What are the main financial risks for companies doing business overseas? The first risk area obviously has to do with the customers' credit rating and status. There's always the danger that the customer does not pay for the goods you have supplied. But there are quite a lot of other country-related trade risks which need to be considered.
Could you give some examples? Well, this could be anything that delays or stops trade or payment e.g. some unexpected economic measures, political unrest, import bans, or breakdown of banking systems in the country you are doing business with.
What can traders do to minimize financial risks? Before doing business abroad, it is essential to investigate both customer and target country carefully. Check whether the potential customer is solvent, then study your target country's accounting and credit practices and learn something about import and export procedures. To reduce the risk of nonpayment, you can take out an export credit insurance policy.
What payment methods would you recommend for exporting goods? That's a difficult question to answer. The exporter should, of course, always try to minimize financial risk by choosing a secure payment method e.g. advance payment or a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit. On the other hand, that's not always possible or even desirable. Why is that? Well, if you want to do business in a country or market, you have to see what payment facilities your competitors are offering and offer something similar - even if that's not what you really want. And sometimes exporters may decide against secure payment methods such as a letter of credit because the bank charges are high and eat up their profits
CLUES ON DISCOURSE ANALYSIS POINTS OF REFERENCE 1.Reading Advice. 2.Advice on the Stylistic Analysis of Texts. A.General Considerations. B.Fiction. C.Non-Fiction. 3. Assignments and Recommendations to Specimen Texts. 1. Reading Advice Advice on how to perform Stylistic Analysis and its various models may be found in the following publications available at the libraries. 1.Arnold I.V., Dyakonova N.Y. Three Centuries of English Prose. Emotive Prose and Drama. – Leningrad: Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1967. – «Comments». 2. Dyakonova N.Y. Three Centuries of English Poetry. Leningrad: Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1967. – «Comments». 3. Арнольд И.В. Интерпретация английского художественного текста. Лекция на английском языке. – Ленинград: Изд.-во ЛГПИ им. А.И. Герцена, 1983. – 40 с. 4. Байков В.Г. «Рисовые зерна», доминанты или светские разговоры? (заметки о границах интерпретационного акта) // Нариси досліджень у галузі гуманітарних наук в педвузі. Збірник наук. та наук.-метод. праць. – Вип. 2. Том 2. – Горлівка: ГДПІІМ, 1996. – С. 7-25. 5. Borisova L.V. Interpreting Fiction. Prose. – Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola, 1987. 6. Galperin I.R. An Essay in Stylistic Analysis. Four Sonnets by W.Shakespeare and Ch.Dickens’s «A Christmas Carol». – Moscow: Higher School Publ., 1968. 7.Gilyanova A.G., Ossovskaya M.I. Analytical Reading. – Leningrad: Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1978. 8. Иванова Т.П., Брандес О.П. Стилистическая интерпретация текста (non-literary texts). – М.: Высшая школа, 1991. 9. Khokharina-Semernya L.M. Advanced English. – Kiev: Vyshcha Shkola Publ., Second Edition, 1973. – P. 182-189. Third Edition, 1983 – P. 183-190. 10. Kukharenko V.A. A Book of Practice in Stylistics. – Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola Publishers, 1986. – 144 p. Second Edition Revised. – Vinnytsa: Nova Knyha, 2000.– 160 p 11.Кухаренко В.А. Практикум по интерпретации текста. – М.: Просвещение, 1987. – Часть 1. (Emotive Prose). 12.Пелевина Н.Ф. Стилистический анализ художественного текста (Poetry and prose). – Ленинград, 1980. 13.Prokhorova V.I., Soshalskaya E.G. Oral Practice through Stylistic Analysis. – Moscow: Vyshaya Shkola Publ., 1979. 14.Смирнова Н.Е., Арасланова Р.Ш. Практикум по аналитическому чтению. – Минск, 1977. 15.Solovyova N.K., Kortes L.P. Interpretation of English Poetical Texts. – Minsk: Vysheishaya Shkola Publishers, 1986. 16.Soshalskaya E.G., Prokhorova V.I. Stylistic Ana1ysis. – Moscow: Higher School Publ., 1976. 17.Sosnovskaya V.B. Analytical Reading. – Moscow: Higher School Publ., 1974. 18.Методические рекомендации по лингвистическому анализу художественно-публицистического текста на занятиях аналитического чтения (для студентов 3 курса), на англ. языке /Сост. Л.И.Сердюкова.—Горловка: ГГПИИЯ, 1989.—24 с.
19.Методические указания к лингвостилистическому анализу английского текста на занятиях аналитического чтения (для студентов 4 курса), на англ. языке /Сост. Л.И.Сердюкова.—Горловка: ГГПИИЯ, 1989.—23 с. 20. Методические указания к лингвостилистическому анализу английского текста на занятиях по аналитическому чтению (для студентов 5 курса), на англ. Языке /Сост. В.Г.Байков, Л.И.Сердюкова.—Горловка: ГГПИИЯ, 1988.—32 с. 21. Yefimov L.P., Yasinetskaya E.A. Practical Stylistics of English.— Vinnyts‘a: Nova Knyha, 2004.—P. 174—176.= Єфімов Л.П., Ясінецька О.А. Стидістика англійської мови і дискурсивний аналіз.—Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2004.—С. 174—176. 22. Zoz O.A. Literary Discourse and Stylistics. A Guide to Stylistic Analysis of Literary Texts = Зоз О.А. Літературна комунікація і стилістика. Практикум зі стилістичного аналізу текстів.—Горлівка: ГДПІІМ, 2002.—64с.