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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


I. Speaking: Operating Nurse

Exercise 1. Read the words and word combinations.

Surgical, surgeon, surgery, to harm, to handle, ambulance, to be dangerous for smb to do smth, gangrenous, to perforate, to operate on smb for some disease, to remove, to prevent, rupture, fatal outcome, traumatological, fracture, to set a fractured bone, plaster of Paris, immobilization, compound, to undergo an operation for smth, convalescent, dressing room, to perform an operation on smb for smth, postoperative, to bare, dressing, stitch, to hurt, suture, tenderness, suppurative, to wheel, to dress smb's wound, bandage, gauze drain, to soak, pus. edge, solution, to bandage, profuse, bleeding, urgent, to survive.


Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words,

traumatological - травматологічний mask - маска

fracture - перелом forceps - пінцет

immobilization - накладання шини; імобілізація scalpel - скальпель

stitch - шов dry - сухий

swab - тампон dust - пилюка; бруд

to touch - доторкатися secure - надійний; міцний

to soak - просочуватись successful - успішний

profuse - рясний; багатий (на) clips - скоби (для з'єднання рани)

survive - переживати; витримати hernia - грижа

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations, to be admitted to hospital - бути доставленим у лікарню to discharge from hospital виписати з лікарні compound fracture відкритий перелом

to put a plaster cast for immobilization накласти гіпс для імобілізації

to introduce a gauze drain into the wound - ввести ватний тампон у рану

to be soaked with pus (blood) - насичитись (увібрати) гноєм (кров'ю)

physiological solution - фізрозчин

solution of antibiotics - розчин антибіотиків

to cause profuse bleeding - спричинити сильну кровотечу

to survive the operation (disease) - пережити операцію (хворобу)

to protect the wound from dust - захистити рану від забруднення

to make the dressing secure - накласти надійну пов'язку

to give smb narcosis - дати комусь наркоз

the rules of aseptics - правила асептики

Exercise 4. Make up sentences, put the words in the right order.

1. In, saw, room, operating, Bob, some, operations, the.

2. Before, doctor, arms, the, washed, operation, the, his, and, hands.

3. Feels, a, the, abdominal, patient, severe, pain.

4. The, gave, to, scalpel, nurse, a, surgeon, the.

5. Successful, the, operation, was.

Exercise 5. Find Ukrainian

1) an operating room

2) to test the abdomen

3) an operative wound

4) an operating table

5) to listen to lungs

6) an operating field

7) to prescribe a treatment

8) to look at pupils

9) an operative nurse


10) postoperative condition

11) to disinfect the skin

12) to perform an operation

13) surgical needle


a) операційна сестра

b) операційний стіл

c) дивитися на зіниці

d) дезінфікувати шкіру

e) призначати лікування

f) операційна (кімната)

g) операційне поле

h) вислуховувати легені

i) робити операцію

j) досліджувати шлунок к) післяопераційний стан 1) операційна рана т) хірургічна голка

Exercise 6. a) Read the sentences by means of which you may describe surgeon's work.

1. Every day a surgeon makes the morning round. 2. He examines patients, makes diagnosis. 3. He prescribes operations and treatment. 4. Many patients are operated on by this surgeon.


b) Describe some surgeon's work using the verbs in the correct form:

Every day these surgeons: (to make) the morning round; (to examine) many patients; (to palpate) them; (to make) diagnosis; (to prescribe) them treatment and (to perform) many operations.

Exercise 7. a) Read the sentences describing medical personnel's actions in the operating room.

Before the operation: 1. The surgeon and assistants wash their hands, put on sterile gowns, caps, masks and come into the operating room. 2. The anesthetist gives the patient anesthesia.

During the operation: 1. The surgeon performs the operation. 2. The assistants help the surgeon, pass instruments and control the patient's condition.

After the operation: The doctors and nurses pay much attention to the patient.

b) Answer the following guestions.

1. What do the surgeon and assistants do before the operation? 2. What does the anesthetist do before the operation? 3. Who performs the operation? 4. What do the assistants do during the operation? 5. Who pays much attention to the patient after the operation?

Exercise 8. Do the exercise in pairs. You are a surgeon and you receive patients in a polyclinic. You are talking with your patient. Ask him:

a) 1. His first name, surname. 2. His age. 3. His address. 4. His profession. 5. What persons his family consists of.

b) 1. What's happened. 2. What he complains of. 3. What else troubles him. 4. Where he feels his pain. 5. If his pain is severe (weak, dull). 6. If his pain radiates to his abdominal part (his back, shoulder). 7. If his pain appears on pressure. 8. If he has pain in the region of liver (stomach). 9. If he was consulted by a doctor. 10. What diseases he had in his childhood. 11. If he was hospitalized. 12. If he was operated on.

c) You are examining your patient. If your patient has severe abdominal pains, ask him to fulfill the following:

1. To strip to the waist. 2. To lie down on the couch. 3. To show where he feels his pains. 4. To sit down.


Exercise 9. Read the text.



The surgical department is on the first floor of this hospital. This department houses 50 staffed beds. One can see patients with surgical diseases, such as appendicitis, ulcer of abdomen, tumor, carbuncle, phlegmon, etc. If an operation is necessary, the doctor insists on its being performed immediately. Operations are performed in a special operating theater (room).

There is a large operating theater in this department. Here one can see two operating tables, instrument tables, a few small cabinets for suture material, dressings and instalments.

Before the operation nurses prepare surgical instruments following the rules of aseptics After sterilizing them they put instruments on a special table covering them with sterile material.

There are different instruments here. They are scalpels, syringes, surgical needles, scissors, wound clips, pincettes and a sterilizing drum.

Before the operation the surgeon and his assistants wash their hands according to the rule> of surgery and put on sterilized gowns, caps and special masks on their faces.

The patient is put on an operating table and covered with a sterilized cloth. Then a doctor or an assistant begins to narcotize the patient. When the patient has fallen asleep, the surgeor. disinfects the skin of the region to be operated on and begins to perform the operation. One assistant helps the surgeon during the operation. Other assistants listen to the heart, feel the pulse and look at the pupils. They use different ways of controlling the patient's condition During the operation special devices are used for artificial respiration and blood circulation The operation being over, the patient is moved to the ward.

After the operation the patient is provided with special care and attention. The surgec:" prescribes him definite medicine and diet. Every day the surgeon examines patients, dresse> their wounds and introduces fresh gauze drains into them. He listens to the patients' lungs anc hearts, tests their abdomens and so on.

The surgeon prescribes patients proper treatment. Many patients are doing well. Soon they will leave the clinic and return home. Some patients are in bad condition. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to them.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions concerning the text.

1. Where is the surgical department? 2. How many staffed beds does this department house? 3. What is there in the operating theater? 4. What do nurses do before operations? 5. What instruments do they put on a special table? 6. What does a surgeon do before an operation? 7. When does a surgeon begin to perform the operation? 8. What do assistants do during an operation? 9. What kind of devices are used during an operation? 10. Where is the patient moved after the operation?


Exercise 11. Translate some questions to the text.

1. Яку увагу приділяють медсестри хворим після операції? 2. Що повинна виконувати медсестра? 3. Хірург призначає лікування хворому, чи не так? 4. Коли виписують хворого із лікарні?

Exercise 12. Make up a story about your surgical department keeping the following consistency.

Description of the surgical department; furniture and things in the operating room; patients of the surgical department; your surgeon's work; your medical personnel's actions.


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1, Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets, translate the sentences.

1. 1 (to live) at the student's hostel now. 2. My friend (to graduate) from the college last year. 3.1 think he (to enter) the medical year. 4. The students of his group (to take) an active part in the meeting last Saturday. 5. My sister (to go) to the library every week. 6.1 (to come) home late today. 7. Ann lives near our college and never (to take) a bus to come there. 8. In three years you (to get) a diploma of a nurse. 9. He often (to receive) letters from his parents.

Exercise 2. Look at the following words, find similar roots in English and Ukrainian, try to translate them without the dictionary.

Potential, natural, final, practically, rational, cubic, local, crystal, concentrate, function, regulator, preventive, intensive, productive, test, text, result, system, diagnostic, incubator, microscope, filter, minute, computer.

Exercise 3. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Emotional, healthy, cold, low, good, warm, weak, famous, dependent, little, clear, far, important, bad.

Exercise 4. Write out the verbs in the Future-in-the-Past Tense.

Is giving, will have operated, will be prescribing, saw, did, dressed, were decided, would repair, will be given, should visit, are making, would look after, were calling, should speak.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the sentences.

1. The doctor told me that the next lesson would not be difficult. 2. They said that the
treatment of cancer would be developed soon. 3. I thought that I should get the job at our
hospital. 4.1 didn't know that Mr. Grey would come. 5.1 thought she would help me.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences, name the types of clauses (типи підрядних речень).

a) 1. Medical experience knows cases when people who were regarded clinically dead returned to life and are still alive. 2. There are all grounds to hope that with scientific progress new preparations will be found which will make surgical intervention unnecessary. 3. For the first time ever, doctors had the means with which they combated an incurable disease where previously they had been only helpless observers. 4. If a person falls ill, he will ring up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. 5. The only problem is that, while we are putting ourselves in the hands of trained experts who have devoted their lives to medicine, they are now basing their diagnoses on the results of laboratory tests which in many cases are done by people barely out of high school.

b) 1. She said she knew him very well. 2. He would come here were he in Kyiv. 3. The hotel we stayed at is in the center of the city. Had he time, he would have come.

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.

1.1 should have missed the lesson, if....

2. If I were you,....

3. If my friend were a surgeon,....

4. If I had money about me,....

5. They would operate this patient if....

6. If the nurse had spare time,....

7. If he left home at twelve,....

8. If the patient received good results of analysis,....

Exercise 8. Translate into English.

1. Ми запізнимося на операцію, якщо заняття триватиме до кінця. 2. Якби я був на твоєму місці, я обрав би професію хірурга. 3. Якби ти була операційною медсестрою, ти дотримувалася б правил асептики. 4. Вони прооперують пацієнта, якщо результати аналізів підтвердять діагноз. 5. Медсестра зробила б ін'єкції швидше, якби в неї був вільний час.

III. Independent Work: Surgery

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.


Treatment of injuries or diseases by operative techniques is the subject of surgery.

The surgeon has always been an integral part of medical science. Early medical texts are chiefly devoted to records of surgical cases. Strangely, however, great advances in surgery have been dependent on medical discoveries in other fields. These advances include the discovery of ether anesthesia by Morton and Long in 1847; the discovery of the principle of antisepsis by Joseph Listen in 1865-87; and application of rubber gloves introduced by Halstead. The use of blood transfusion, control of fluid in the body and use of drugs for various symptoms have also aided success in surgery.

Not many years have passed since the time when few surgeons dared to invade the interior of the abdomen.

Today every portion of the human body has been invaded successfully. The surgery of today is called physiological surgery and is aimed at restoring (відновлення) normal function of various organs and tissues when these functions have failed.

Exercise 2. Make up 6 questions based on the text.

Exercise 3. Make up a dialog.

You are a surgeon. You go on your morning round. Speak with the bed patient. Use the following instruction.


1. Good morning (afternoon, evening)! (How are you today? How are your spirits?)

2. Would you like a private room or a general ward? (on admission) Complaints


1. How are you feeling today? (How do you feel at present? Oh, I see you are better today. What are your complaints?)

2. Do you have any feeling of nausea (vomiting, etc.) this morning? (this afternoon, this evening) (Do you feel sick (vomiting, etc.) Nausea (vomiting, headache, pains in the heart, etc.)?)

3. How did you sleep? (Did you sleep all night? Did you wake up with pain? Were there any nightmares (any bad dreams)?)


4. Do you have a good (bad) appetite now? (Flow do you eat? Do you eat with pleasure?)

5. What stool (discharge) do you have? (Do you have a regular stool?)


6. Did you experience any pain while moving your bowels (passing water)? Did you feel any pain in the lavatory? Did you have pain in moving bowels (passing water)?)

7. Your heart (stomach, liver, etc.) still troubles you, doesn't it? (What about your heart (stomach, etc.)? Does your heart (stomach, etc.) trouble you now?)

8. Are there any other complaints or not? (Do you have any other complaints? Other complaints?)

9. Let me look at the temperature chart. (What temperature do you have today?)

Physical Examinations

1. Will you lie still (sit up), please? (Sit quietly, please.)

2. Let me feel your pulse.

3. Just remove your undershirt, will you? (Take off your undershirt, please.)

4. Try to breathe deeper, please. (Breathe deeply, please. Breathe, please.)

5. Lie face down (on your side), will you?

6. Hold your breath, will you? (Don't breathe, please.)

7. Breathe in (out), please. (Take a deep breath!)

8. I'm going to palpate you. (Let me palpate you. I'll check your liver.)

9. Would you mind relaxing your abdomen? More, please. (Relax your belly, please).


10. Would you try to stretch your hand (leg)? (Stretch your hand (leg) like I do it).

11. Look up (down), will you? (Look up (down), please. Look up (down).).

12. It hurts you, doesn't it? (Is this painful?)

13. The pain radiates over the (entire) left arm (leg), doesn't it?

14. Can you feel (taste, smell, hear, see, etc.) that?

15. I'd like to measure your blood pressure. (Let me measure your blood pressure).

16. Your blood pressure (skin, head, heart, etc.) is much better today.

17. You follow all my instructions, don't you? (Do you follow all my instructions? Do you do as I ordered?)

Prescriptions and Instructions

1. Go on taking the same drugs. Take the drugs regularly. Have the pills (tablets, etc.).

2. Try to sleep more, will you? (Sleep more! Don't walk much! Stay in bed most of the time.)

3. You will have to collect your urine (stool, etc.). You must collect your urine (sputum, etc.).

4. I'll prescribe some medicine for your headache (heart, etc.). (I'll prescribe some tablets (pills, etc.) for you. The nurse will give you an injection to relieve the pain.)

5. We must perform some major (minor) operation. (You should undergo some

6. Will you sign this consent for the operation, please? (Sign this consent for the operation, please.)

7. If you refuse to let us operate (treat you), you must sign this statement. (If you are against our advice, sign, please.)

8. I recommend you to abstain from smoking. (I advise you to give up smoking. No smoking now.)

9. Try not to have heavy food. (Light food is advisable for you. No fatty food.)

10. Be quiet. Don't worry. If you follow all my instructions, you'll recover soon (fee!
better, be well.)



I Speaking Work of a Laboratory Assistant
II Grammar Suffixes Prefixes Неозначені займенники і прислівники, похідні від some, any, по, every (§83) (n.) -dom, -hood dis-, re-, mis-
III Independent Work Red Cross


I. Speaking: Work of a Laboratory Assistant

Exercise 1. Read the words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation.

a) Scalpel, scissors, wound, clip, pincette, inevitability, to convince, to sterilize, drum, to recover;

b) Surgical needle, staffed bed, operating theater, suture material, equipmentand instruments, the rules of aseptics, respiration of a patient, artificial respiration, blood circulation, to narcotize, to fall asleep, to perform an operation, to introduce a fresh gauze drain, to test heart.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words,

test tube - пробірка slide - предметне скло

flask - колба culture - культура

glass - склянка moisten - зволожувати

measuring glass - мензурка cover slip - покривне скло

glass cap - скляна кришка inoculating needle - голка для щеплення

pipette - піпетка rack - штатив

vessel -- посудина ring stand - кільцевий штатив

cylinder - циліндр report book - щоденник; звітний журнал

centigrade scale - стоградусна шкала title - назва

record - записувати; реєструвати object - об'єкт; предмет

findings - дані description - опис

jar - банка conclusion - висновок

heat - нагрівати balancer - вирівнювач, стабілізатор

label - ярлик; етикетка solution - розчин

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following sentences.

1. Work in the laboratory requires cleanliness. 2. It is recommend to close glass bottles with glass caps. 3. When students come to the laboratory, they should put on white gowns and thoroughly wash their hands. 4. In the laboratory we can see bottles with distilled water. 5. Glass vessels are placed on the shelves and racks.

Exercise 4. Make up questions to the words in bold type.

1. Students thoroughly wash their hands with running water. 2. The room for weighing is equipped with a set of balances. 3. Near each table in the laboratory there should be a lamp.

4. The air in the laboratory is well ventilated. 5. Students carry out various experiments working with different chemical substances. 6. Glassware for general use includes test tubes, funnels, etc. 7. The laboratory is equipped with long tables.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

1. Laboratory assistants carry out... complex analysis. 2. There are... laboratory vessels for the determination of blood or urine tests. 3. Substances may have a strong and... odor. 4. The clinical laboratory consists of several... rooms. 5. When we enter the laboratory, we see... tables with glassware on them. 6. The... equipment consists of some apparatuses which are used to heat solutions, distil water and measure temperature.

(long, unpleasant, different, special, laboratory, various)

Exercise 6. a) Read the Case Report Scheme according to which every patient must be registered in the hospital. Translate each point.

b) Pay attention to the sixth point. What does the information of this point deal with?


1. Passport data, surname and initials, age, profession, date of admission.

2. Complaints.

3. Present history.

4. Past history (briefly).

5. Physical examination: inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation.


6. Laboratory data: blood analyses, urinalyses, tests, biochemistry studies, stool ova or larvae of parasites' test, X-ray examination, ECG, BCG, PhCG, bacteriological studies, histological studies.

7. Provisional (initial) diagnosis: clinical diagnosis, final diagnosis (confirmed), presumptive diagnosis, establishment of diagnosis.

8. Treatment given.

9. Prognosis (instructions and prescriptions).

'stool ova and larvae of parasites test - аналіз калу на яйця та личинки паразитів

Exercise 7. Read the text, title it, answer the question: what thermometer should one better use to conduct scientific research?

The simplest and most common of all is a liquid thermometer. Mercury is a particularly suitable liquid because of its high boiling point - 357.25°C, and its low solidifying point -39°C. The mercury thermometer is more accurate than the alcohol one.

Thermometers are supplied with a scale. A. Celsius (1701-1744) proposed a scale on which the melting point and boiling point of water were taken as the limits. These points were taken as 0° and 100° respectively. This is now known as the centigrade scale and is universally used in scientific work.

There are other scales in use: the scale introduced by D. Fahrenheit (1686-1736), the scale introduced by R. Reaumur (1683-1757), and the scale introduced by Kelvin (1824-1907) -absolute scale. They are used in special analyses.


mercury - ртуть

boiling point - точка кипіння

accurate - точний

melting point - точка плавлення

scale - шкала

Exercise 8. Read the text and retell it.

Work of a Laboratory Assistant

If a person consults a doctor, he must undergo different tests: blood analyses, urinalyses, biochemistry studies, stool ova or larvae of parasities test, bacteriological studies, histological studies, etc.

All these tests are performed by a laboratory assistant.

The laboratory assistant must remember that the bacteria with which he is working can produce a disease. So he must be very careful when he works with cultures, slides and all the material that may be in contact with living microorganisms. That's why he must remember the following rules:

1. Microscope slides and cover slips must be put into jars with disinfectant solution.

2. Don't moisten labels with the tongue.

3. Don't eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory.

4. Heat inoculating needles in the flame until red hot for sterilization. Do it before and after


5. Keep test tubes with cultures in test tube racks.

The laboratory is equipped with different apparatuses and instruments. There are microscopes, analytical balances, distillators for obtaining distilled water as the running water contains various impurities, burners to heat solutions and thermometers.

The apparatuses necessary for carrying out analyses are clamped to ring stands. When working in the laboratory, a laboratory assistant should put on a white gown and thoroughly wash his hands in running water before work and after it.

A laboratory assistant must write down all the work carried out in the laboratory into the laboratory report book. All the observations during experiments must be written down into this book in the following form:

1. Title of the experiment and the date.

2. The object of the experiment.

3. Description of the methods used.

4. The names and description of organisms.

5. The results.

6. The conclusion of the results.

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1.What are the aims of the clinical laboratory? 2. What are the duties of a laboratory assistant? 3.What is the laboratory equipped with? 4.What can you say about the report book?

Exercise 10. Name the rules, which must be followed by a laboratory assistant.

Exercise 11. Choose one of the dialogs below. Act it out with your fellow student.

Pain in the Leg

D: Next, please.

P: Good morning, doctor.

D: Good morning, sit down, please.

P: Thank you.

D: What's your name?

P: My name is...

D: How old are you?

P: I'm...

D: Where do you live? P: I live in...

D: What is your occupation? P: I am...

D: What's wrong with your leg?

P: I fell down on the skating rink and hurt my right leg badly. D: Take your shoe off, I'll examine your foot.

P: My foot isn't broken, I have no swelling on it. But, you see, it is dark blue. D: Yes, it's a bad bruise. You must apply a warm compress on your foot and stay in bed for о or three days. P: Can I walk and do something about the house? D: No, of course not. You must take care of your leg. Stay in bed. P: Will you give me a certificate? D: Yes, see you on Monday. Good-bye. P: Thanks. Good-bye.

Your Arm Is out of Joint

P; Good morning, doctor!

D: Good morning. Sit down, please.

P: My name is...

D: What is your age?

P: 1 am...

D: Where do you live? P: I live in...

D: What is your occupation?

P: I am a driver at a brick factory.

D: What's happened?

P: I have a bad pain in my left arm. Look at it!

D: I shall examine you. Put your arm on the table. Let me see... Do you feel pain here? P: No. D: Here9

P: No, no, a little higher.

D: Here? It may be out of joint.

P: The severe pain's in this place.

D: Your arm must be X-rayed as soon as possible.

P: Do you think it's a fracture?

D: No, I'll tell you after your arm is examined. Let's hope for the best. Here is the paper. P: What's this9

D: A referral to the X-ray department.

P: May I go?

D: Yes. see you soon.

P: Thanks, doctor.

Leg Fracture

D: Next, please!

P: Good morning, doctor.

D: Good morning, sit down, please. What's your name? P: My full name is... D: Your age? P:...

D: Address? P:...

D: What's your occupation? P:...

D: What's wrong with you? P: My left leg is broken!

D: Put your trousers down. I'll examine the leg. P: I can't move it.

D: Lay it here, help yourself with the amis. I'll help you. P: I have a very bad pain here. D: Here? (Presses.)

P: Ah! The pain becomes more severe, when you press the place.

D: Yes, it may be a fracture, a closed fracture. I must see X-rays of the fracture, and only after that I'll be able to put your leg in plaster cast. P: Shall I ever go on my leg?

D: Yes, of course, in some four or five weeks. You must stay in your bed during this period.

P: Shall I be transported to the X-ray department? D: Yes, of course. P: Thank you.

A Dog Bit Me

P: Oh doctor! Help me, help! (Runs into the doctor's office.) D: Please calm down. Take a sit. What's your name? P: My name is... D: How old are you? P: I'm....

D: Are you married?

P: Yes, I have a husband and two children. D: Where do you live? P: I live in...

D: What's you profession? P: I am a... at a... D: Show me your wound. P: Here it is. A dog bit me.

D: Let me see... It is deep and dirty. When did it happen?

P: It happened an hour ago.

D: Does it hurt you?

P: Yes, I have a bad pain in my arm.

D: Wait a minute. The nurse will make you an injection.

P: Will you put stitches in my wound?

D: Be calm. Don't worry. Everything will be all right. You will not feel any pain. Put your hand here.

P: I'm afraid. Oh! Ah! (The doctor processes the wound.)

D: That's right. It is ready.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 3553. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

Кардиналистский и ординалистский подходы Кардиналистский (количественный подход) к анализу полезности основан на представлении о возможности измерения различных благ в условных единицах полезности...

Обзор компонентов Multisim Компоненты – это основа любой схемы, это все элементы, из которых она состоит. Multisim оперирует с двумя категориями...

Композиция из абстрактных геометрических фигур Данная композиция состоит из линий, штриховки, абстрактных геометрических форм...

Важнейшие способы обработки и анализа рядов динамики Не во всех случаях эмпирические данные рядов динамики позволяют определить тенденцию изменения явления во времени...

Основные структурные физиотерапевтические подразделения Физиотерапевтическое подразделение является одним из структурных подразделений лечебно-профилактического учреждения, которое предназначено для оказания физиотерапевтической помощи...

Почему важны муниципальные выборы? Туристическая фирма оставляет за собой право, в случае причин непреодолимого характера, вносить некоторые изменения в программу тура без уменьшения общего объема и качества услуг, в том числе предоставлять замену отеля на равнозначный...

Тема 2: Анатомо-топографическое строение полостей зубов верхней и нижней челюстей. Полость зуба — это сложная система разветвлений, имеющая разнообразную конфигурацию...

БИОХИМИЯ ТКАНЕЙ ЗУБА В составе зуба выделяют минерализованные и неминерализованные ткани...

Типология суицида. Феномен суицида (самоубийство или попытка самоубийства) чаще всего связывается с представлением о психологическом кризисе личности...

ОСНОВНЫЕ ТИПЫ МОЗГА ПОЗВОНОЧНЫХ Ихтиопсидный тип мозга характерен для низших позвоночных - рыб и амфибий...

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