P: Thank you, doctor. What must I do now? D: Now you have to go to the dressing room, where the nurse will make you an injection. P: Thanks, doctor. Good-bye.
II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Put in articles where necessary. 1. On... 10* of August my brother was operated on for... appendicitis.... postoperative course of... disease was uneventful and on... 14th postoperative day he was discharged from... hospital. 2. During... operation... 500 ml of... antibiotics were introduced into... abdominal cavity and... patient was transfused... preserved blood. 3. Before... operation... patient Smimov was given intratracheal anesthesia. 4. When I recovered my consciousness, 1 felt... unbearable pain in... lower part of... stomach. 5. In...course of... operation... abdominal cavity was cleansed from... food mass and... turbid exudates. 6.... Surgeon Belov and his assistants were getting ready for... operation in... scrub room. 7.... muscular tension is... symptom of... bad pain in... stomach. 8.... presence of... free gas in... abdominal cavity under... cupula of... diaphragm suggest... pathologic process. 9.... scalpel,... pincers and... clamps are... most necessary surgical instruments. Exercise 2. Name the tense and voice of the verbs and translate the sentences. 1. These scientists have taken the lead in the solution of this problem. 2. They are studying many questions of organ and tissue grafting. 3. Research is being conducted on grafting of the vessels, skin, bones, etc. 4. Neurosurgery, one of the youngest branches of medicine, has greatly advanced in scientific investigations. 5. Over 24,000 major operations have been performed at this institute. 6. Neurosurgical operations are performed with practically no loss of blood. Exercise 3. Name the parts of speech of the following words. Mind the suffixes and prefixes. - pain, painful, painless - depend, dependant, dependence, independent - child, children, childhood - differ, difference, different, differently - mother, motherhood, motherless, motherly - frequent, frequently, frequency - brother, brotherhood, brotherly - effect, effective, effectiveness, aftereffect Exercise 4. The suffixes -dom, -ness convey abstract meaning of nouns derived from adjectives. Form nouns adding the suffixes -dom, -ness, translate the words.
to inform - інформувати to understand - зрозуміти to misinform - неправильно інформувати to misunderstand - неправильно зрозуміти Make up words and translate them: dis-: like, appear, appearance, continue, charge; mis-: take, inform, lead, lay, place, print, rule; re-: act, action, agent, collect, form, turn, member. Exercise 6. Make up questions and answer them according to the model. Model: thermometer - to take temperature What is a thermometer used for? A thermometer is used for taking temperature. Burner - to heat solutions; distillator - to distil water or other liquids; vessel - to keep substances; pipette - to transfer liquids. Exercise 7. Translate into Ukrainian. To rebuild the bridge; to reread the text; to reconstruct some houses; to rewrite the task; to retell the story; to disagree with information; to divide into groups; to disappear in the darkness; to disapprove the decision; to mislead some men; to mishear the sentence; to misunderstand the translation. - deference of people on occupied territories; - training personnel in hygiene and first aid; - organization of donors' help. The Red Cross is aimed to help all those suffering without any discrimination. Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1) Is the Red Cross an international organization? 2) Are you a member of the Red Cross organization? 3) What is your contribution into the activity of the local Red Cross organization?
I. Speaking: Teeth Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: read the words, pay attention to the pronunciation. Special, laboratory, ventilate, group, analysis, cylinder, pipette, accurate, synthetic, natural, centimeter, cubic, experiment, apparatus, instrument, thermometer, alcohol, limit, reagent, paraffin, temperature, solution.
Exercise 2. Read and learn the new words. tooth (pi. teeth) - зуб crown - коронка (зуба) neck - шийка (зуба) gums - ясна root - корінь (зуба) enamel - емаль dentine - дентин pulp - пульпа root canal - канал кореня зуба bite кусати chew, masticate - жувати teething - прорізування (зубів) incisor - різець cuspid, canine tooth, eye-tooth - ікло molar - молярний, кутній зуб wisdom tooth зуб мудрості digestion - травлення jaw щелепа set - ряд зубів covering - покриття Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations by heart. bony organ - кістковий орган protective covering - захисне покриття outer and inner tissue - зовнішня і внутрішня тканина feeding and growing - живлення і ріст temporary teeth молочні зуби permanent teeth постійні зуби adult person - доросла людина see a dentist - консультуватися в зубного лікаря Exercise 4. Say in English. Верхня щелепа, нижня щелепа, молочні зуби, постійні зуби, кутній, різець, ікло, пульпа, верхнє покриття - це емаль, не кусай горіхи зубами, корінь зуба, різна форма коронок, дві зміни зубів, зуб мудрості. Exercise 5. Put in the necessary prepositions. 1. The teeth are... the upper and lower jaws. 2.... the time the child is two he has twenty teeth. 3. The man has two sets... teeth. 4. The teeth are very important bony organs... our digestion. 5. The teeth are divided... four groups. (of, into, for, by. in)
Exercise 6. Read the text and retell it.
Teeth Teeth are very important bony organs for our digestion. By means of them we bite and masticate food. A tooth consists of three parts: the root, the neck and the crown. The physical support of each tooth is the alveolar bone. The tooth has a hard outer covering which surrounds the central pulp cavity. This protective covering consists of a very firm hard substance, enamel. The inner tissue of the tooth is dentine. It is a softer and less resistant material than the enamel. When the enamel is broken, the dentine soon suffers. There are blood vessels and nerves in our teeth by means of which the feeding and growing of them take place. Depending on the form and function our teeth are divided into four groups. They are incisors, cuspids, bicuspids and molars. The teeth have various forms of the crown. They may be one-root, two-root and three-root teeth. During our life we have two sets of teeth. The first teething begins at 6 months and lasts till the age of two and a half years. Little children have 20 temporary teeth. These teeth are not strong and their life time is only several years. The second teething begins at 6 years and is over by 24. An adult person has 32 permanent teeth. The clinical formula of teeth is as follows: 2 incisors, 1 cuspid, 2 bicuspids and? molars. Exercise 7. Answer the questions. 1. What do we do by means of our teeth? 2. What parts does a tooth consist of? 3. What is the physical support of each tooth? 4. What does the protective covering consist of? 5. What is the inner tissue of the tooth? 6. What function do blood vessels and nerves fulfill in our teeth? Exercise 8. Read the text about mouth hygiene. You must keep your mouth, gums and teeth in healthy condition. Brush your gums and teeth every morning and rinse your mouth cavity after every meal. Don't use metal things to clean your teeth, because it'll ruin the teeth enamel. Examine your teeth twice a year. Use food which you must chew and newer crack nuts with teeth. Notes: brush - щітка; чистити meal - їжа (прийом їжі)
twice - двічі crack - розколювати, кусати, розкушувати food - їжа (продукти харчування) Exercise 9. Ask your friend if: - he has healthy teeth; - he brushes his teeth and gums only in the morning; - he uses tooth paste for brushing; - he often goes to the dentist. Exercise 10. Read and act out the dialogs. Tom: I have a bad toothache. Nick: I'd have the aching tooth taken out if it were mine. Tom: If it were yours, I would too! Mother: We shall go to the dentist with you today, Tom. Tom: Let's go next week, Mummy. There is nothing the matter with my teeth. Mother: Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today! Tom: I don't like to go to dentists. I'm afraid of them. Dentist: Tom, can you open your mouth as wide as your eyes? Tom: Hey, what's the matter with you? Nick: I've got toothache. Tom: Why don't you go to the dentist then? Nick: I'm afraid to have teeth out, it hurts! Exercise 11. Speaking situations. 1. You are a dental nurse. You visit schoolchildren at school. Tell them about the importance of having healthy teeth and how to keep them healthy for a long time. 2. Tell your group about teeth: the number of sets, teeth shape, groups, structure (use the text "Teeth"). 3. Tell your fellow students about your last visit to the dentist. 4. You are in an English-speaking country. Suddenly your tooth starts to ache. What will II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Put the verbs in the correct form. Translate the sentences. 1. Last year we (to study) inorganic chemistry and biology. 2. They (to graduate) from the institute in five years. 3. Students (to learn) theoretical subjects with great interest. 4. At the end of the second year they (to have) practice at the hospital where they got acquainted with the work of nurses. 5. I usually (to prepare) my homework in the reading hall of the library. 6. We (to take) our examination in the foreign language during the summer session. Exercise 2. Translate the following words with the suffixes -ment, -ship using the dictionary. Friendship, development, leadership, assessment, partnership, movement, requirement, relationship, authorship, management, championship, measurement. Exercise 3. Translate and form degrees of comparison of the adverbs. a) Близько, рано, пізно, мало, скоро, повільно. b) Добре, погано, рідко, гарно, зручно. Exercise 4. Name the adjectives or adverbs in the positive degree. Earliest, worse, most, best, largest, shorter, busier, less, better, least, nicer, longest, hottest, later, worst, quicker, slowest. Exercise 5. Put the words in brackets in the correct degree of comparison. 1. Petrov is the (good) student in the group. 2. The (long) examination session is in summer. 3. The street our college is situated in is (beautiful) in our town. 4. My friend got a (high) mark in anatomy examination than me. 5. Our first-year students study (bad) than senior students. 6. Pharmacognosy is as (difficult) as botany. 7. Microbiology is not so (easy) as you say. 8. It is necessary to work (much) to become a good nurse. Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Еоворіть, будь ласка, голосніше, я вас погано чую. 2. Ти написав контрольну гірше за всіх. 3. Вона зможе краще вчитися, якщо більше часу приділятиме практиці. 4. Завтра ми встанемо раніше, щоб прийти до зубного лікаря вчасно. 5. Мене запитали, яка професія мені подобається найбільшу і чому. 6. Львів такий же великий, як і Одеса? 7. Сьогодні погода така ж гарна, як і вчора. 8. Ця кімната не така зручна, як кабінет дантиста.
III. Independent Work: What Happens to a Hamburger Exercise 1. Read the first part of the text and translate it, write down new words in your vocabulary. What Happens to a Hamburger (Part I) I like to eat. I like bread and pears and celery. I like carrots, and chicken, and potatoes, and hamburgers. I like orange juice, and milk, and tomato juice. What do you like? Good food makes you strong and healthy. It gives you energy and helps you grow. Your body uses food in different ways. It uses some kinds of food to make strong bones and hard teeth. It turns other food into solid muscles. It uses some of the food you eat to keep you warm. Before your body can do these things, it had to change the food. Solid foods like hamburgers and potatoes have to be changed into liquids. Liquids like milk and orange juice have to be changed, too. When you change the food you eat, you are digesting it. Put two lumps of sugar in an empty glass. Take a wooden spoon and pound the lumps with the handle. Pound them until they are broken up into powder. Now pour some water in the glass and stir. Keep stirring until the sugar powder has disappeared. Take a sip of the water. Can you taste the sugar? The sugar has disappeared, but it's still there. It has broken up into millions of tiny pieces. Your eye cannot see them, but your tongue can taste them. When you digest your food, you break it up into millions of very tiny pieces. You start to do this as you take a bite to eat. Digestion begins in your mouth when you chew. You break up the food with your teeth. Something else helps to break up the food in your mouth. It is a fluid. Some people call it spit. Its correct name is saliva. Whenever you take a bite of food, saliva pours into your mouth. You say your mouth is watering. Saliva comes from small glands in your cheeks and under your tongue. Sometimes saliva pours into your mouth even before you take a bite. The smell of food will start it. Take a good sniff of a box of chocolates. Sniff ajar of pickles. What other kinds of food make your mouth water? After you have chewed your food, you swallow it. Your epiglottis closes. It is a door that keeps food from going into your lungs. Your throat squeezes together when you swallow. It pushes the food down into your esophagus. Another name for esophagus is gullet. Your gullet is a tube that leads from the back of your mouth to your stomach. There are muscles in your gullet that squeeze together. They push food into your stomach. (To be continued.) Notes: celery - селера solid - міцний muscle - мускул liquid - рідина to digest - перетравлювати lump - шматок to pound - товкти; бити; калатати powder - порошок to pour - наливати to stir - розмішувати sip - ковток to taste - пробувати на смак tiny - крихітний fluid - рідина spit - слина your mouth is watering - у тебе слинка тече gland - залоза sniff - вдихання носом jar - банка pickles - соління to swallow - ковтати epiglottis - надгортанник Exercise 2. Make a plan of this part of the text.
Exercise 3. Ask questions based on each point of your plan. Exercise 4. Answer the questions. - What happens with food in your mouth? - Where does food go from your mouth?
Lesson Thirty-Two
I. Speaking: At the Dentist's. Dental Instruments Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: read the following words, pay attention to pronunciation. Sterilization, refrigerator, galenical, internal, external, injection, disinfectant, ampule, glucose, camphor, intramuscular, intravenous, personnel, control, manufacture, dose, official, company, metabolism, commend, patient, capsule, tablet, signature, amulet, talisman.
Exercise 2. Learn the following words, toothache - зубний біль tweezers - пінцет dental nurse - стоматологічна медсестра probe - зонд decayed - зруйнований drill - бур filling - пломба spittoon - плювальниця to fill - пломбувати saliva ejector - відсмоктувач слини to extract - видаляти (зуб) dental forceps - зуболікувальні щипці dental instruments - інструменти для лікування hurt - боліти; турбувати зубів Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations by heart. to be afraid of smth - боятися чогось to put in a filling - запломбувати зуб your tooth is working loose ваш зуб хитається to give smb an injection - робити ін'єкцію to spit out - сплюнути to put arsenic - поставити миш'як temporary filling - тимчасова пломба permanent filling постійна пломба decayed tooth - зруйнований зуб infected tooth - хворий зуб tooth is far gone - зуб дуже зруйнований aching pain - сильний біль
У мене болить зуб, відкрийте рот, у вас зруйнований зуб, він дуже зруйнований, я запломбую ваш зуб, я поставлю тимчасову пломбу, постійна пломба, цей зуб хитається, видалити зуб, не турбуйтесь, не бійтесь, я зроблю вам ін'єкцію, цей зуб непокоїть мене. Exercise 6. Complete the sentences filling in the words below. 1.1 have a bad.... 2. He... to go to the dentist. 3. She has a... in this tooth. 4. The doctor put... in my tooth. 5. She extracted my tooth.... (painlessly, be afraid, a temporary filling, pain, toothache) Exercise 7. Act out the dialogs. a) You are a doctor: Dentist: Сідайте, будь ласка. Відкрийте рот. Patient: I have a pain in this tooth. Dentist: Сьогодні я поставлю вам лише тимчасову пломбу. Приходьте через три дні. b) You are an interpreter: D: What's wrong with you, my dear? P: У мене знову болить цей зуб. D: Open your mouth, please. Does this tooth hurt you? P: Так, цей. Я не можу спати вже дві ночі. D: This tooth is far gone. I must extract it. P: Ox, лікарю, я дуже боюся. D: Don't worry, I'll give you an injection, you won't feel any pain. Exercise 8. Read the dialog. Stomatologist: What do you complain of? Are you in pain? Patient: Yes, I have a toothache. S: Let me have a look at your infected tooth. Open your mouth. What tooth troubles you? P: In the upper jaw on the right. S: What kind of pain is there in your tooth? P: I have a terrible toothache. S: When did this ache first appear? P: It appeared two days ago. S: When does it ache more frequently? P: Of course, at night. S: Do you feel this ache from cold or hot water? P: I feel it from cold water. S: There is a cavity here but this tooth is not far gone. It is possible to treat it. I have to clean this cavity and put arsenic in this tooth. P: Oh, doctor. I can't stand the drill. S: It's necessary to do it. I'll treat your infected tooth. Sit calmly, please, and open your mouth wider. Do you feel any ache now? P: Yes, doctor, I do feel. S: I have cleaned the cavity and put arsenic. If the tooth is quite all right and you feel no ache tomorrow, I'll put a temporary filling and then a permanent one. Now let me examine your other teeth. Most of your teeth are quite all right. But one is very bad. It is far gone. It's necessary to extract it. You must go to the surgical room to do it. Exercise 9. Do the following exercises. a) Read the questions used by a stomatologist at the beginning of a reception: 1. What do you complain of? 2. What tooth troubles you? 3. When did the ache first appear? b) Ask some questions on the following sentences: 1. He complains of his toothache. (What... of?) 2. His infected tooth troubled him last night. (What tooth...?) 3. His toothache first appeared yesterday. (When...?) c) Make a short dialog using the phrases: На що ви скаржитесь? Який зуб непокоїть вас? На що скаржиться ваш друг? Коли він уперше відчув біль? У мене болить зуб. На нижній щелепі, справа. У нього теж болить зуб. Учора вночі. Exercise 10. a) Read stomatologist's questions about the kind of pain. 1.What kind of pain is there in your tooth? 2. Do you feel this ache from cold or hot water'? 3. Is your ache more frequent in the daytime or at night? b) Fill in the gaps with the necessary words and word combinations. 1. Did you feel... from cold or... water? 2. Was your ache more... during the day... or at...? 3. What kind of pain is... in your...? c) Make up patient's answers using the given words and word combinations. 1. Hot water, from, feel, I, my ache. 2. At night, frequent, more, was, my toothache. 3. An aching pain, there is, in my tooth. 4. Appeared, it, ago, some, days. Exercise 11. a) Read stomatologist's conclusions. 1. This tooth is all right. It is unnecessary to treat it. 2. That tooth is not far gone. It is possible to treat it and put a filling. It is necessary to clean this cavity. 3. That tooth is far gone (decayed). It's necessary to extract it. b) Fill in the gaps with the necessary words. 1. This tooth... not... gone. It... possible to... it. 2. That tooth... unnecessary to... 3. That tooth... too bad. It's... to extract it. 4. These teeth... all right. They are unnecessary to.... c) Translate the following sentences. 1. Ці зуби не дуже зруйновані. їх можна лікувати. 2. Зараз треба почистити цей зуб і поставити тимчасову пломбу. 3. Цей зуб дуже зруйнований. Його необхідно видалити. Лікувати його неможливо. 4. Ці зуби хороші. Вони не потребують лікування. Exercise 12. a) Read how a stomatologist comments his actions. 1. I'll treat your infected tooth. 2. I'll put a temporary (permanent) filling. 3. I have cleaned the cavity. 4.1 have put arsenic in this tooth. 5. I have to clean this tooth, b) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. I. Tomorrow I (to put) a temporary filling in this tooth. 2. Today I (to clean) this tooth and Exercise 13. Communication situations. /. You are a stomatologist and receive your patients. Talk to one of them keeping the following consistency. a) 1. His first name, surname. 2. His age. 3. His profession. 4. What persons his family consists of? b) 1. What he complains of. 2. What tooth troubles him. 3. What kind of pain he has. 4. When the aching pain first appeared. 5. When this ache is more acute. 6. If this ache appears from hot or cold water. 7. When the temporary filling was put. II. You are examining your patient's oral cavity. Ask the patient to perform the 1. To open his mouth. 2. To show his aching (infected) tooth. 3. To show his other teeth. ///. You are treating an aching tooth. a) Tell your patient that it is necessary to: 1. Clean the cavity of the tooth. 2. Put arsenic in this tooth. 3. Put in a temporary filling. 4. Put in a permanent filling. b) Ask your patient: 1. To open his mouth wider. 2. To sit calmly. 3. To water his mouth. 4. To spit out. 5. To close his mouth.
Exercise 14. Read the text and translate it. Dental Calculus Dental calculus must be removed, otherwise the teeth quickly get spoiled. Tartar deepens the periodontal pocket where food particles accumulate and the mucus of microbe-saturated dental deposit is trapped. One milligram of dental deposit from uncleaned teeth contains about 8 million different microorganisms. They include pathological ones that can cause gingivitis -inflammation of the gingival tissue. The gums begin to bleed and bad breath appears. Tartar cannot be removed with needles, pins or other pointed objects, because the enamel is thus ruined, the gum is injured and the wound gets infected. After the dental calculus is removed by a dentist, hygiene should be scrupulously observed, because tooth care and tartar formation are directly related: neglected teeth are often affected. The mouth must be rinsed after each meal. Eating green vegetables and fruit is beneficial "exercising" for teeth. Thorough chewing of the food helps to clean the oral cavity, improve gingival blood supply and strengthen the gums.
II. Grammar Exercises Exercise 1. Group the words according to the parts of speech, mind suffixes; translate them. English, prepared, orally, prescription, manufactured, prescribed, indicated, polish, indication, intravenously, usually, injection, impure, chemist, unprotected, administered, tradition, information, pharmacist, selected, independent, nonnarcotic, translation, dangerous, variously, feverish. Exercise 2. Group the words according to their roots and translate them into Ukrainian. Produce, effect, medicinal, manufacture, prescribe, dose, independent, production, effective, medicine, productive, manufactured, dependent, prescription, productivity, medical, effectively, prescribed, dosed, depend. Exercise 3. Find the predicative and name its tense and voice. 1. The centigrade scale is universally used in scientific work. 2. The weighing room of the chemical laboratory is equipped with a set of balances. 3. Reagents for experiments will be supplied in various boxes and bottles. 4. Synthetic and natural substances are easily dissolved in alcohol. 5. His lectures on physical chemistry were listened to with great interest. 6. Mendeleev's Periodic Table was much spoken about in the second half of the nineteenth century. 7. Students are paid scolarship once a month. 8. The lecture was followed by an interesting discussion. Exercise 4. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. 1. It's always cold in January. 2. It was simple to translate this paper. 3. It was warm yesterday. 4. It'll be interesting for you to work at a hospital. 5. It'll be easy to find his brother. 6. It's difficult for him to operate five times a week. 7. It rains in autumn. 8. It rained all day long yesterday. 9. It's raining now. 10. It was raining at two o'clock yesterday. 11. It'll be raining very often soon. 12. It's going to rain. Exercise 5. Change the underlined words with corresponding substitutions where it's possible. 1. This English text is too easy for me. Please give me a more difficult text. 2. My sister speaks English better than I speak it. 3.1 don't like these pictures. They are too dark. I saw better pictures in a shop. 4.1 think this operation will be easier than the last operation. 5. His work is more important than your work. 6. This case is less interesting than the case we discussed yesterday. Exercise 6. Translate into English. 1. Зараз іще дуже рано обговорювати це питання. 2. Зима. Досить холодно. 3. Узимку важко вставати рано, тому що вранці ще темно. 4. Моя сестра знає німецьку й англійську, тому їй легко вивчати французьку. 5. Вам важко йти? Давайте візьмемо таксі. 6. Дощ уже йде? — Ні, але скоро піде. 7. Сьогодні вранці ще йшов сніг, а зараз іде дощ. 8.1 не дивно, що мій брат так швидко одужав, — він дотримувався інструкцій лікаря.
III. Independent Work: What Happens to a Hamburger
What Happens to a Hamburger (Part II) Your stomach is a tube like your gullet. But there is a difference. Your stomach can stretch like a balloon. When you eat, your stomach stretches to hold the food. After you swallow your meal, your stomach closes at each end. The food cannot get out. The muscles begin to squeeze. The food is mashed and stirred together. Your stomach has fluids in it like the saliva in your mouth. They are called digestive fluids. They pour in from tiny glands in the sides of the stomach. The digestive fluids help to break the food up into smaller and smaller pieces. Food stays in your stomach for several hours. Some kinds of food stay only about two hours. Other kinds stay longer. The food stays until all the lumps have been broken up. It is like a thick soup now. It is made of millions and millions of tiny pieces.