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Соотнесите английские слова и словосочетания из текста с их русскими эквивалентами.

1. a particular social setting a) установление авторства
2. fingerprint identification b) напечатать заявление подозреваемого
3. questions of authorship c) диктовать кому-либо чье-то повествование
4. to accuse each other of plagiarism d)заявление, приписываемое кому-либо
5. to type the suspect’s statement e) достоверность заявлений, сделанных полицейским
6. to reflect a way of phrasing f) дела, связанные с загрязнением продукции
7. the statement attributed to smb g) определенная ситуация общения
8. authorship attribution h) запустить в производство что-либо под знаменем
9. product contamination cases i) вопросы авторства
10. to launch smth under the banner j) установление личности по отпечаткам пальцев
11. the authenticity of police statements k) отражать формулировки
12. to dictate smb’s narrative to smb l) обвинять друг друга в плагиате

Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения.

1. In the phrase “applied statistics” the word “applied” means that the theory underpins a particular science to the practice of that science.

2. The application of linguistic knowledge to the legal settings is called forensic linguistics.

3. Linguistics is the interface between language, crime and law.

4. Forensic Linguistics is as old as other disciplines, such as fingerprint identification and shoeprint analysis.

5. Questions of authorship have exercised minds since the times of Ancient Greece.

6. According to Judges’ Rules suspects were to dictate their narrative to police officers.

7. Police officers were to interrupt suspects for making different clarifications.

8. Typically, a police officer asks a series of questions, takes down notes and then writes or types the suspect’s statement in the words of the suspect.

9. In the USA police officers are obliged to advise arrestees that they need not speak unless they wish to, that they are entitled to have a lawyer present, and that anything they say can be used against them in court.

10. Nowadays we can easily have fast food at ‘McDonald’s’ and stay at a cheap hotel ‘McSleep’.

11. Different forensic activities are closely connected with authorship identification.

12. Today forensic linguists deal with authorship attribution in terrorist cases, product contamination cases and suspicious deaths.

10. Переведите предложения. Определите функцию глагола “to be” в предложениях.

  1. Forensic Linguistics is referred to as an application of linguistics.
  2. The word applied is not necessarily being used in the same sense as, for example, in the phrase applied statistics, where what is being applied is a theory underpinning a particular science to the practice of that science.
  3. Forensic Linguistics is, rather, the application of linguistic knowledge to a particular social setting, namely the legal forum.
  4. For a long period in English law a set of rules had been established regarding the interrogation of witnesses, in particular how statements were to be taken from them.
  5. These prescriptions were known simply as Judges’ Rules.
  6. Police officers were not to interrupt suspects, and that questions were not to be asked of the suspect at the statement stage except for minor clarifications.
  7. The first example of expert evidence being given from the witness box on this matter was at a murder trial.
  8. In the US there were many Miranda cases.
  9. Anything they say can be used against them in court.
  10. In this case the plaintiff was not just claiming implicit ownership of a name, but over a morphological principle, namely the attachment of a particular prefix to any noun.
  11. In a broad sense to be an author is to possess the language you are using.
  12. It is the use of language to produce a text over which you as the author have control, and whose course you are free to direct.


Дополните предложения, в соответствии с содержанием текста.

  1. Forensic Linguistics is _____________.
  2. In its broadest sense Forensic Linguistics is ______________.
  3. Judges’ Rules are ________________.
  4. ‘Police register’ is _______________.
  5. Miranda caution is _______________.
  6. The status of trademarks is ____________.
  7. The thread which connects many of different forensic activities is ___________.
  8. An author is ________________.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 565. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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