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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


c) Newspapers, that was it! There was a pile of them in the corner, and I scattered them
over the floor and the bed. This was a common practice in the district and if Mr. Percy Cudlip
knew how many babies were born yearly on the "Daily Herald", he would be most surprised.
I put a bowl with hot water on the table, took some soap and brush from the bag and started

"Oh, Doctor, Doctor!" cried the mother. "Calm down!" I said quietly. I went on scrubbing. The mother moaned. A cat which had not been removed, jumped in the middle of the newspapers and started tearing them with its claws (кігті).

d) Suddenly I became aware of a new note in the mother's cries - a higher weak noise. I
dropped the soap and pulled down the blanket.

The baby was washed and put into a drawer (ящик) of a wardrobe that for a year was to be his cot. The mother was delighted and said she had never had such a comfortable delivery.

"Do you do a lot of babies, Doctor?" she asked. "Hundreds," I said. "Every day." "I'll call him after you, Doctor. I always call them after the doctor or the nurse."

I was very proud of the child. It was my first baby, born through my own skill and care. I had already forgotten that my single manoever in helping the delivery was pulling back the blanket.

(From Doctor in the House by R. Gordon) Exercise 7. Give English words meaning the following.

1) Afield of medicine that studies physiological and pathological processes associated with
pregnancy, delivery and postnatal period;

2) a specialist that helps women during childbirth;

3) a woman that is having her baby;

4) a baby that is born before term;

5) a process of uniting a spermatozoon with an egg;

6) a baby that has just been born;

7) a chamber where premature babies are kept.

Exercise 8. Retell the text according to the plan.

a) Gordon appears in the house of a woman in labor.

b) Gordon reads the textbook.

c) His preparations for the delivery.

d) The happy end.

Exercise 9. Say whether these statemens are true or false.

1. Premature babies are always stillborn.

2. In the 19"' century most women gave birth to their children in maternity homes.

3. Abortions are harmless for a woman's health.

4. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite are characteristic sings of early pregnancy.

5. In all cases when a woman misses her period, she must be considered pregnant.

6. Vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy is a true sign of a miscarriage.

7. If a woman is not able to conceive normally, artificial conception can help her.


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Form verbs from the following words with the help of the given prefixes and suffixes. Translate them into Ukrainian, en-: rich, large, circle, joy -fy: simple, test, pure -ize: critic, real, summary, analysis -en: short, strength, wide, light, weak


Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.

1. I wish....2. She looks as if.... 3. If I were you,.... 4. It is important that.... 5. I suggest that.... 6. If I were a president,.... 7. Had 1 more spare time, I....

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the place of the adverbs in them.

1. Іноді речовина може бути твердою чи м'якою. 2. Стан речовини зазвичай залежить від температури. 3. Вода рідко зустрічається в природі у чистому вигляді. 4. Кілька років тому вчені ще не знали всіх властивостей цього хімічного елемента. 5. Ця речовина щойно вступила в реакцію з повітрям. 6. Зазвичай ця сіль білого кольору. 7. Він зараз у лабораторії зі студентами. 8. Зараз ми поговоримо про стан речовин, а потім про їхні властивості.

Exercise 4. Put in articles where required.

1. Here is... prescription for... vitamin B. 2. I'll put you on... sick leave till... end of... week. 3.... other day we carried out... experiment on... animals during our practical studies. A.... chemist's shop in... Kyiv Street is... largest in... city. 5. Not to confuse different remedies... label must be stuck on... bottle or... box containing drugs. 6.... name of... medicine and... direction for its administration are usually written on... label. 1.... last week my brother caught... cold. We called in... district doctor. When... doctor examined my brother, he prescribed my brother... home treatment,... scalding foot bath and... medicine for... headache and cough. 8. Here are... ampules of... glucose you need for... intravenous injections. 9. 1 made... appointment with... district doctor for 12 o'clock. When... doctor examined me, he wrote out... prescription for... medicine. I ordered it,... chemist gave me... bottle of mixture and said that I had to keep it in...cool place.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

У сучасній медицині проблемам акушерства та гінекології приділяється велика увага. Вивчаються питання ведення пологів, профілактики асфіксії плода. Учені запроваджують у практику (to introduce into practice) міри профілактики та лікування безпліддя, токсикозів вагітності, акушерського травматизму, кровотеч та інших ускладнень вагітності та пологів. Ведуться дослідження щодо знеболювання пологів. Спеціалісти вивчають методи діагностики різних хвороб.


III. Independent Work: Childbirth

Exercise 1. Read the text and translate it:

Scarlett looked at Prissy. For a moment her mind refused to accept the truth, but when realization came finally to her that Prissy knew no more about midwifery than she did, anger went over her like a flame.

At that moment the moaning from the second floor ceased and Melanie's voice, weak and trembling, called, "Scarlett, is it you? Please, come! Please!"

For a moment Scarlett stood still, listening to the low moaning which had begun again. She tried to think of all the things Mammy1 and Ellen had done for her when her son was born, but the merciful blurring of the childbirth pains obscured almost everything in mist2. She did recall a few things and she spoke to Prissy rapidly, authority in her voice.

"Make a fire in the stove and keep hot water boiling in the kettle. Bring all the towels you can find. And give me the scissors. Don't come telling me you can't find them. Bring them and bring them quick. Now hurry."

She jerked3 Prissy to her feet and sent her to the kitchen. Then she started up the stairs. It was going to be difficult telling Melanie that she and Prissy were to deliver her baby.

She wished she had paid more attention to the whispered conversations of matrons on the subjects of childbirth. If only she had! If only she had been more interested in such matters she would know whether Melanie was taking a long time or not4. She had a vague memory of one of Aunt Pitty's stories of her friend who was in labor for two days and died without having the baby. Suppose, Melanie should go on like this for two days! But Melanie was so delicate. She wouldn't stand two days of this pain. She will die soon if the baby doesn't hurry.

... It was all over. Melanie was not dead, and the new born boy, who made noises like a little kitten, was receiving his first bath at Prissy's hands. Melanie was asleep. How could she sleep after the nightmare of screaming pain and ignorant midwifery that hurt more than it helped? Why wasn't she dead? Scarlett knew that she herself would have died under such handling. But when it was over, Melanie had even whispered so weakly that she had to bend over her to hear, "Thank you".


'Mammy - матінка; няня-негритянка

2the merciful blurring of the childbirth pains obscured almost everything in mist - все розпливалося як у тумані, милосердно стерте із пам'яті муками пологових перейм 3to jerk - різко штовхати

4she would know whether Melanie was taking a long time or not - їй було б зрозуміліше зараз, затягнулись у Мелані пологи чи ні

Exercise 2. Find English equivalents in the text.

Пологові болі, приймати пологи, протягом двох днів, витримати біль, пронизливий біль, догляд за, акушерство.

Exercise 3. Translate the typical questions an obstetrician asks her patients.

1. At what age did you have your first period?

2. How long is your period?

3. Are discharges excessive (moderate)?

4. Do you have pains during your period?

5. Are these attacks accompanied by giddiness, nausea, vomiting, urinary frequency
increase, breathlessness, loss of consciousness, high temperature?

6. Have you had any gynecological disorders?





I Speaking Computers in Our Life
  Grammar Revision


I. Speaking

Exercise 1. Read and learn the words hardware - апаратне забезпечення monitor монітор keyboard - клавіатура printer принтер

connection - зв'язок; з'єднання, сполучення software - програмне забезпечення run on the computer - запускати на

комп'ютері word processing programs - текстовий


graphics program - графічний редактор spreadsheets program - бухгалтерська програма

desktop publishing program - видавнича програма

and word combinations.

key in, type in - друкувати save information - зберігати інформацію retrieve information - отримувати інформацію database management program - програма

управління базами даних personal computer - персональний комп'ютер local network - локальна мережа IBM compatible - сумісний з обладнанням

фірми IBM vendor - продавець hard disk - жорсткий диск


Exercise 2. Read the text and translate it.


Computers in Our Life

Everybody knows that computers can facilitate our everyday duties, work or study. But are ~>u computer literate? Do you know the essential concepts in informatics? Can you work with.. computer? These notes will help you to get some information about computers.

Computer hardware consists of a computer, a monitor, a keyboard, a printer, and their connections. The software contains the various programs you run on your computer. The most common programs used in business are those for word processing (writing letters, faxes, documents, contracts), spread sheets (for budgets and financial analysis), database management programs (for keeping names and addresses of customers), accounting (for bookkeeping), graphics programs (for drawing charts), communications programs (for electronic mail, Internet), desktop publishing programs (for producing manuals, catalogs); the operator keys in (types in) the information which can be saved and retrieved at a later date.

Most businesses nowadays use personal computers (or PCs), which are often linked together in a local network. This is a big change from the days when time had to be rented on mainframe computer. Nowadays these are only used by very large businesses, universities, or government departments.

The two most popular types of computers currently are those of IBM and Apple (the Macintosh). It was IBM who set the standard for the PC which others later imitated. That is why, in order to be able to use the widest range of software, a computer has to be IBM compatible.

The most successful software company now is Microsoft with its Windows programs for different years. Microsoft has done a good job of making Windows of each year compatible with software developed for previous versions of Windows, and with MS-DOS.

Prices for what is now considered the minimum standard for a new PC are hundreds of dollars more than they were just a couple of years ago.

PC makers have simply been selling desktop systems based on the Intel 486 processor. Nearly all new systems are now sold with an Intel Pentium processor. Laptop vendors are also carrying mostly Pentium systems. It is true that those newer models have a faster processor, more memory, a larger hard disk drive and a faster CD-ROM drive than previous models.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. New electronic technology is potentially the greatest educational innovation since the invention of the printing press. 2. The computer can project your actions in a special program for 50 year into the future and show the consequences. 3. Computers have two big problems to overcome: the high cost of the equipment and the opposition of some teachers. 4. Now small, self-contained microcomputers priced as low as 600 USD perform all the tasks needed by most. 5. Do computers actually help students learn better than traditional methods? 6.What software do you use while working with computer? 7. Have you saved the new information? Do you remember the file name?

Exercise 4. Make up sentences with the words and word combinations.

- hardware, software

- to connect, connection, connecting, connector

- to key in, to type in, a key, a typist

- to save (life, time, information, money)

- to retrieve (information, mistake, fortune), retrieval, retrievable

Exercise 5. What would you say if you took part in these conversations? Act them


A: Our firm bought 4 computers recently. But I don't know whether they will help us in our work. What do you think about it?

В: I suppose that....

A: I know that computers are necessary for quick processing of information. But we have no modern software on our computers. Do you think it will influence the quality of our work? В: I think....

A: We have word processing, spreadsheets, database management, graphics, desktop publishing programs. But actually I can't understand why we need them. В: I can help you....

A: I can't save information on my computer. Could you explain how to do it? B: Yes, with pleasure....

A: Will you help me to print the information I've just saved as the file "'march.doc"? What tools shall I use for it?

B: You should, first of all,....

Exercise 6. Act as an interpreter in the conversation:

Mr. Rubin: Наша компанія планує забезпечити свій головний офіс 10 комп'ютерами. Я б хотів знати, яке апаратне та програмне забезпечення Ви б порекомендували нам використати?


Mrs. Douglas: I would recommend you to use the newest software of Microsoft International, especially their last project for Windows. It's a reliable program with huge possibilities and modern tools. You can achieve good results with this software, I'm sure.


Mr. Rubin: А як щодо апаратного забезпечення? Interpreter:....

Mrs. Douglas: I suppose Apple would be the best and the prices are competitive. They provide the clients with monitors, keyboards, printers and all the connections, and also they give 6-month guarantee for their goods.


Mr. Rubin: Я знаю, що зараз багато програм, які допомагають вести бухгалтерію. Для чого конкретно може бути пристосована така програма? Interpreter:....

Mrs. Douglas: You can use such a program for budgets and financial analysis, for every day work of your Financial Department, for connection with your bank, etc.

Exercise 7. Conversation topics.

1. Computers in our everyday life: advantages and disadvantages.

2. Do you use a computer in your studies at college?

3. Is it necessary for a contemporary person to know how the computer works and how to
use it?

4. In what cases is it more efficient to use a computer than to do the job without using it?

5. Can computers substitute teachers in school studies?

6. What possibilities will open to you while using computers?

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Name the parts of speech of the following words, pay attention to their suffixes.

type - typical - typically

synthesis - synthetic - synthetically - synthesize

extract - extraction — extractive

form - formation - formal - formally

civilize - civil - civilization

herb - herbarium - herbaceous

preventive - prevention - prevent

identity - identification - identify - identical

select - selection - selective - selectively

effect - effective - effectively

prepare - preparation - preparative

Exercise 2. Read the following word combinations and translate them.

Technique of compounding drugs, preventive medicine, to collect herbs, collection of herbs, to identify plants, to select plants, to prepare complex substances, primitive man, old man, civilized person, in a simple way, a modified form, the twentieth century, contribute to chemistry, synthesis of enzymes, scientific observation, a drug action, biochemical analysis.

Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian. Mind the compound prepositions.

1. As to starch it was then recognized that it gave glucose when heated with dilute sulphuric acid. 2. In the most advanced countries the standard of nutrition of the population has improved due to carbon chemistry during the past fifty years. 3. According to the results of the investigation of the World Health Organization diseases and death from malnutrition in the developing countries are numerous. 4. Depending on the bases of the functional group carbon compounds are divided into several classes. 5. Many carbon compounds play a vital role due to their effect on the processes in the human body.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

1. When do you usually go to your district polyclinic? 2. When does your district doctor see his patients? 3. What are the reception hours of your district doctor? 4. What does the registering clerk fill in? 5. What helps a doctor to make a proper diagnosis? 6. Where are patients X-rayed? 7. What may an X-ray examination of the chest reveal? 8. What did your X-ray examination reveal? 9. What does a doctor write in a patient's card? 10. What diseases did you suffer in your childhood? 11. Why must a patient follow the prescribed treatment? 12. When were you running a high temperature? 13. What do you do when you are running a high temperature? 14. Where must you keep the thermometer while taking your temperature? 15. When do you like to be out in the open air? 16. What do you do if you have a bad headache? 17. How long must you stay in bed if you are ill with influenza? 18. What helps to keep the fever down? 19. What were you ill with last year? 20. What does a doctor prescribe you if you have a sore throat? 21. When do you put a hot water bottle on your abdomen (feet)? 22. What does a doctor find out when he feels the patient's pulse? 23. When do you have a cold rubdown? 24. Why do you have a cold rubdown? 25. What diseases may cause complications? 26. What complications may influenza cause? 27. Why do doctors palpate a patient's abdomen?



I Control Test
  Speaking Medicinal Plants


I. Control Test

Variant 1

1. What topic unites the following words together? (Translate them.)

Scarlet fever, mumps, measles, influence, contagious, spread of infection, cough, treatment, care and nursing.


2. Match equivalents, name the topic.
surgery оперувати
surgical хірургія
operating голка
operate халат
operative ускладнення
needle хірургічний
gown операційний
gloves оперування
stitch рукавички
reaction шов


3. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words given in brackets.

1. You must take two... before each meal, (tablets, cough mixture, gargle) 2. If you follow my..., you will feel better tomorrow, (physician, disease, instructions) 3. When you have a toothache, you must consult.... (a nurse, a dentist, an oculist) 4.... operates on people. 'Therapeutist, Psychiatrist, Surgeon) 5. The doctor put down everything she found into my mother's.... (note, patient's file, prescription)

4. Use the Present, Past or Future Perfect Active Tenses in the following sentences.
Translate them.

1. We often (to use) alcohol diluted with water as a solvent. 2. After French, Swedish and German chemists (discover) gallium, scandium and germanium, Mendeleev was recognized the author of the Periodic Law. 3. It is clear that the chemical reaction (to change) the composition.:nd specific properties of this substance.

5. You've heard the following telephone conversation. Guess answers of the other

- Hello. This is Serge speaking. Can I speak to Nina?

- Why! What's the matter with her?

- What is her temperature?

- Have you called in a doctor?

- What did the doctor say?

- What a pity! Give her my best wishes, please.

- I shall call on you the day after tomorrow. Good-bye!

Variant 2

1. What topic unites the following words together? (Translate the words.)

Substance, remedy, medicine, drugs, powder, tablet, tincture, solution, ointment, prescriptions and instructions, overdosage, plants.

2. Match equivalents, name the topic.





to hurt



to have a tooth out


to feel better поліклініка видалити зуб почуватись краще біль

зубний біль


зубний лікар




3. Fill in the blanks with the words formed, drugs, number, branch, knowledge.

1. Each period contributed to the store of....2. Chemist's shops increase in... from year to year. 3. The Pharmaceutical Society in Great Britain was newly... in 1841. 4. Pharmacy is defined as the science of.... 5. In Ukraine pharmacy as a... of science started its development in the eighteenth century.

4. Translate the following sentences. Name the form of the verb (its tense and voice).

1. The positive effect was associated with the low temperature. 2. Medicinal herbs were collected during our practice at botanical stations. 3. Drug effects will be described after a number of experiments.

5. Make up a story using the words: to cough, illness, temperature, home visiting service, examination, to feel, prescription, medicine, to treat, certificate.

Variant З

1. What topic unites the following words together? (Translate the words.)

Passport data, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, breathing, strip to the waist, listen to the heart and lungs, catch a cold, running nose.

2. Match equivalents, name the topic.

wheelchair підкладне судно

air ring напувальник

syringe ножиці

scissors грілка

dropping bottle крісло-каталка

hot water bottle міхур для льоду

bedpan шприц

bandage банки

cups пляшечка з дозатором

feeding cup бинт

3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where required.

... Tuesday we had our practical studies... surgery... the surgical department... the regional hospital. Patients are admitted... this hospital... different parts... the region. Just... our practical studies the helicopter landed... the hospital yard. It turned... to be an urgent case... perforated ulcer... the stomach. The patient was operated... immediately.

4. Translate the sentences. Name the forms of the verbs (tense and voice).

1. The work at the hospital helps students acquire deep knowledge of nursing. 2. Thousands of future specialists are trained at higher educational establishments. 3. Chemical and physical properties of inorganic substances were thoroughly studied during practical chemistry classes. 4. The industrial revolution of the last century gave birth to new treatment of this disease.

5. Answer the questions:

1. What medical professions do you know?

2. What do these specialists do?

3. What doctor treats you when you are ill?

4. Do you know people who work in medicine? Who are they? What are they?

5. Did you play "a hospital" when you were a child?

6. Do you know pupils who are going to work in medicine? Who are they?

7. Why are medical professions often called the most humanistic?


II. Speaking: Medicinal Plants

Exercise 1. Read the words of Greek and Latin origin. Pay attention to the Denunciation.

Capsule [-kaepsju:l], codeine ['kaudim], papaverine [p3'peiv9,ri:n], active f'aektiv], --yohological [saika'rochjiksl], alkaloid ['a2lk(3)taid], practical ['prasktiksl], natural [ nastfrel], detective [di'tektiv], continent ['ktmtinsnt], fmit [fru:t], microbe ['maikrsub], collect [ka'lekf factor ['faekta], collection [ks'lekfh], vegetative ['vedgitstiv], process ['prsuses], photosynthes:* [ fsutsu'sinBisis], period ['piariad], constituent [kan'stitjoant], produce [pra'dju-.s], oxydatio:: [.uksi'deifn], activity [ak'tiviti]. pharmacological [.faimaka'hxhjikal], opium ['aupjam". globular ['glnbjula], elliptical [i'liptikal], conical ['knnikal]. aromatic [,ад'зо'таггік], balsamic [bo:l'sasmik], camphorous ['keemfaras], sensation [sen'seijn], official [з'пГзІ], standarc ['stsendad], reserpine ['resapin], valerian [уз'Нагіап], chromatographic [.kraumata'grasfikj. separate ['separeit], inert [і'пз:і], herb [пз:Ь], herbal ['1із:Ьз1], strychnine f'striknim], caffeine ['казгі:п], crystalline ['kristalain].

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

Herbs and plants, to collect in autumn, five continents and seas, detectives of plants, a plant detective, the time of collecting plants, active constituents, the time of flowering, the weight of the drug, taste, color and odor of plants, to depend upon the amount of volatile constituents, to describe plants, to possess no taste, to possess a characteristic odor, to give name to something, to use different tests and methods, the determination of presence of inorganic elements, a chemical analysis for the determination of activity, chromatographic study, inert materials, herb books, to make the acquaintance of many herbalists, published materials, the development of science.

Exercise 3. Group these common root words, name the parts of speech.

Increase, detective, medicine, herbal, constitute, differ, taste, oily, lightness, oil, decrease, herbalist, constituent, different, light, herb, detect, tasteless, official, determine, chromatography, development, mix, weight, officially, chromatographic, weigh, medicinal, science, determination, develop, use, scientific, alkaloidal, treatment, treat, useful, scientist, useless, alkaloid, mixture.

Exercise 4. Learn active words.

a) Parts of a plant:
root [ru:t] корінь

rhizome ['raizaum] кореневище stem [stem] стебло; стовбур seed [si:d] насіння

b) Taste and odor (смак і запах):
distinct [dis'tirjkfj особливий; виразний,


spicy ['spaisi] пряний; гострий bitter ['bits] гіркий agreeable [s'grisbl] приємний


inflorescence [,inflr)'res3ns] суцвіття bark [ba:k] кора fruit [fnr.t] плід top [top] верхівка


mucilaginous [.mju.'si'laxfynas] слизистий,

клейкий astringent [a'strirjcfjant] в'яжучий pungent ['pAnchjsnt] гострий, пікантний

c) Form and color (форма й колір):

shape [feip] форма elliptic(al) [і'іірпк(зі)] еліптичний

round ['raund] круглий broad [bro:d] широкий

oblong ['obrorj] продовгуватий, видовжений pale [peil] блідий

d) Growth and gathering (ріст і збір):
pollination [,pr>li neijn] запилення harvest ['ha:vist] жнива; збирання врожаю

ripen ['гаір(з)п] дозрівати, достигати mature [ma'tjua] зрілий; стиглий moisture ['moistfa] волога; вологість

Exercise 5. Answer the questions using new words.

1. What parts of a plant may have odor? 2. What color is the bark? 3. Do all plants have roots and rhizomes? 4. Does every plant produce seeds? 6. Where are flowers usually situated? ". What taste of fruit do you like more?

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences.

1. The season when fruits or vegetables are gathered is called.... 2. A full-grown plant:s called... 3. The part of a plant which grows under the surface of the earth is called.... -. A great number of small flowers which grow together is called... 6. To separate things of one class from things of another class means.... 7. A small objet produced by a flowering plant from which another plant may grow is called....

Exercise 7. Answer the alternative questions.

1. Do you like your food to be very or slightly salty? 2. Do you like bitter apples or sweet ones? 3. Is it possible or not to determine a pungent taste? 4. What season do you like more -iummn when fruits ripen or spring when first flowers appear? 5. Do botanists collect fully matured seeds or unripe ones? 6. Are you acquainted with the technique of gathering herbs:r their cultivation? 7. Did you gather plants with roots and rhizomes or the overground part?f them? 8. What is more difficult: to maintain a high temperature or a low one during the experiment?

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Важнейшие способы обработки и анализа рядов динамики Не во всех случаях эмпирические данные рядов динамики позволяют определить тенденцию изменения явления во времени...

ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ МЕХАНИКА Статика является частью теоретической механики, изучающей условия, при ко­торых тело находится под действием заданной системы сил...

Теория усилителей. Схема Основная масса современных аналоговых и аналого-цифровых электронных устройств выполняется на специализированных микросхемах...

Логические цифровые микросхемы Более сложные элементы цифровой схемотехники (триггеры, мультиплексоры, декодеры и т.д.) не имеют...

Репродуктивное здоровье, как составляющая часть здоровья человека и общества   Репродуктивное здоровье – это состояние полного физического, умственного и социального благополучия при отсутствии заболеваний репродуктивной системы на всех этапах жизни человека...

Случайной величины Плотностью распределения вероятностей непрерывной случайной величины Х называют функцию f(x) – первую производную от функции распределения F(x): Понятие плотность распределения вероятностей случайной величины Х для дискретной величины неприменима...

Схема рефлекторной дуги условного слюноотделительного рефлекса При неоднократном сочетании действия предупреждающего сигнала и безусловного пищевого раздражителя формируются...

Сущность, виды и функции маркетинга персонала Перснал-маркетинг является новым понятием. В мировой практике маркетинга и управления персоналом он выделился в отдельное направление лишь в начале 90-х гг.XX века...

Разработка товарной и ценовой стратегии фирмы на российском рынке хлебопродуктов В начале 1994 г. английская фирма МОНО совместно с бельгийской ПЮРАТОС приняла решение о начале совместного проекта на российском рынке. Эти фирмы ведут деятельность в сопредельных сферах производства хлебопродуктов. МОНО – крупнейший в Великобритании...

ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ЦЕНТРА ТЯЖЕСТИ ПЛОСКОЙ ФИГУРЫ Сила, с которой тело притягивается к Земле, называется силой тяжести...

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