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Primary and secondary education


1. school (1) [ uncountable; countable ] a place where children are taught школа

to start (a) school: Starting a new school can be quite frightening.

to go to / attend (a) school: Which school do you go to / attend?

(2) [ uncountable ] a day's work at school школа;занятия в школе; уроки: School starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3.30 p.m. | I'll see you before / after school.

to be at / in school: I can get some work done while the kids are at school. | Sandra's not in school today.

(3) [ uncountable ] the time during your life when you go to school школа: He's one of my old friends from school.

to be at / in school (BrE) (= attending a school, rather than being at college or university or having a job): We've got two children at school, and one at university.

to be in school (AmE) (= attending a school or university rather than having a job): Are your boys still in school?

to start / begin / enter school: British children start / begin school at the age of four or five. | Many of the students entering high school today will still be working in the year 2050.

to finish school | to leave school (BrE) | to graduate from school (AmE): He left school at 16 and went to work as a bank clerk. | Jerry graduated from high school last year.

(4) [ singular ] all the pupils and staff at a school школа;учащиеся и учителя одной школы: The whole school assembled in the hall.

2. state school (BrE) | public school (AmE) a school that is controlled and paid for by the government государственная школа

3. private school | independent school (esp. BrE) a school providing education that the children's parents pay for directly частная школа: In this very poor country, private school fees are beyond the means of much of the population.

4. fee-paying school a school which you have to pay to go to платная школа: Few parents can afford to send their children to fee-paying schools.

5. public school (BrE) a expensive private school for children aged between 13 and 18, where children usually live as well as study: She had a public school education.

6. primary school (esp. BrE) | elementary / grade school (AmE) a school where basic subjects are taught for the first six / eight years of a child's education начальная школа: I haven't seen her since we were at primary school together. | State pupils move / transfer automatically from primary to secondary schools normally at the age of 11.

7. infant school (BrE) a school or part of a school for children aged between four and seven / eight школа для малышей; дошкольное учреждение: Erik starts infant school in September.

8. secondary school a school for children between the ages of eleven and sixteen or eighteen средняя школа: As children enter secondary school, parents often do not have the necessary knowledge to help with homework. | One in four pupils leaving secondary school can't read or write properly. | Everyone in his family has at least completed secondary school. | She taught history at a secondary school.

9. comprehensive (school) a school in Britain for children between the ages of eleven and eighteen in which children of all abilities are taught free of charge общеобразовательная школа; единая средняя школа; комплексная школа: Kylie goes to the local comprehensive. | Nine out of ten secondary school children are in comprehensive schools.

10. grammar school a school in Britain, especially in the past, for children between the ages of eleven and eighteen who have passed a special examination to be allowed to go there классическая (средняя) школа: I went to the girls' grammar school down the road. | He is in the third year at Leeds Grammar School.

11. sixth form the highest level in the British school system (Children aged between sixteen and eighteen stay in the sixth form for two years while they prepare to take A levels [= the highest level of school exams].) шестой класс: She was in the sixth form at that time. | She didn't leave school after O levels but went on into the sixth form. | The sixth-form students are preparing to take their A levels.

12. sixth form college a type of school in Britain for students who are preparing to take A levels (= the highest level of school exams) колледж для старшеклассников: Entry to the profession may be either from school or sixth form college or from universities. | The sixth form college provides an excellent atmosphere and a valuable preparation for university. | University life had developed many of the traits he first revealed while he was in the sixth form.

13. junior high (school) a school in the USA and Canada for children aged between twelve and fourteen or fifteen неполная / младшая средняя школа: They spend three years in junior high school. | I teach history at the junior high school level.

14. high (school) | senior high (school) a school in the USA and Canada for children of fourteen or fifteen to eighteen years old (старшая) средняя школа: We were friends in high school. | He dropped out of high school.

15. preparatory school | prep school (informal) (1) a private school in Britain for children, especially boys, between the ages of seven or eight and thirteen, who will then usually go to public school подготовительная школа: I was then sent to an ordinary preparatory school for boys.

(2) a private school in the USA for students over the age of eleven, which prepares them for college подготовительная школа

16. crammer (school) [ countable ] (BrE) a special school that prepares people quickly for examinations курсы / школа по подготовке к экзаменам: Students attend crammers for mathematics and science. | I went for a term to a crammer and was accepted by Magdalen College.

17. special school (esp. BrE) a school for children who have physical, educational, or emotional problems специальная школа: The doctor recommended a place at a named independent special school.

18. specialized school специализированная школа

19. night school | evening classes classes in the evening for people who work during the day вечерние курсы, вечерняя школа (при техническом колледже или высшем учебном заведении): He earned his degree in night school. | He went to night school. | I've been going to evening classes to improve my German.

20. inner-city school a school situated in the central part of a city where poor people live and where there are often many social problems школа в бедном городском районе



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