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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


4. My sister looks unwell. (Who)

5. He is tired because he works hard. (Why)

Exercise 5. Change these complex sentences into simple ones using the Objective Infinitive Complex as in the example.

We didn't expect that the patient would become alert so soon. - We didn't expect the patient to become alert so soon.

1.1 haven't seen how surgeons close wounds in layers.

2. The doctors didn't expect that the patient would recover his consciousness so soon.

3. We know that this surgeon treats perforated ulcers skillfully.

4. They did not notice how I entered the room.

5. The surgeons expect that the patient will be ready for the operation in time.

6. The doctor considers that my eyesight is good.

7. The professor thinks that the postoperative course of the patient will be uneventful.

8. Everybody knows that rapture of the spleen is dangerous to life.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English, use the Objective Infinitive Complex.

1. Лікар попросив хворого роздягтися до пояса.

2. Пацієнт попросив медсестру виміряти йому кров'яний тнск.

3. Я попросив медсестру дати мені направлення на рентген.

4. Ви коли-небудь бачили, як травматолог вправляє вивих?

5. Ви коли-небудь бачили, як хірург обробляє руки перед операцією?

6. Мені хотілося б, щоб цей хворий одужав якнайшвидше.


III. Independent Work: Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Exercise 1. Read the text, translate it, write down new words into your vocabulary.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

There are numerous medicines which are used to relieve pain in bones and joints. Doctors very often administer "Butadionum" in such cases as arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.

The action of "Butadionum" is anti-inflammatory and against local pain. "Reopirinum" has softer action than "Butadionum" and it is used in the same cases as the latter.

There are many new drags which are compatible with "Butadionum" and "Reopirinum". They are used to intensify their action or to substitute them. For example, the ointment "Indometacinum" is more effective than "Butadionum". Its action is more intense. This drug is also characterized as anti-inflammatory, anti-fever and sedative medicine.

A common side effect of all these medicines is rash on the skin. In such a case you must stop using the ointment at once and consult a doctor.

Maybe the doctor will prescribe you other drugs or use the ointment in combination with vitamins or something else.

The newest ointment "Finalgonum" is the best for your muscles, bones and joints. It immediately stops even severe pain and its action continues during three to six hours.



anti-inflammatory - протизапальний

tO relieve 'ШСГІ0К0ПИ

local pain місцевий біль to substitute замінити anti-fever - жарознижуючий


Exercise 2. Make up a dialog: you are a traumatologist and you receive a patient with severe pain in his knee.

1. Ask him: a) his name, age; information about his family, etc.;

b) what's happened; what troubles him; when he fell ill.

2. Comment your examination of the patient; some instructions to him (to place his extremity, to move his joints, to bend and to unbend); your information to your patient; your prescriptions and advice.

3. Explain the action of drugs that you prescribed for the patient (use information of the text).




I Speaking Musculoskeletal System
II Grammar Subjective Infinitive Complex (§98)
III Independent Work Muscle Tissues



I. Speaking: Musculoskeletal System


After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

- name the main functions of the muscular system;

- differentiate between voluntary and involuntary muscles;

- describe the structure of skeletal muscles;

- explain the attachments of muscles to bones;

- show the blood supply of the muscles;

- name groups of muscles;

- list major muscular disorders.

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words.


English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
motor apparatus apparatus motoris руховий апарат
myology myologia міологія, вчення про м'язи
muscle ['ma:sl] museums/my (o)- м'яз
tendon ['tendon] tendon сухожилок
fascia [Tasfb] fascia фасція
cutaneous muscles musculi cutanei м'язи шкіри
muscles of the head musculi capitis м'язи голови
muscles of the neck musculi colli м'язи шиї
muscles of the back musculi dorsi м'язи спини
thoracic muscles musculi thoracis м'язи трудної клітки
abdominal muscles musculi abdominis м'язи живота
muscles of the upper limb musculi membri superioris м'язи верхньої кінцівки
muscles of the lower limb musculi membri inferioris м'язи нижньої кінцівки
fiber [Taibo] fibra волокно
spasm ['spc£zm] spasmus спазм,судома
atrophy ['astrsfi] atrophia атрофія
dystrophy ['distrofl] dystrophia дистрофія
myasthenia myasthenia міастенія
myalgia myalgia міалгія
tendinitis tendinitis тендиніт
natfoot   плоскостопість


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.


Musculoskeletal System


Muscles are the active part of the motor apparatus; their contractions produce various movements. Functionally all muscles are divided into voluntary and involuntary muscles.

Voluntary muscles consist of striated muscle tissue and contract by the will of man. This group includes all muscles of the head, trunk and extremities, i.e. the skeletal muscles, as well as those of some internal organs (tongue, larynx, etc.).

Involuntary muscles consist of smooth muscle tissue and are found in the walls of internal organs, blood vessels and in the skin. The contractions of these muscles are not controlled by man.

It should be remembered that the heart muscle, although its contractions are not controlled by the will, consists of striated muscle tissue with a special structure.

The human body contains more than 650 individual muscles anchored to the skeleton, which provide pulling power so that you can move around. These muscles constitute about 40 % of our total body weight.

Skeletal muscles are complex in structure. They consist of muscle fibers of different length і up to 12 cm); the fibers are usually parallel to each other and are united in bundles. Each length

muscle is composed of many such bundles. There are tendons at the ends of muscle by mean? of which they are attached to bones.

The muscles points of attachment to bones or other muscles are designated as origin or insertion. The point of origin is point of attachment to the bone to which the muscle is anchored The point of insertion is the point of attachment to the bone the muscle moves. Generally, the muscles are attached by tough fibrous structures called tendons. These attachments bridge one or more joints and the result of muscle contraction is movement of these joints. The body is moved primarily by muscle groups, not by individual muscles. These groups of muscles power all actions ranging from the threading of a needle to the lifting of heavy weights.


Exercise 3. Look at Fig. 8-1. Explain how the muscle is attached to the bones.


Exercise 4. Make a plan of the text, use sentences from it.

Exercise 5. Find English equivalents of the following sentences:

1. Функціонально всі м'язи поділяються на вольові та мимовільні.

2. Мимовільні м'язи складаються із гладенької м'язової тканини.


3. У людському тілі більше ніж 650 самостійних скелетних м'язів, що складають близько 40 % усієї ваги тіла.

4. На кінцях м'язів знаходяться сухожилля, за допомогою яких м'язи прикріплені до кісток.

5. Нерви з'єднують м'язи і центральну нервову систему.


Exercise 6. Differentiate voluntary and involuntary muscles. Where are they found?


Exercise 7. Describe the skeletal muscles:

a) their form;

b) structure;

c) blood supply;

d) groups of muscles.


Exercise 8. Look at Fig. 8-2, 3 and read the names of all the muscles of the human body (front and back).

Exercise 9. Read the text, translate and title it.

Spasm is a sudden and involuntary muscular contraction. It is always painful. The example of spasm is bellyache or colic. Atrophy may occur in a wasting or decrease in the size of a muscle. Strains and sprains are

typical injures that often affect muscles. Muscular dystrophy is a hereditary disorder. Myalgia means 'muscular pain'. Myositis is a term that indicates actual inflammation of muscle tissue. Fibrositis means "inflammation of connective tissue". Tendinitis is an inflammation of muscle tendons and their attachments occurs most often in athletes.

Flaffoot is a common disorder in which the arch of the foot (підйом ступні), the normally raised portion of the sole, breaks down so that the entire sole rests on the ground. Wearing properly fitted shoes and walking with the toes pointed straight forward may help to prevent flatfoot and other painful foot disorders.

Exercise 10. Make a list of muscular disorders.

Control Tests. Musculoskeletal System

1. What are the functions of the musculoskeletal

A. Moving

B. Transporting

C. Building

D. Moving and supporting

E. Supporting

2. What is the skeleton?

A. The framework of bones

B. The composition of bones

C. The box of bones

D. The building of bones

E. Lazy bones

studies bones and their

3. What science diseases?

A. Myology

B. Osteology

C. Cytology

D. Histology

E. Neurology

4. What science studies muscles and their

A. Osteology

B. Gynecology

C. Therapy

D. Myology

E. Cardiology

5. The human skeleton consists of____ parts.

A. 1

B. 5

C. 4

D. 2

E. 3

6. The bones of the skull are____.

A. built closely

B. movable

C. ssolated

D. immovable

E. simple

7. The skull has____ bones.

A. 26

B. 20

C. 40

D. 16

E. 21

8. The skull consists of____.

A. facial part

B. facial and cranial parts

C. cranial part

D. the head

E. all answers are wrong

9. What is the function of cartilages?

A. Connective

B. Supportive

C. Transporting

D. Protective

E. Osteopoiesis

10. What for are there joints between the

A. To connect bones together

B. To connect bones and let them to move

C. To move bones

D. To protect bones from injury

E. To prevent injuries

11. There are many____ in the spine.

A. ligaments

B. bones

C. cartilages

D. joints

E. vertebrae

12. The___ and____ form the chest.

A. ribs and breastbone

B. trunk and limbs

C. scapula and clavicula

D. maxilla and mandibula

E. upper and lower limbs

13. The only movable bone in the skull is the
lower jaw. What for?

A. To open the mouth and chew

B. To smile

C. To breathe

D. To open bottles

E. To speak english

14. Arthritis is____.

A. lack of calcium

B. inflammation of a joint

C. bone abscess

D. hypovitaminosis

E. dead bone tissue

15. What bone is absent in the upper limb?

A. Humerus

B. Femur

C. Ulna

D. Radilus

E. Phalanges

16. Wrhat bone can't we see in the leg?

A. Femur

B. Tibia

C. Fibula

D. Knee cap

E. Ulna

17. What vertebrae can't we name?

A. Cervical

B. Coccygeal

C. Thoracic

D. External

E. Lumbar

18. The joints allow the bones_____.

A. to make noise

B. to move

C. to work together

D. to step

E. to dance

19. A break of bones is____.

A. fracture

B. rupture

C. suture

D. mixture

E. tincture

20. The science dealing with the effect of
drugs on living organisms is____.

A. pathology

B. pharmacology

C. phytotherapy

D. biology

E. chemistry


21. Novocaine is the medicine for relieving

A. headache

B. heartache

C. local pain

D. toothache

E. earache

22. Pain in joints is____.

A. arthralgia

B. arthroporosis

C. arthropoiesis

D. arthrogenesis

E. arthrotomia

23. What does the term "scoliosis" mean?

A. Breastbone curvature

B. Spinal curvature

C. Bone curvature

D. Rib curvature

E. Joint curvature

24. What is the structural unit of bones?

A. Ganglion

B. Osteon

C. Nephron

D. Neuron

E. Acinus

25. How many bones are there in the human

A. 216

B. 156

C. 168

D. 249

E. 170

26. How many pairs of ribs are there?

A. 6

B. 7

C. 10

D. 12

E. 3

27. The largest muscle of the spine is______.

A. naiTow

B. wide

C. latissimus

D. widest

E. latior

28. What main groups of muscles do you

A. Flexor and extensor

B. The head, trunk and extremities

C. Voluntary and involuntary

D. Anterior and posterior

E. Front and back

29. What is diaphragm?

A. The largest respiratory muscle

B. The longest respiratory muscle

C. The narrowest respiratory muscle

D. The type of respiration

E. The septum between cavities

30. What is the definition of the term

A. Inflammation of muscles

B. Rupture of muscles

C. Lack of power of muscles

D. The tumor of muscles

E. Smooth muscle

31. What parts does the trunk consist of?

A. The spine

B. The vertebral column

C. The chest, spine and pelvis

D. The chest and pelvis

E. A great number of vertebrae

32. What part contains the brain?

A. Belly

B. Chest

C. Abdomen

D. Cranium

E. Trunk

33. What must we do in case of dislocation?

A. Apply mustard plasters

B. Apply splints

C. Set a bone

D. Choose a diet

E. Jump upstairs

34. Inflammation of bones and joints is______.

A. synarthrosis

B. arthritis

C. osteoarthritis

D. arthralgia

E. osteoporosis

35. What is the medical meaning of the
musculus gluteus maximus?

A. To apply cups

B. To apply mustard plasters

C. To give medicines

D. To make injections

E. To sit still

36. What medicinal form is most usually used
to relieve local pain in muscles?

A. Dragee

B. Tincture

C. Tablet

D. Powder

E. Ointment

37. What muscles don*t belong to the head?

A. Chewer muscle

B. Skull muscle

C. Superior oblique muscle of the head

D. Musculus spinalis capitis

E. Sternal muscle

38. First aid in fracture of the limb is_____.

A. to put plaster casts

B. to use splints for broken limb

C. to let the person move

D.to put bandage on the place of fracture

E. to press on the place of pain

39. What kinds of fractures do you know?

A. Open and closed

B. High and low

C. Oval and round

D. Painful and painless

E. Big and small

40. What method is used to determine

A. Operation

B. X-rays

C. Bronchoscopy

D. Narcosis

E. Palpation

41. What does the term "sprain" mean?

A. Перелом

B. Вивих

C. Забій

D. Розтягнення

E. Контузія

42. What is the English for the term "розрив"?

A. Fracture

B. Break

C. Wound

D. Injury

E. Trauma

43. What term is used to name the endings of
the tubular bone?

A. Hypophysis

B. Diaphysis

C. Epiphysis

D. Epiphysitis

E. Epicrisis

44. What bone has the shape of a plate?

A. Flat bone

B. Knee cap

C. Tarsal bone

D. Heel bone

E. Os breve

45. The hospital department where patients
with injuries are treated is called_____.

A. Surgical department

B. Maternity department

C. Traumatology department

D. Neurology department

E. Dermatology department

46. What must you do immediately in case of
open fracture?

A. Stop the bleeding

B. Put a wet cloth on the wound

C. Apply a splint on the broken limb

D. Use X-rays to see the break

E. Make the dressing secure


47. In case of injury of the spine you mustn't

A. speak with the patient

B. render first aid

C. relive the patient's pain

D. wash the patient's face

E. move the patient

48. What term doesn't mean "ушкодження"?

A. Sleep

B. Bruise

C. Wound

D. Break

E. Fracture

49. The longest bone of the chest is_____.

A. Femur

B. Sternum

C. Tibia

D. Humerus

E. Ulna

50. The science which studies the structure of
the human body is____.

A. Myology

B. Osteology

C. Anatomy

D. Histology

E. Biology



II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to one-ones, that-those.

1. I don't like this book, give me another one. 2. The bones of the extremities are longer than those of the spine. 3. The bones of the skull are those which compose the head and face. 4. This lecture is more interesting than the one I attended last week. 5. The weight of the lung is less than that of the heart.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. "What (to be) you doing now"? "I (to be) preparing for my physics test". 2. Yesterday from 2 till 6 o'clock we (to be) working in our scientific laboratory. 3. When I was at my sister's at 4 p.m. yesterday she (to be) learning Latin. 4. Tomorrow at 5 p.m. I (to be) preparing a lecture.

Exercise 3. Make up disjunctive questions based on the following sentences.

1. All patients are usually excited before the operation. 2. The tablets which you took weren't sweet. 3. He has a very high blood pressure. 4. These patients will be well again soon. 5. There are many slips on the registering clerk's table. 6. There wasn't any serious complication after measles. 7. There were some out-patients in the room. 8. Your respiration doesn't accelerate after physical work. 9. The doctor noted some changes in the lung. 10. The course of physiotherapy will arrest the process of inflammation.


Exercise 4. Translate the sentences, name the function of the infinitive in the sentences.

1. To save this patient's life doctors decided to perform the operation. 2. To save patient's life is necessary. 3. This man to be rendered first aid suffers from heart disease. 4. They want to render him first aid. 5. It is necessary to examine this man, to render him first aid. 6. The patient to be operated on was brought to the operating room. 7. To prevent the danger of infection the surgeons use sterile instruments. 8. To prevent the danger of infection is very important. 9. Measures to be taken to protect the health of people are various. 10. They want to prevent the danger of infection. 11. The patients to be admitted to this department suffer from pneumonia. 12. To transfuse blood from one person to another the medical staff must have some technical skills.

Exercise 5. Substitute complex sentences with the Subjective Infinitive Complex, use the model.

Model: It is said that the experiments are very interesting. The experiments are said to be very interesting.

1. It is known that streptomycin is the substance of the highest antibacterial activity. 2. It was said that constriction of the stomach muscles was the most probable diagnosis. 3. It is believed that he is an excellent surgeon. 4. It appeared that he had been wounded. 5. It seems that the disorder is curable.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences, underline the Subjective Infinitive Complex, use the model.

Model: She is known to be an expert nurse.

Відомо, що вона досвідчена медсестра.

1. The doctor was expected to come tomorrow.

2. The operation was supposed to have been duly performed.

3. The condition of the patient was reported to be hopeless.


III. Independent Work: Muscle Tissues

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Muscle Tissues

Muscle is composed of elongated cells which have the power of contracting or reducing their length. This property of contraction is ultimately a molecular phenomenon and is due to the presence of protein molecules which can stretch out or shorten. The following three types of muscle occur in the body.

Smooth muscle is found in sheet or tubes forming the wall of many hollow or tubular organs, for example the bladder, the intestines or blood vessels. The cells forming this tissue are long spindles with a central oval nucleus. They are usually packed together with a little connective tissue between them.

Striated muscle is found in masses of various shapes usually directly or indirectly attached to bone and forms the fleshy party of the body. It is composed of cylindrical fibers often of great length in which separate cells cannot be distinguished. Many small nuclei are found in the fibers and lie just under the surface. Fibrils are present running lengthwise along the muscle fibers and show alternate light and dark bands which give an appearance of striations across it. Bundles of fibers form the muscle which is embedded in connective tissue.

Cardiac muscle which is found only in the heart forms the bulk of its substance and resembles striated muscle except that the nuclei are placed centrally. The fibers form a continuous network but each cell functions as separate unit.

These three types of muscle have different types of action as follows:

1) Smooth muscle cells act in conjunction with one another though influenced by nerves, can function when they have no connection with the central nervous system. They contract slowly but can maintain this contraction for long periods.

2) Striated muscle, on the other hand, contracts quickly, rapidly becomes fatigued and has no function unless it is connected through nerves with the central nervous system.

3) Cardiac muscle has the power of rhythmical spontaneous contraction which is affected by nervous influences but carries on independently of its nervous connection.

Exercise 2. Make up a plan of the text.

Exercise 3. Choose sentences about the differences in muscles structure. Exercise 4. Put sentences in the correct order.

1. Bundles of fibers form the muscle which is embedded in connective tissue. 2. Cardiac muscle has the power of rhythmical spontageous contraction. 3. The following three types of muscle occur in the body. 4. Striated muscle is found in masses of various shapes. 5. Smooth muscle is found in sheet or tubes forming the wall of many hollow or tubular organs. 6. Muscle is composed of elongated cells.





  Speaking Skin (Integumentary System)
II Grammar 1. Prepositional Infinitive Complex (§99). 2. Особливості перекладу інфінітивних комплексів (§100)
III Independent Work Taking Care of Skin and Its Appendages


I. Speaking: Skin (Integumentary System)

After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

- describe the layers of the integumentary system;

- describe the appendages of the skin, their function and location;

- list the main functions of the skin;

- give the information about observation of the skin;

- list the main diseases of the skin.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words, remember their Latin/Greek equivalents.


English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
skin cutis/dermato- шкіра
epidermis epidermis епідерміс
dermis dermis дерміс
dermatitis dermatitis дерматит
eczema eczema екзема
hair capilli волосся
eyebrows supercilia брови
cilia cilia вії
beard [bisd] barba борода
nail [neil] ungius ніготь
papillae papillae сосочки
sweat [swet] sudor/hidr(o)- піт
sweat glands glandulae sudoris потові залози
integument integumentum покрив
sebum ['skbsm] sebum/lipo-, steato- сало, лій
sebaceous [si'beifas] sebaceous сальний
perspiration [,p3:sp3'r3ijh] perspiratio потовиділення
sunburn combustio опік
furuncles ['Аиоглпкіг] furunculi фурункули
carbuncles ['ка:Ьлпк1г] carbunculi карбункули
herpes ['li3:pi:z] herpes герпес, лишай
urticaria [,3:ti'keorio] urticaria кропивниця
decubitus ulcers [di'kju:bit?s'Als3z] decubitus ulcus пролежні


Exercise 2. Read the text and translate it.




The skeleton is covered by the skin, by the layer of subcutaneous tissue and fat, and by the muscles.

The skin consists of two layers: an outer layer termed the epidermis, and an inner layer termed the dermis.

The epidermis is composed of a number of layers of cells which vary in shape from above downward. The cells in the surface layers are flat. Those in the layers lower down are round or many-sided; the cells in the deeper layers are column-shaped, and possess great vitality and power of reproduction.

The dermis is composed of a mass of loosely connected fibers which can be divided into two layers.

An outer layer is raised into a great number of conical or finger-like projections termed papillae. Each papilla contains blood vessels and nerve endings and also the rudiment of a hair. An inner layer consists of bands of connective tissue interlacing with each other and permeated by blood vessels, glands and fat.

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Растягивание костей и хрящей. Данные способы применимы в случае закрытых зон роста. Врачи-хирурги выяснили...

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