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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


prime time [praim] найбільш зручний час

germ [с(зз:т] мікроб, бактерія

blast [bla:st] вириватися (про повітря)

airborne ['eabo:n] що переноситься повітрям

doorknob ['do:nob] (кругла) дверна ручка

ship [Гір] перевозити, переправляти

share [fea] користуватися разом; ділитися

invade [in'veid] вторгатися, вдиратися

weird [wisd] незрозумілий

booster ['bu:sto] підсилювач

dehydrate [dk'haidreit] зневоднювати(ся)

remedy ['remidi] ліки

soothe [su:6] заспокоювати

sore throat ['so:'0r3ot] запалене (хворе) горло

over-the-counter medications [,3uv36o'kaont3]

ліки, що продаються без рецепта drugstore ['dnvgsto:] аптека (амер.) tissue [tisju:] паперова носова хусточка

Exercise 2. Put this conversation in the correct order; read the dialog. Patient: Yesterday I fell while I was playing football. Patient: Should I go today? Doctor: Goodbye.

Doctor: Hmm. I think you've only sprained it. But you'll need an X-ray. I'll put a bandage on it for now. But you should go to hospital for an X-ray.

Patient: Yes, but it hurts.

Patient: I've hurt my ankle.

Patient: Thank you. Doctor. Good-bye.

Doctor: Can you just take your shoe off? Hmm, yes. Can you move your foot? Doctor: Yes. Take this letter with you. Doctor: When did it happen? Doctor: Hello. What's the problem?





I Speaking Illness
II Grammar 1. Розділові питання (§71). 2. Висловлення прохання чи наказу першій чи третій особі (§72). 3. Складні прийменники
III Independent Work Why Are British Sailors Called "Limeys"


I. Speaking: Illness

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read the words and word combinations. Mind pronunciation.

Registry, registering clerk, occupation, to write out, slip, to examine a patient, medical examination, therapeutist, thoroughly, eyesight, to perform smb's blood analysis, to take smb's blood pressure, to X-ray, to make an appointment with smb for some time, to see a patient, consulting room, waiting room, to take smb's temperature, to keep a thermometer under one's armpit, to make a diagnosis, to prescribe, proper, to follow treatment, reception hours, call, headache, to have a sore throat, to strip to the waist, to feel smb's pulse, to offer, to palpate, patient's card, disease, to suffer, healthy, to have a cold rubdown, to be out in the open air, to catch a (bad) cold, to stay in bed, to cough, to sneeze, to have a headache, to be running a (high) temperature, to cause, complication, medicine, scalding foot bath, to put a hot water bottle on smth, to keep fever down, to be ill with smth, to reveal.

Exercise 2. Read the topical word combinations and learn them by heart.

air [єз] повітря; провітрювати

clear (fresh) air - чисте (свіже) повітря

to be out in the open air - знаходитись на свіжому повітрі

to air the ward - провітрити палату

care [кєз] турбота, піклування

to take care of - доглядати за, піклуватися про, дивитись за under nurse's care - під наглядом медсестри cause [ko:z] викликати, спричиняти

to cause pain (trouble, suffering) - викликати біль (занепокоєння); спричинити страждання

to cause a disease (a high temperature, complications) - спричинити хворобу,

викликати високу температуру, ускладнення check up [tfek] перевіряти, контролювати to check a pulse - перевірити пульс

to check smb's kidneys (lungs, heart) - перевірити функцію нирок (легенів, серця) complications [,knmpli'keijhz] ускладнення complications after a disease - ускладнення після хвороби

some complications will follow this disease - після цієї хвороби можуть бути деякі

ускладнення to avoid complications - уникати ускладнень disease [di'zi:z] хвороба, захворювання

a chronic disease - хронічне захворювання (terrible, serious, dangerous - страшне,

серйозне, небезпечне) to treat smb for a disease - лікувати когось від хвороби to cure smb of a disease - вилікувати когось від хвороби to fight against a disease - боротися із захворюванням children's disease - дитяча хвороба infectious disease - інфекційне захворювання to carry a disease - переносити (розповсюджувати) хворобу to catch a disease - заразитися хворобою examination [ik,zaemi'neijh] огляд, обстеження; дослідження medical examination - медичне обстеження;

thorough (careful) medical examination - ретельний (уважний) медогляд general examination - загальне обстеження X-ray examination - рентгенологічне обстеження on examination - під час огляду; після розгляду

to arrange (carry on) a medical examination - організовувати (проводити) медогляд an examination shows (reveals, proves) - огляд показує (підтверджує); як виявив

огляд fill in - заповнювати

to fill in a patient's card - заповнювати картку хворого to fill in a table - заповнювати таблицю palpate [pal'peit] пальпувати, промацувати

to palpate carefully (thoroughly, skillfully) - промацувати уважно (ретельно, вміло) prescribe [pris'kraib] виписувати, призначати

to prescribe a proper treatment (a medicine) - призначити відповідне лікування (ліки)

suffer f'sAfa] страждати (від), відчувати

to suffer greatly - дуже страждати

to suffer pain - відчувати біль

to suffer from pain - страждати від болю

to suffer from a disease - страждати від хвороби

write out - виписувати

to write out a slip (a medical certificate, a sick list) - виписувати направлення (медичну довідку, лікарняний)

treatment [4ri:tment] лікування

a proper (new, effective) treatment - належне (нове, ефективне) лікування

to be on home treatment - лікуватися в домашніх умовах

to follow smb's treatment - дотримуватись чийогось лікування

Exercise 3. Make up questions to the words in bold type.

1. There is an examination couch in every consulting room. 2. My sister always complains of a bad headache. 3. They reported on the important findings of their experiments on animals. 4. Besides his reception hours a doctor goes out to calls in the afternoon. 5.1 shall follow the doctor's treatment which he has prescribed me. 6. Yesterday he made an appointment with his district doctor for 11 a.m. 7. The doctor must palpate your abdomen during medical examination.


Exercise 4. Find synonyms for the words and expressions in bold type.

1. Take this medicine. It will bring the temperature down. 2. After proper treatment 1 became healthy. 3. My younger brother has fallen ill with measles. He must lie in bed for several days. 4. The nurse measured the patient's temperature. 5. My friend wants very much to attend postgraduate courses. 6. Doctor Petrov usually receives his patients in the consulting room 15. 7. He arranged to be seen by the doctor at 12 a.m. 8. Has the X-ray examination revealed any lung disease? 9. I'm afraid I have caught a bad cold because I feel very bad. 10. The doctor could say what disease I was ill with. 11. Scarlet fever may often bring about a high temperature. 12. The hours during which Dr. Smirnov sees his patients are from 9 a.m. till 12 a.m.

Exercise 5. Substitute the words in bold type for antonyms and make the necessary changes.

1. When the nurse took his temperature, it was low. 2. The patient hasn't recovered after the prescribed treatment. 3. They pay little attention to their health. 4. We have graduated from the Institute this year. 5. The doctor made a wrong diagnosis. 6. They miss classes every day. 7. Junior students go out to calls. 8. The patient took the thermometer out of his armpit. 9. She feels rotten. 10. They stay indoors every day. 11.1 don't want to tell you about my work.

Exercise 6. a) Read doctor's questions used at the beginning of a reception.

1. What do you complain of? 2. What else troubles you? 3. What is wrong with you?

b) Ask a patient these questions adding the necessary words.

1. What... wrong... you? 2. What... you complain...? 3. What... troubles...?

c) Answer the doctor's questions using the given expressions.

1. What was wrong with you yesterday? A high temperature. 2. What else troubles you? A sore throat. 3. What do you complain of? My headache.

Exercise 7. a) Read additional doctor's questions.

1. Do you have any other complaints? 2. Does your heart (stomach) trouble you? 3. Is your pain severe (weak)? 4. Is it painful to swallow? b) Translate the doctor's questions.

1. Чи турбує вас шлунок? 2. Чи є інші скарги? 3. Чи дуже боляче? 4. Чи боляче ковтати?

c) Ask your patient these questions. What are his short answers? Use these expressions.

1. Does your stomach.............? Yes,.... 2. Is your pain...? No,.... 3. Do... have........................

complaints? Yes,.... 4. Is................ to swallow? Yes,....

Exercise 8. a) Read the doctor's questions about the patient's anamnesis.

1. What diseases did you have in childhood? 2. Are your parents living and well? 3. What diseases do your parents suffer from?

b) Translate and ask your patient these questions.

І.Чи здорові ваші батьки? 2. Якими хворобами вони страждають? 3. Чи часто вони хворіли в дитинстві? 4. Які хвороби були у вас в дитинстві?

c) Make up your answers using the correct form of the verb.

1. At present my father (to be) living and well. 2. My mother (to suffer) from her heart disease. 3. In my childhood I often (to be) ill. 4. I (to have) scarlet fever and measles.

Exercise 9. Read the dialog and act it out with your fellow student.

A: Hello, Nick. When did you fall ill? В: I fell ill two weeks ago.

A: I didn't know anything about your illness till Elen told me about it. B: Yes, the onset was so sudden. A: Was it acute?

B: Yes, quite. I couldn't sleep at night, felt feverish and could hardly stand on my legs. I had a splitting headache and a bad cough. A: Were you running a temperature?

B: Oh. yes. It was very high - 38.9°C (thirty-eight point nine degrees Celsius). I didn't know that it was so high and wanted to go to our district polyclinic, but my mother didn't let me out.

A: Did you call in a doctor?

B: Certainly. He took my temperature once more. It was 39.2°C (thirty-nine point two). A: Did he diagnose your case?

B: Yes, he did. He examined my lungs, told me to breathe deeply and to cough repeatedly. Then he told my mother I had pneumonia. A: Wrhat did he prescribe?

B: He prescribed some injections, headache pills and some cough mixture, mustard plasters.

A: Did you follow the doctor's instructions?

B: Certainly. The nurse came for injections in due time.

A: And when did you feel better?

B: In ten days I felt much better.

A: Did you go to the polyclinic for check-up?

В: I went to our district doctor's consulting room.

A: So now there is nothing to worry about, 1 suppose.



the onset was sudden - початок був несподіваним pneumonia [njui'msunis] запалення легенів

acute [s'kju:t] гостра (форма) prescription [pris'kripf(3)n] рецепт

feverish ['fhvarij] гарячковий to worry ['wAri] хвилюватися

Exercise 10. Make up your own situations using the following words and word combinations.

1) A lung trouble; to X-ray; to reveal; to complain of; to strip to the waist; to follow treatment; to write out a slip for.

2) To feel rotten; to catch a bad cold; to stay in bed; to keep the thermometer under one's armpit; to be running a high temperature; to have a scalding foot bath; to cough; to sneeze.

3) A consulting room; a district doctor; to check the liver and kidneys; to examine a patient; to make a diagnosis; to prescribe; to listen to the heart and lungs; advice.

4) To take care of oneself; to suffer from; a healthy person; to feel well; to go in for sports; to be out in the open air; to have a cold rubdown.

5) At the registry; to write out a slip; a medical examination; to make an appointment with somebody for some time; a registering clerk.

6) Reception hours; to take smb's blood pressure; to make a diagnosis; to have heart trouble; to feel the pulse; to state; a medical certificate.

7) To be seriously ill with; in my childhood; to stay in bed; measles; to call in a doctor; to be well again; to suffer from many children's diseases.

Exercise 11. Speaking topics.

1. You are a doctor. You are working at the polyclinic. Tell us how you examine your

2. Describe an ordinary working day of a nurse at a polyclinic.

3. Tell us about the diseases you suffered from in your childhood.


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles; make disjunctive questions.

1. Ann is in... garden. 2. He was well-dressed,... best-dressed man in... room. 3. How did you like... film? 4. This is... house that Jack has built. 5. Thanks... lot. 6. Copernicus proved that... Earth goes round... Sun. 7.... tiger is a big cat-like animal. 8. He saw a familiar face in... second row. 9.... Trafalgar Square is famous for its Nelson's Column.


Exercise 2. Make the following sentences negative.

1. There is a call to No. 15, Pushkin Street. 2. He follows his doctor's treatment. 3. We made an appointment with our district doctor yesterday. 4. X-ray examination reveals lung troubles. 5. That patient will stay in bed for a week. 6.There are many hospitals in this city. 7.1 am interested in this patient's blood pressure. 8. This disease gives very serious complications. 9. The patient took this medicine every other day. 10. My younger brother had measles at the age of five. 11. The doctor palpated the patient's abdomen during medical examination.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets, put the personal pronouns in the required form and translate these sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Let (he) write an application for a scholarship. 2. Let (I) listen to your heart and lungs. 3. Let (we) have dinner at our institute canteen after classes. 4. Let (we) discuss the findings of our experiments. 5. Let (I) take you temperature. 6. Let (he) be X-rayed today. 7. Let (they) be out in the open air as much as possible. 8. Let (she) stay in bed for some days as she is running a high temperature. 9. Let (1) palpate your abdomen. 10. Let (he) check if she is ill with pneumonia.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the compound prepositions (складні прийменники).

as to - що стосується due to - через, у результаті чого, завдяки depending upon - залежно від according to - згідно з during - під час

1. Many vitamins play a vital role due to their properties.

2. Depending on the sizes these cells are divided into groups.

3. As to his research work it deals with the problems of the new form of influenza.

4. 1 saw many operations during my practice at the hospital.

5. According to the timetable we have four periods a day.


III. Independent Work: Why Are British Sailors Called "Limeys"?

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Why Are British Sailors Called "Limeys"?

In the early days of long sea trips, thousands of sailors died each year from a strange disease. First they would get dizzy and lose their appetite. Their mouths would get sore and their teeth would loosen. If their skin was touched even lightly, it would turn black and blue.

The name of this "sailor's disease" is scurvy. At first, no one knew what caused it. Many sailors got better after their ship reached shore. For this reason, many people said scurvy was caused by "a change of air".

In 1535, explorer Jacques Cartier's men developed scurvy. They drank fruit juices and were cured. Other sailors were saved in the same way. No one knew why.

Two centuries passed. Sailors were still dying from scurvy. Finally, a group of British doctors studied the disease. They found that fruit juices could both cure and prevent scurvy. Still, they did not know what caused it.

After this study, English ships always carried a supply of limes. Each sailor had to eat a piece every day. Since then, British sailors have been called "limeys."

It took many years before doctors learned the true cause of scurvy.

Sickness is often caused by a bacteria or a virus. But scurvy starts when there is a lack, or deficiency, of vitamin C in a person's diet. For this reason, scurvy is called a deficiency disease. Vitamin C is an important nutrient found in limes and other citrus fruits. Oranges and lemons are citrus fruits.


lime - лайм (різновид лимона) scurvy - цинга deficiency - дефіцит, нестача limey [Taimi] (амер. сленг) англієць

Exercise 2. Read "A Story from History", answer the questions.

In 1497 Vasco da Gama sailed around the Cape of Good Hope. The trip took 8 months. He started out with one hundred and sixty men. One hundred of them died of scurvy.

1. What vitamin did they lack?

Christopher Columbus' log tells us that many of his sailors became ill with scurvy.

2. Why do you think the sailors did not die?

In 1735, four ships sailed from England to the East Indies. They were the Dragon, the Hector, the Susan, and the Ascension. On all ships except the Dragon sailors developed scurvy. One of the ships served fruit juice to the crew.

3. On which ship was the crew served fruit juice?

Like it or not, while at sea, every English sailor had to eat a piece of lime every day.

4. Do sailors have to eat limes today? Why?

Remember that citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are popular citrus fruits.

5. What do citrus fruits have that helps prevent scurvy?

Surprise! The tomato is not a vegetable. It is a fruit. The tomato is also a rich source of vitamin C.

6. What are some foods that you should eat so that you get enough vitamin C?

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences.

1. The best title for this story is

a) Long Sea Voyages

b) The History of the British Navy

c) The Story of Scurvy

d) How Vitamin C Got Its Name

2. Jacques Cartier's men were cured of scurvy because

a) they drank fruit juices

b) the air was better

c) their ship reached shore

d) they were on a diet

3. The term "limey" started

a) in 1535

b) before 1535 c)about 1735

4. British doctors discovered

a) vitamin C

b) citrus fruits

c) scurvy

d) that citrus fruits prevent and cure scurvy

5. Oranges and limes are examples of

a) vegetables

b) diets

c) juice

d) citrus fruits

Exercise 4. Are the following sentences true or false?

1. Only sailors can get scurvy.

2. All diseases are caused by bacteria or viruses.

3. Deficiency means "too much".

4. Eighteenth century doctors discovered that limes have vitamin C.

5. Scurvy is "catching".

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the words below (one word may be used twice).

loose teeth, loss of appetite, vitamin C, limes, scurvy, oranges, sore gums, grapefruits, easy black and blue marks

1. A deficiency of vitamin C causes a disease called....

2. Four symptoms of scurvy are....

3. English sailors are called limeys because they were given... to eat.

4. Limes help to treat scurvy because they are rich in....

5. Three examples of citrus fruits are....




I Speaking Infectious Diseases
II Grammar 1. Дієслово у Future Continuous (§73). 2. Прохання і наказ у непрямій мові (§74). 3. Підрядні речення наслідку (§75)
III Independent Work Bacteria


I. Speaking: Infectious Diseases

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: learn the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, translate them.

Blood, a drop of blood, blood transfusion. Cough, a slight cough, a bad cough, a dry cough.

Disease, a fatal disease, a curable disease, an incurable disease, a catching (infectious) disease.

Throat, a sore throat, to gargle the throat. Skin, dry skin, hot skin, rash on the skin. Fever, to keep a fever down, enteric fever.

Exercise 2. Learn the following words, bacterium (pi. bacteria) [Ьгек'гізгізт] бактерія bacillus (pi. bacilli) [ba'sitas] бацила cholera ['kobra] холера diphtheria [dif'Biaria] дифтерія enteric [en'terik] fever - черевний тиф whooping cough ['huipin'kaif] кашлюк rash [rasfj висип

microorganism [,maikrau'a:ganizm]

мікроорганізм bacteriological [bask.tiaria'bdjikal]

бактеріологічний plague [pleig] чума malaria [ma'learia] малярія malaise [mas'leiz] нездужання, недуга eruption [і'глрГп] висип prodromal [pra'draumal] продромальний. що

передує початку хвороби

regain [ri'gein] повернути собі, відновити

(здоров'я) stool [stu:l] випорожнення; табуретка stamp out ['staemp'aut] ліквідувати,

викорінити thirst [03:st] спрага vaccination [,vaeksi'neijh] вакцинація peeling ['phlirj] відшаровування; відлущення rabies ['reibi:z] сказ, водобоязнь serum ['siaram] сироватка (крові) sputum ['spju:tam] мокротиння saliva [sa'laiva] слина onset ['unset] початок; напад meningitis [^menin'drains] менінгіт,

запалення мозкової оболонки itch, itching [itfii]] сверблячка, свербіння

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations, infectious (catching) disease - інфекційна (заразна) хвороба gradual onset - поступовий початок sudden onset - раптовий початок

prodromal symptoms - симптоми, що передують хворобі

characteristic features - характерні риси

initial stage of the disease - початкова стадія хвороби

a clinical feature - клінічна ознака

natural immunity - природний імунітет

artificial immunity - набутий імунітет


Exercise 4. Here is a list of some infectious diseases. Some of them are considered to
be children's infections and other both children's and adults'. Learn their names.
Children's Diseases Infectious Diseases

chicken pox - вітрянка AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) -

mumps - свинка СНІД (синдром набутого імунодефіциту)

measles - кір diphtheria - дифтерія

polio - поліомієліт diarrhea - пронос

whooping cough - кашлюк dysentery - дизентерія

scarlet fever - скарлатина flu (influenza, grippe) - грип

roseola - краснуха (немовлят) hepatitis - гепатит

German measles (rubella) - краснуха tetanus - правець

meningitis - менінгіт scabies - сверблячка, короста tuberculosis - туберкульоз enteric fever - черевний тиф

Exercise 5. Read the text.

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are diseases which can pass from one person to another by different ways: through the nose and mouth, simply by touch, through the blood, etc.

A person who has any infectious disease must be isolated immediately. The main task of medical workers is to prevent the spread of infection.

All infectious diseases are caused by specific microorganisms which may be revealed by bacteriological tests: for example, typhoid bacilli are found in the blood, stool; in enteric fever they are sometimes found in the urine; meningococci are found in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in meningitis.

Today such diseases as the plague, cholera, malaria and others have been stamped out altogether in our country.

It is important to say that such infectious disease as scarlet fever may have a sudden onset; however in others, such as enteric fever, the onset may be gradual. Prodromal symptoms appear earlier than the characteristic features, and generally it is difficult to make a diagnosis in the initial stages of the disease.

A sore throat, a running nose, cough, high temperature may occur among the most characteristic local symptoms. Many diseases are accompanied by rash. Special attention should be paid to the type of the rash, its color, distribution and whether it is associated with itching or not. Abdominal infectious diseases may cause diarrhea. Only in certain individuals natural immunity to infectious diseases may exist. An artificial immunity results from prophylactic vaccination, which is carried out against a number of infectious diseases.

If nurses look after patients who have any infectious disease, they must:

- prevent the spread of infection;

- wear a mask and a special gown;

- wash hands carefully after visiting infectious patients;

- disinfect bedclothes after use;

- remember that a good bedside manner and hearty attitude is an effective medicine (ліки).

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

1. What are infectious diseases?

2. What ways of passing infection from one person to another do you know?

3. What causes these diseases?

4. What infectious diseases have been stamped out in our country?

5. What are the main symptoms of many infectious diseases?

6. What must nurses do to prevent the spread of infection?

7. What must nurses remember while caring for a person who has any infectious disease? Exercise 7. Translate into English.

Особливу увагу слід звернути на тип висипу, перші продромальні симптоми, скарлатина може розпочатись раптово, початок може бути поступовим, на ранніх стадіях захворювання, лише в окремих людей, супроводжуються висипанням, носити маску і спеціальний халат, через кров, продезінфікувати білизну після використання.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using expressions in the right column.


It is wrong

It is important It is dangerous It is necessary

not to disinfect bedclothes after use. to prevent spread of infection, to wear a mask and a gown, to put patients in a ward.

to put patients with different diseases in the same ward, to wash hands after contacting an infectious patient. to prevent the disease by prophylactic vaccination.

Exercise 9. Find substitutes for the words and expressions in bold type.

1. In our country doctors have put an end to the plague, cholera and malaria.

2. What infectious diseases take place in most Asian countries today?

3. The patient's recovery after illness was not so good as the doctor wanted.

4. The patient complains of a general feeling of uneasiness.

5. The appearance of rash is a definite clinical manifestation of measles.

6. Not natural immunity can be provided against many infectious diseases.

Exercise 10. Make up your own situations on the following topics.

1. Prevention of infectious diseases.

2. Measures of stopping the spread of infection.

3. About infectious diseases.


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Put in any of the given words: many, much, little, a little, few, a few.

1. Are there... higher schools in your native town? 2. Did your mother take... medicine to keep the fever down? 3. How... subjects does the first-year curriculum include? 4. In his childhood he suffered from... children's diseases, and he isn't a very healthy man now. 5. How... patient's cards did the registering clerk fill in yesterday? 6. How... blood did the nurse take from your finger? 7. The human body consists of... bones. 8. There is... milk in your glass. May I add some?

Exercise 2. Name the parts of speech of the following words, pay attention to their suffixes.

react - reactive - reaction

act - active - action

collect - collective - collection

connect - connective - connection

infect - disinfective - infection - disinfection

Exercise 3. Put the following sentences in the Future Continuous Tense, add necessary adverbs.

1. What are they doing? 2. He is not packing his things, is he? 3. Are you waiting for your friend? 4. The doctor's staying at a hotel. 5. She isn't smoking, is she?

Exercise 4. Make up questions to the words in bold type.

1. I'll be taking my friend out to dinner tomorrow.

2. We'll be watching TV when he comes at 7.

3. You'll be discussing this problem all next lesson.

4. I'll be seeing my doctor tomorrow morning.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention how to express the future tense.

1. Я зустрічаюсь із лікарем завтра о 10-й.

2. Я побачуся з друзями, якщо в мене буде час.

3. До побачення. Побачимось завтра.

4. Я візьму лікарняний післязавтра.

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