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Britain in the XХ Century and in the Modern World


Neville Chamberlain Winston Churchill to negotiate advance to retreat the miracle of Dunkirk “Sea Lion” Air Force Battle of Britain the Commonwealth recovery the Marshall plan welfare state Swinging Sixties branches of economy Margaret Thatcher life expectancy quality of life privacy fellow traveler restraint to express passions amateur perambulator announcer Навилль Чемберлен Уинстон Черчилль вести переговоры наступление отступить чудо Дюнкерка «Морской лев» авиация битва за Британию Содружество восстановление план Маршалла социальное государство свингующие шестидесятые отрасли экономики Маргарет Тэтчер продолжительность жизни качество жизни частная жизнь попутчик сдержанный выражать чувства любитель коляска диктор


The River’s Tale


by Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936), abridged

Twenty bridges from Tower to Kew –

Wanted to know what the River knew,

Twenty Bridges or twenty-two,

For they were young, and the Thames was old

And this is the tale that River told:-


“I walk my beat before London Town,

Five hours up and seven down.

But I’d have you know that these waters of mine

Were once a branch of the River Rhine,

When hundreds of miles to the East I went

And England was joined to the Continent.

“I remember the bat-winged lizard-birds,

The Age of Ice and the mammoth herds,

And I remember like yesterday

The earliest Cockney who came my way,

When he pushed through the forest that lined the Strand,

With paint on his face and a club in his hand.

He was death to feather and fin and fur.

He trapped my beavers at Westminster.

While down at Greenwich, for slaves and tin,

The tall ___ 1 ___ ships stole in,

And life was gay, and the world was new,

And I was a mile across at Kew!

But the ___ 2 ___ came with a heavy hand,

And bridged and roaded and ruled the land,

And the ___ 2 ___ left and the ___ 3 ___ blew in –

And that’s where your history-books begin!”



What is Cockney?


In Kipling’s poem Cockney means “primitive man” or “barber”, the word is used in figurative sense, but what do you know about Cockney in the main meaning?

The term often refers to working class Londoners, particularly inhabitants of the East End. Also it means the form of English spoken by this group. The traditional features of Cockney English using d or t instead of th and double negative, for example “He did’t know nothing” instead of “He knew nothing”.

There is a traditional definition of a “true” Cockney. He is someone born within earshot of the Bow Bells, the bells of St Mary-le-Bow church in the City of London, which is not itself in the East End.

The etymology of the word is connected with the period, when the Normans, French-speaking people, conquered England. They named London as the “Land of Sugar Cake” - Old French “pais de cocaigne”. It meant an imaginary land of idleness and luxury. Further the word “Cocaigne” got a humorous sense referred to common people. The most famous Cockney are Charlie Chaplin and David Beckham.


The Roman Centurion’s Song

by Rudyard Kipling


Legate, I had the news last night – my cohort ordered home

By ships to Portus Itius and thence by road to Rome.

I’ve marched the companies aboard, the arms are stowed below:

Now let another take my sword. Command me not to go!


I’ve served in Britain forty years, from Vectis to the Wall,

I have none other home than this, nor any life at all.

Last night I did not understand, but, now the hour draws near

That calls me to my native land, I feel that land is here.


Here where men say my name was made, here where my work was done;

Here where my dearest dead are laid – my wife – my wife and son;

Let me work here for Britain’s sake – at any task you will –

A marsh to drain, a road to make or native troops to drill.


Legate, I come to you in tears – My cohort ordered home!

I’ve served in Britain forty years. What should I do in Rome?

Here is my heart, my soul, my mind – the only life I know.

I cannot leave it all behind. Command me not to go!


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 564. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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