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saying – поговорка

drop the ball = make a mistake

be on the fence about something – раздумывать, пытаться принять решение

come up with an idea придумать идею

offer smb a raise предложить к-л повышение оплаты



Type 0 Conditionals (general truth)

# If it rains, the road gets slippery and dangerous.

(Если идёт дождь, дорога скользкая и опасная.)

Present ► ◄ Present

Present ► ◄ Present


Type 1 Conditionals (real present about the future)

# If we work hard, we willfinish the project on time.

(Если мы будем хорошо работать, мы вовремя закончим проект.)

Present► ◄ Future

Present► ◄ Future

Type 2 Conditionals (unreal present)

#If I won the money, I would buy a new car.

(Если бы я выиграл деньги, я бы купил новый автомобиль)

Past Simple► ◄ would V1

Past Simple► ◄ would V1

Type 3 Conditionals (unreal past)

#If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have made a mistake.

(Если бы я тогда был более внимательным, я бы не сделал ошибку)

Past Perfect► ◄ would have V3

Past Perfect► ◄ would have V3

Mixed Conditionals ( Type 2 ► ◄;Type 3)


#If you were polite, you wouldn’t have spoken to your boss like that.

Если бы ты был вежлив (всегда), ты бы не разговаривал так со своим боссом (тогда).


#If she had not missed the train she would be here now.

Если бы она не опоздала на поезд (тогда), она была бы здесь сейчас.

NB: If I were you…

Compare: # If I were you I would do it. # If I were you I would’ve done it.

если бы я был на твоём месте, я бы сделал это (сейчас) (вчера)



1. If the police had more evidence, they ___________________ (arrest) him.

2. I am sorry. If I had known it was your birthday, I _____________ (buy) you a present.

3. I am not sure what I am doing tonight, but if I go out, I _____________ (phone) you.

4. I would not have been late for school if the bus ___________________ (be) on time.

5. He is dangerous. I __________________ (not /speak) to him if I were you.

6. "But I cannot afford a holiday". Yes, I know. But where _____________ (you /go) if you could afford one?

7. I _____________________ (go out) if it had not been raining.

8. I would lend you the money if you really ____________ (need) it. But you have got lots.

9. If I had known the film was on TV, I _________________ (no/go) to bed so early.

10. If you _____________ (use) this dictionary I will borrow someone else's.

11. I _________________ (can/ come back) later if you are busy.

12. I'd come out, if I ____________(not/ feel) so tired.

13. I would have worked much harder if ____________________ (want)

14. If I could live anywhere in the world, I ________________ (choose) Paris.

15. If I _____________________ (work) harder, I would have passed the exam.

16. If the police question you, _____________________ (tell) them the truth.

17. Unless we _______________ (leave) now, we will miss the start of the film.

18. She would not have stolen the money if her children ______________ (not/be) hungry.

19. I ___________ (not/go) to the party unless you go too.

20. If people did not use their cars so much, it __________________ (be) traffic jams.

21. If you had a lot of money, you _____________________ (buy) a big house.

22. I _________________ (not/have) the accident if I had driven more carefully.

23. If I had had enough money, I ___________________ (buy) some new jeans.

24. If I had known it was going to be such a boring party, I _______________ (not/come)

25. You will never learn English, unless you ____________________ (study)

26. If you do not study you ____________________________ (not /pass)

27. If you are feeling ill, __________________________ (not/ do) homework.

28. If I drink too much coffee I ____________________ (not/can/sleep).

29. Milk keeps longer if you _______________________ (put) it in the fridge.

30. If I ___________________ (be) you, I would not go.





1. If the police had more evidence, they would arrest him.

2. I am sorry. If I had known it was your birthday, I would have bought you a present.

3. I am not sure what I am doing tonight, but if I go out, I will phone you.

4. I would not have been late for school if the bus had been on time.

5. He is dangerous. I would not speak to him if I were you.

6. "But I cannot afford a holiday". Yes, I know. But where would you go if you could afford one?

7. I would have gone out if it had not been raining.

8. I would lend you the money if you really needed it. But you have got lots.

9. If I had known the film was on TV, I would have not gone to bed so early.

10. If you use this dictionary I will borrow someone else's.

11. I can come back later if you are busy.

12. I'd come out, if I didn’t feel so tired.

13. I would have worked much harder if I had wanted

14. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose Paris.

15. If I had worked harder, I would have passed the exam.

16. If the police question you, tell them the truth.

17. Unless we leave now, we will miss the start of the film.

18. She would not have stolen the money if her children hadn’t been hungry.

19. I will not go to the party unless you go too.

20. If people did not use their cars so much, it wouldn’t be traffic jams.

21. If you had a lot of money, you would buy a big house.

22. I wouldn’t have had the accident if I had driven more carefully.

23. If I had had enough money, I would have bought some new jeans.

24. If I had known it was going to be such a boring party, I wouldn’t have come.

25. You will never learn English, unless you study

26. If you do not study you won’t pass

27. If you are feeling ill, don’t do homework.

28. If I drink too much coffee I cannot sleep.

29. Milk keeps longer if you put it in the fridge.

30. If I were you, I would not go.

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Homework for the | Read new articles 1, 2 underline what you agree with

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