical education and, for secondary school pupils, a modern foreign language. 10. (the) arts | (the) humanities [ plural ] subjects of study that are not scientific, such as history, literature, philosophy and languages гуманитарные дисциплины / предметы / науки: an arts subject / course / degree / education / graduate / student / teacher | the Faculty of Arts | At school I was quite good at arts, but hopeless at science. | Children should be given a well-balanced education in both the arts and the sciences. 11. liberal arts [ plural ] (esp. AmE) subjects of study, such as history, literature, philosophy and languages, that give students a general education and teach them to think, rather than those subjects that develop practical skills гуманитарные дисциплины / предметы / науки; общеобразовательные дисциплины: a liberal arts college / degree / education / graduate / student / teacher | In the public sector, many managers have liberal arts degrees in public administration. 12. science [ uncountable ] | (the) sciences [ plural ] subjects of study such as biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and sometimes mathematics естественные науки: a science subject / course / degree / education / graduate / student / teacher | Are you going to specialize in arts or sciences? | No wonder only one in 10 university students studies science. 13. to specialize [ intransitive ] (1) to major (esp. AmE) | to read [ transitive; intransitive ] (BrE) (formal) to study something as your main subject at college or university специализироваться (в определенной области), (углубленно) изучать: After his first degree he wishes to specialize. | After she qualified as a lawyer, she decided to specialize in contract law. | She majored in philosophy at Harvard. | I read history at Oxford. | He is reading for a law degree. (2) to be an expert in a particular part of a subject or profession специализироваться, углубленно изучать: My history professor specialized in Russian history. 14. to minor [ intransitive ] (esp. AmE) to study something as your second main subject at college or university, in addition to your main subject, or major изучать предмет второй / дополнительной специализации / специальности: He minored in political science. | I'm planning to study computer science, but I still might minor in English. 15. specialization [ countable; uncountable ] the study of a particular part of a wider subject специализация: In the course I'm taking, there's no opportunity for specialization until the final year. | The course offers three areas of specialization – fine art, graphic design, and fashion. | This degree offers a major specialization in Social Policy alongside a course in Sociology. 16. major [ countable ] (esp. AmE) (1) the main subject that a student studies at college or university профилирующая дисциплина; основная специализация / специальность: Her major is history. | I'm changing my major to political science. | He would be going on to college and a major in Romance languages after high school. | One reason is a sharp drop in the number of undergraduate students choosing economics as a major. | English 4 is a requirement for English majors. (2) someone who studies a particular subject as their main subject at college or university студент, специализирующийся в определенной области: She's a history / philosophy major at Berkeley. 17. minor [ countable ] (esp. AmE) (1) the second main subject that a student studies at college or university, in addition to their main subject, or major непрофилирующая дисциплина; вторая / дополнительная специализация / специальность: He received a bachelor's degree in sociology, with a minor in literature. | I'm taking history as my minor. (2) someone who studies a particular subject as their second main subject at college or university, in addition to their main subject, or major студент, изучающий непрофилирующую дисциплину