The language used in the questioned text or speech record is of great importance because each and every individual possesses certain characteristic features which will help to identify the geographical origin, age, occupation, sex, education, and religious background by the study of the language used in it. In recent years many researchers explored the area of authorship identification in electronic messages and proposed different classification techniques with multidisciplinary approach to identify the author of the unknown text with greater accuracy. Practical applications for authorship attribution have grown in areas such as intelligence (linking intercepted messages to each other and to known terrorists), criminal law (identifying writers of ransom notes and harassing letters), civil law (copyright and estate disputes), and computer security (tracking authors of computer virus source code). This activity is the part of a broader growth within computer science of identification technologies, including biometrics (retinal scanning, speaker recognition, etc.), cryptographic signatures, intrusion detection systems, and others. The main problem of author identification is the factor of anonymity, the individual tries to refrain the basic identity information i.e. gender, age, occupation etc. Forensic authorship identification is accomplished through the analysis of style in written language, i.e. linguistic stylistics. Stylistics exploits the two principles of inherent variability in language: no two writers of a language write in exactly the same way, and no individual writer writes the same way all the time. Forensic stylistics is the examination of style in language for the purpose of resolving litigated questions relating to disputed authorship or meaning. Forensic stylistics has been presented as evidence in a wide range of legal cases, mostly concerning the identity of the author of a document. Forensic stylistic analysis makes use of stylistic analysis and reaches a conclusion and opinion related to the authorship of a questioned writing within the context of litigation. Stylistics is the scientific study of patterns of variation in written language. The object of study is the language of a single individual (idiolect), resulting in a description of his or her identifying linguistic characteristics. Individuality in writing style results from a given writer’s own unique set of habitual linguistic choices. Identification and analysis of a writer’s choices, i.e., of his or her style-markers, constitute stylistic analysis, which is well established as a method of author identification in literary and forensic contexts. Application of linguistics tools also extends the principles of psycholinguistics techniques to sketch the offender profile which can be used to identify anonymous letters writers and any person who makes written or spoken threats of violence. The field of psycholinguistics is concerned with the relationship between linguistics and the psychological processes. Linguistic features also help in linking the individual motive (mens rea - “guilty mind”) by analyzing character styles and personality traits to understand or to predict criminal behavior. Analysis of the spoken or written words of the offender can greatly assist forensic scientists in identifying a perpetrator, as it can offer insight into the offender's age, race, gender, level of education, religious or spiritual beliefs, geographic and socioeconomic background, culture, and ethnicity.
Спорное авторство; классификационные методы; многодисциплинарный подход; биометрия (технология идентификации личности); стилистический маркер (указатель); расследование, (научное) исследование; портрет преступника, уголовное право; вариативность языковых средств; гражданское право; лингвистическая стилистика; распознавание; установление авторства; спорный (конфликтный) текст; письма, угрожающего характера; сканирование сетчатки глаза; привычные языковые предпочтения; психолингвистика; способность проникать в суть вещей (интуитивное понимание).