Штатное расписание
1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.
2. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.
3. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases. to reduce / defuse (tension), to cause / create (tension), to be / pose (a threat), to prevent (a threat), to use force, to disintegrate, separatist, to establish / deploy (a peacekeeping force), peacemaker, mediator, (humanitarian) aid, to hold (talks), to find (a solution), to implement (a treaty), to break (an agreement), lasting (peace), fragile (peace) 4. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions. 1026. an official agreement that ends a disagreement 1027. to stop being part of a country and form an independent state 1028. a series of actions that are done in order to achieve peace 1029. a disagreement or fight in which neither opponent can do anything to win or achieve their aim 1030. the act of attacking a country, especially when that country has not attacked first 1031. to prevent further disagreement in arguments or war by giving to the other side an advantage that they have demanded 1032. the maintenance of international peace and security by the deployment of military forces in a particular area, especially the supervision by international forces of a truce between hostile nations 1033. the process of uniting groups or countries, or the fact that they have been united 1034. a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries 1035. to become weaker or less united and be gradually destroyed 1036. a law, rule, plan etc that protects someone or something from possible dangers or problems 1037. official discussions between the representatives of opposing groups who are trying to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics 1038. something you give or allow to someone in order to end an argument or a disagreement 1039. a person or organization that tries to end a disagreement between two people, groups, or countries by discussion 1040. concerned with improving bad living conditions and preventing unfair treatment of people 1041. a country that can influence events in different parts of the world 1042. the belief that war and violence are always wrong and that people should refuse to fight in wars 1043. a written agreement between two or more countries formally approved and signed by their leaders 1044. an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first, or the act of making this agreement 1045. the possibility that something very bad will happen 5. Explain the meaning of the words and phrases listed below. superpower, friction, ethnic cleansing, policy of appeasement, territorial integrity, self-determination, separatist, peace dividend, peaceful coexistence, mediator, to suspend negotiations, negotiated settlement, tacit agreement, to ratify a treaty, to meet sb halfway 6. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.
7. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary. 1046. The raid was an unjustifiable act ….. aggression. 1047. The two companies came ….. conflict. 1048. A decree in February banned the sale of weapons to countries involved ….. armed conflict. 1049. Peace cannot be imposed ….. force of arms. 1050. The principle of the right ….. national self-determination was then extended much more widely. 1051. Civil war could come if the country breaks …... 1052. Whole armies disintegrated ….. their component individuals and sub-groupings. 1053. As our older generation knows ….. experience, unchecked aggression against a small nation is a prelude ….. international disaster. 1054. For one day, at least, the two rival neighbourhoods united ….. a Parliament that they somehow linked ….. Catholicism. 1055. Party members will unite ….. a stronger candidate. 1056. From 1564 until 1585, England was ….. peace ….. most of her neighbours. 1057. The two armies made peace ….. each other in 1918. 1058. A country's army may be quite small ….. peacetime. 1059. However, this was not due ….. any genuine belief ….. pacifism. 1060. Singapore seceded ….. the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state. 8. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary. 1061. Negotiators were called in to mediate ….. the two sides. 1062. Switzerland's foreign minister served ….. an intermediary ….. the two countries. 1063. Two of the hostages were released ….. humanitarian grounds. 1064. The terms of the wage settlement are still ….. negotiation. 1065. We've reached a broad agreement, but the details are subject ….. negotiation. 1066. He is trying to involve community leaders ….. negotiations on reform. 1067. Then opposition leaders disagreed ….. whether to enter ….. talks ….. the President or organize a popular referendum against him. 1068. Talks broke ….. ….. how the city's money could be used. 1069. There's no easy solution ….. this problem. 1070. The negotiators came ….. an agreement that all troops would be withdrawn. 1071. We simply cannot compromise ….. the question of human rights. 1072. There is a necessary compromise which can only be arrived ….. in the context of a particular system. 1073. The company has already made several concessions ….. pay. 1074. Democrats plan to meet the Governor halfway ….. welfare cuts. 9. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary. cleansing, to reduce, self-determination, settlement, spread, to appease, agreement, armed, to constitute, peaceful, to disintegrate, integrity, stand-off, to compromise, to secede 1075. There is no sign of an end to the ….. between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police. 1076. Measures are needed ….. tension between the two states. 1077. The foreigners in Ottawa ….. an ominous threat to the integrity and autonomy of our province. 1078. All these problems have been aggravated by mistaken national policies and ….. conflicts. 1079. In late May, government forces began the ethnic ….. of the area around the town. 1080. Churchill was ready to make peace with Soviet Russia on the best terms available ….. the general situation. 1081. Separatist movements are a threat to the ….. of the nation. 1082. The right of national ….. could have no place in the party programme. 1083. The nation ….. under economic pressures. 1084. There are fears that Quebec may ….. from Canada. 1085. He campaigned for peace and against the ….. of nuclear weapons. 1086. There was a relatively ….. transfer of power from the military government to the new democracy. 1087. The treaty guaranteed the peaceful ….. of disputes between the two countries. 1088. The failure to reach ….. demonstrates the deep political passions aroused by discussions of Social Security. 1089. The new regime was prepared ….. on the oil dispute. 10. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary. to make, solution, secession, coexistence, to negotiate, peaceful means, friction, test ban, peace, peacekeeping, to enter into, go-between, to hold, to reach, to unite 1090. A United Nations ….. force has been sent to the area. 1091. A UN representative will act as a ….. for leaders of the two countries. 1092. Talks ….. in Madrid about the fuel crisis. 1093. His post-electoral challenge will be ….. his country and embark upon a real process of democratization. 1094. European governments are working together to find a ….. to the problem of nuclear waste. 1095. He ….. a similar treaty with Tripoli in 1659. 1096. We must also pursue a comprehensive ….. treaty. 1097. In the present context, the question is whether one State can ….. a treaty on behalf of another. 1098. Our two nations have enjoyed several decades of peaceful …... 1099. Talks are continuing in the hope that the two factions will ….. a compromise. 1100. Both sides involved in the conflict ….. some concessions in yesterday's talks. 1101. We must redistribute power in this country by …... 1102. By the end of the century, France had made ….. with Britain. 1103. More recently, the threat of Quebec's ….. confronted the country with the very real possibility of political breakup. 1104. Politics is a source of considerable ….. in our family. 11. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible. 1105. Была высокая вероятность того, что противостояние между РґРІСѓРјСЏ сверхдержавами приведет Рє вооруженному конфликту. 1106. Напряженность РІ отношениях между РґРІСѓРјСЏ странами достигла наивысшей точки. Поэтому РјРёСЂРѕРІРѕРµ сообщество должно принять меры для ослабления напряженности РІРѕ всем регионе. 1107. Проводимая политика неизбежно приведет Рє тому, что РІ РіРѕСЂРѕРґРµ усилятся трения между национальными меньшинствами. 1108. Страна столкнулась СЃ СѓРіСЂРѕР·РѕР№ терроризма. 1109. РЎРЁРђ вовлечены РІ конфликт РЅР° Ближнем Востоке. 1110. Пришедшие Рє власти боевики начали этнические чистки РІ столице республики. 1111. Ртот конфликт РЅРµ может быть разрешен силой оружия. 1112. РњС‹ РІСЃРµ должны объединиться для противодействия агрессии. 1113. Р’ сложившейся обстановке недопустимо проводить политику умиротворения РїРѕ отношению Рє агрессору. 1114. Политики РІ Западной Европе полагают, что объединение Европы РЅРµ представляет СѓРіСЂРѕР·С‹ для РРѕСЃСЃРёРё. 1115. Министр иностранных дел заявил, что Германия нарушила территориальную целостность его государства. 1116. Р’ чем состоит разница между сепаратизмом Рё правом нации РЅР° самоопределение? 1117. Римская империя распалась РІ результате целого СЂСЏРґР° разнообразных причин. 1118. Несколько республик заявили Рѕ своем стремлении выйти РёР· состава многонационального государства. 1119. Подписанный РґРѕРіРѕРІРѕСЂ позволил установить прочный РјРёСЂ РІ регионе. 1120. РћРЅ посвятил РІСЃСЋ СЃРІРѕСЋ жизнь Р±РѕСЂСЊР±Рµ Р·Р° РјРёСЂ. 12. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible. 1121. Успех переговоров будет способствовать РјРёСЂРЅРѕРјСѓ сосуществованию государств, расположенных РІ этой части РђР·РёРё. 1122. РћРћРќ приняла решение разместить РІ этой стране РІРѕР№СЃРєР° РїРѕ поддержанию РјРёСЂР°. 1123. Миротворцы, представляющие разные страны Европы, выступили РІ качестве посредников между воюющими сторонами. 1124. Ртой стране крайне необходима гуманитарная помощь. 1125. Две соседние страны РІ результате переговоров договорились Рѕ заключении соглашения Рѕ прекращении РѕРіРЅСЏ. 1126. РњС‹ полагаем, что РІСЃРµ конфликтные ситуации должны решаться путем переговоров. 1127. Правительство вступило РІ переговоры СЃ РњР’Р¤ относительно РЅРѕРІРѕРіРѕ займа. 1128. Мирные переговоры потерпели неудачу РёР·-Р·Р° неконструктивной позиции РѕРґРЅРѕР№ РёР· враждующих сторон. 1129. Подписанный РґРѕРіРѕРІРѕСЂ гарантирует политическое урегулирование всех разногласий между РґРІСѓРјСЏ соседними странами. 1130. Министры иностранных дел обеих стран заняты поисками взаимоприемлемого решения проблемы. 1131. Недавно еще РѕРґРЅР° страна подписала РґРѕРіРѕРІРѕСЂ Рѕ нераспространении ядерного оружия. 1132. Нам необходимо заключить целый СЂСЏРґ соглашений СЃ государствами региона. 1133. РћРґРЅР° РёР· сторон потребовала включить РІ РґРѕРіРѕРІРѕСЂ РІСЃРµ необходимые гарантии. 1134. Наша партия РЅРµ готова пойти РЅР° РєРѕРјРїСЂРѕРјРёСЃСЃ РїРѕ РІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃСѓ РѕР± экономической политике правительства. 1135. Р’Рѕ время переговоров ожидалось, что противоположная сторона пойдет нам РЅР° уступки.
Штатное расписание