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Models: It isn’t true to fact – Это не соответствует действительности. That’s right – Совершенно верно. I disagree with it – Я не согласен с этим.
1. Forensic stylistics is the application of the science of linguistic stylistics to forensic contexts. 2. The focus of forensic stylistics is speaker identification of questioned audio. 3. Linguistic stylistics use many approaches to authorship identification. 4. Qualitative and quantitative methods are always applied separately. 5. Typical cases of questioned authorship present a questioned writing to be compared to the known reference writings of one or more candidate authors. 6. The writing style is exhibited in underlying linguistic patterns internal to the habitual language used by the author.
Заполните схему соответствующей информацией из текста. Опираясь на схему, напишите аннотацию текста на английском языке. Напишите аннотацию текста на русском языке. Выступите в качестве переводчика. Q: Какова роль интуиции в работе эксперта-лингвиста? A: Intuition is the analyst's use of his or her own judgment to discover linguistic variation and suggest initial hypotheses to investigate. As a speaker or writer of the language and as a linguist, the analyst uses introspection to start the process of analysis. Q: Какой метод стилистического анализа более объективный - качественный или количественный? A:.Stylistic analyses are both qualitative and quantitative, but the description of written language is the first and most important means for discovering style variation and identifying the writer of a document. The focus of a qualitative study of writing is a systematic linguistic description of what forms are used by a writer and how and why they may be used. Q: Каковы способы аргументации при проведении судебно-автороведческой экспертизы? A: The scientific basis of the argument is that of any empirical study: observation, description, measurement, and conclusion. In the specific case of authorship studies, the argument is as follows:
UNIT 3. PLAGIARISM Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Do you know what plagiarism is? 2. How can you define plagiarism? 3. Do you know the types of plagiarism? 4. Is it easy or difficult in your opinion to detect the cases of plagiarism? 5. Have you ever plagiarized? 6. In what professional spheres do people often face the cases of plagiarism? 7. Do students often plagiarize writing their term-papers? 8. Is plagiarism a crime? 9. Should people be punished for plagiarism? 10. What punishment would you establish for plagiarism if you were a legislator?
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