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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


But digestion has just begun. The tiny pieces must be made even smaller. This happens in the intestines.

There are two intestines in your body - the small intestine and the large intestine. They are really one single long tube.

This tube is coiled up inside you like a pile of heavy rope. It is about twenty-one feet long.

Most of the tube is narrow and is called the small intestine. The last four or five feet of the tube are much bigger around. This part is called the large intestine.

The soupy food is squeezed into the small intestine from the stomach. Digestive fluids from the liver and pancreas are mixed with the food in the small intestine. These fluids break


the food up into very tiny pieces called molecules. Molecules are so small you cannot see them without a special microscope.

The food molecules pass into tiny blood and lymph vessels in the walls of the small intestine. They move into your blood. Then your blood carries them to every part of your body.

The part of the food that is not digested in the small intestine is squeezed into the large intestine. From here, water molecules pass into the bloodstream.

Your body cannot use all of the food you eat. The food it cannot use is stored in the large intestine. You get rid of the unused food when you go to the toilet.

In the morning you may eat scrambled eggs or cereal. You may drink orange juice or hot chocolate. In a few hours your body has digested the food. Then your blood begins to carry the tiny food molecules to your muscles to make them stronger, to your bones to make them harder, to every part of your body to give you energy and help you grow.


to squeeze [skwi:z] стискатися

esophagus [k'srjfsgss] стравохід (syn. gullet)

to stretch [strettfl розтягуватись

to mash [maej] розминати

to coil up [kail] згортатися

pile [pail] купа rope [raup] мотузка

to store [sto:] зберігати

unused [An'ju:zd] невикористаний

scrambled eggs ['skraembld] яєчня-бовтанка

cereal ['sisrisl] (амер.) каша

Exercise 1. Write down all new words in your vocabulary. Exercise 2. Make up questions based on the text. Exercise 3. Describe the process of digestion.




I Speaking Medicines and Their Forms
II Grammar 1. Дієслово у Present Perfect Continuous (§88). 2. Подвійні ступені порівняння (§89). 3. Винятки з правил про утворення ступенів порівняння
III Independent Work D.I. Mendeleev


I. Speaking: Medicines and Their Forms

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading: read the words of Latin or Greek origin; pay attention to their pronunciation; translate them.

History ['histari], historical [his'torikl], pharmacognosy [/aims'kngnazi], initiative [i'nijiativ], museum [mjui'ziam], pharmacy [Tcumasi], pharmaceutical [,fa:ms'sju:tikl], chemistry f'kemistri], chemical ['kemikl], chemist ['kemist], physics ['fiziks], physical ['fizikl], medicine ['medsin], medical ['medikl], microbiology [,таікгзиЬаі'г)І9С^і], lecture

[Tektfa], pharmacology [,ґа:тз'кт)1згізі], toxicology [.roksi'krjladji], laboratory [l9'bt>ret(a)ri], subject ['sAbdsikt], anatomy [a'nastami], temperature ['tempritfs], professor [prs'fess], institute [-institju:t], biology [bai'rjlac^i], substance ['sAbstans], organic [a:'gaenik], biological [,ЬаізТт)дзік1], academician [o^kseds'mifn], organize ['a:ganaiz], organization [,a:ganai'zeijh], technological [rtekna'!Dd3ikl], technology [tek nrjlachji].


Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words.

powder [pauda] порошок

tablet ['tasblit] таблетка

dose [dsus] доза

dosage ['dsusidj] дозування

pill [pil] пілюля, пігулка

ointment ['ointment] мазь

suppository [sa'prjzitri] свічка

globule ['glsubjul] пілюля; крупинка

ampule ['asmpju:!] ампула

solution [ss'luijh] розчин

tincture ['tinktfs] настійка infusion [in'fju:3n] настій

mixture ['mikstfs] суміш

decoction [di'kDkJh] відвар

drops [drops] краплі

medicine ['medsin] ліки, медикамент

drug [dr.\g] ліки, лікарський препарат; наркотик

medication [.medi'keijn] лікарський засіб

remedy ['remidi] засіб; ліки

poison ['piizn] отрута

signature ['signitfa] підпис; сігнатура

at the chemist's ['kemists] в аптеці

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations by heart, a single dose - разова доза, на один прийом a total dose - загальна доза dosed drugs - дозовані ліки

drug administration - призначення/застосування ліків drug action - дія ліків

overdosage of medicines - передозування ліків

healing ointment - лікувальна мазь

cough mixture - мікстура від кашлю

nasal drops - краплі в ніс

cod liver oil - риб'ячий жир

sleeping draught [dra:ft] снодійний засіб

adhesive plaster [sd'hiisiv'plaists] лейкопластир

doctor's prescription - рецепт (призначення) лікаря

teaspoonful (tablespoonful) - чайна (столова) ложка

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words given below.

1. He often uses... 2. She gave her son... 3. I take these... and... three times a day. 4. She applies... on his back. 5. The nurse makes... 6. She has a weak heart and she's got... at the chemist's.

(mustard plaster, injections, vitamins, cod liver oil, heart drops, tablets and powders)

Exercise 5. Say it in English.

Приймай ці порошки з молоком; ви повинні мати лейкопластир, бинт і розчин йоду вдома; я приймаю ці таблетки тричі на день; випий цю мікстуру ввечері; поклади мазь на рану, вона загоїть її; настої, відвари і настоянки; розчин глюкози в ампулах; передозування ліків - це отрута.

Exercise 6. Match the words; remember their Latin form.


ampule порошок
pill таблетка
suppository мазь
decoction свічка
infusion крупинка
tincture ампула
solution настоянка
tablet розчин
powder настій
ointment суміш
mixture відвар
globule краплі
drops отрута
poison ліки

Exercise 7. Read the text and retell it.


At the Chemist's

When you are ill, you consult a doctor. He prescribes you treatment and writes out a prescription. To have all the prescriptions made up1 you have to go to the chemist's.

There are two departments in the chemist's: the department of medicines right away2 and the department where drugs have to be ordered or the prescription department.

At the chemist's shop you can buy medicines of all kinds: tablets, powders, pills, solutions, tinctures, suppositories, ointments, cough mixtures, sleeping draught, nasal drops, cod liver oil, syringes, ampules with different solutions, vitamins, different medicines for external and internal use.

You can also get hot-water bottles, medicine droppers, bandages, bottles of iodine, ice bags, sponges, tooth pastes and toothbrushers, soap, mustard plasters and adhesive plasters and many other things which are quite necessary for medical care and nursing.


1 to have all prescriptions made up - отримати ліки, які призначив лікар

2 right away - відразу, негайно

Exercise 8. Make up lists of three forms of medicines: solid, soft and liquid; use a dictionary; remember Latin names.

Exercise 9. Make up sentences using the following word combinations.

- to take a powder for...

- to take a tablet three times a day

- to take a pill after (during, before) meal

- to put an ointment on...

- to keep suppositories in a cool place

- to wash hands before using globules

- to keep ampules in a dark place

- to read doctor's instructions before giving a solution

- to shake a bottle with a mixture before use

- to take an infusion

- to give a decoction four times a day before meal

- to keep drops in a dark place

- to take twenty drops of a tincture

- to take a teaspoonful on an empty stomach

- to take a tablespoonful of...

- to give a prescription

- to prescribe medicine (treatment)

Exercise 10. Read and act out the dialog.

Father: Doctor, when I came home, I found my little son asleep. At first that seemed normal, but when I entered the bathroom there was a bottle of my wife's sedative on the floor. I'm afraid the child took some of it.

Doctor: Do you know what kind of sedative1 it was?

Father: No, doctor. I only know it was one of sedatives. Here it is.

Doctor: Well, it is better to do stomach washing2. Nurse, have everything ready for stomach washing.


1 sedative - заспокійливий засіб : washing - промивання

Exercise 11. Communicative situations.

1. Describe the chemist's where you usually buy medicines.

2. Make up a dialog between a customer (покупець) and a chemist.

3. Give instructions for administration of any drugs.

4. You are not feeling quite well. You go to the chemist's and ask the chemist to give you
some tablets.

II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Name the parts of speech of the following words, translate them without the dictionary.

accelerate - accelerator - acceleration

combine - combination

medicine - medical - medication

grade - gradual - gradually

prescribe - prescription

effect - effective - effectiveness

Exercise 2. Give degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs.

Handsome, nice, wonderful, sad, green, white, difficult, good, slow, bad, grey, small, little, black, useful, delicate, careful, thin, large, well, quickly.

Exercise 3. Give antonyms of the following words and word combinations.

The best, late, the strongest, older, the most difficult, taller, the widest, more unexpressive, the unhappiest, heavier, the best-known, nearer, the most comfortable, worse.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. До мене приїхав у гості дядько. Це один із найдальших родичів з маминого боку.

2. Він ходить до бібліотеки дуже часто, частіше, ніж ти думаєш. 3. Чим швидше ти
зробиш цю вправу, тим краще. 4. їхати поїздом найзручніше, але це найповільніший вид
транспорту. 5. Це найкращі ліки від болю в горлі.

Exercise 5. Find sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous Tenses.

1. Let's go to this chemist's. 2. I have been preparing my home task since he came here.

3. A hot-water bag is the last thing you need. 4. The nurse has been making injections for two
hours. 5. She usually buys these heart drops. 6. He hasn't been prescribing the tablets so long,
has he?

Exercise 6. Make the sentences interrogative and negative.

1. We have been choosing the best drags since 10 o'clock. 2. My sister has been working in this chemist's for three years. 3. They have been talking about new nasal drops for an hour already. 4. We have been studying grammar rales for several years. 5. She has been boiling this decoction for two hours already.

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.

1. 1 have been boiling water with sugar... 2. She has been doing exercises... 3. We have been buying necessary medicine... 4. My younger sister has been having her breakfast... 5. I have been translating the instruction of these suppositories....

Exercise 8. Translate into English.

1. Лікар приймає хворих уже дві години.

2. Мій друг лежить у ліжку вже кілька днів. У нього висока температура.

3. Він приймає ці ліки від головного болю кілька місяців.

4. Моя бабуся готує трав'яні чаї. Мабуть, вона варить трави з самого дитинства.

5. Коли ви почали читати цей довідник? Як довго ви його читаєте?


III. Independent Work: D.I. Mendeleev

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Outstanding Russian Chemist D.I. Mendeleev

The second half of the 19lh century was a period of rapid growth of chemistry. Among those who contributed to its further development was Dmitriy Mendeleev, the discoverer of the Periodic Law of the Elements.

Today the Periodic Law is studied by millions of secondary school children and by students at higher education establishments of natural sciences and engineering. It is studied by philosophers, historians and teachers. The Law serves as a basis for thousands of researches. The Periodic Law crossed national boundaries and has become the property of all nations, just like the works of Newton, Copernicus, Lomonosov, Darwin, Pavlov, Lobachevsky and Einstein.

Dmitry Mendeleev expressed the essence of his Law as follows: "The properties of the elements and, consequently, the properties of the simple and complex bodies formed by them are periodic functions of their atomic weights". When atomic weight increases, the chemical elements periodically and at certain intervals show similar properties. After deep analysis of literature and experimental data on the properties of elements, Mendeleev arranged all the elements in a table consisting of vertical groups and horizontal periods. In this table all the data on the properties of the elements and their compounds are collected and arranged into a system.

Before Mendeleev, several chemists tried to systematize the elements. Among them were German, English and French scientists. But they couldn't do that.

It was only after gallium, scandium and germanium were discovered in France, Sweden and Germany and after the properties of a number of elements predicted by Mendeleev were confirmed, and finally after a debate lasting for several years in journals that Mendeleev was recognized as the author of the Periodic Law.

In a few years Mendeleev was elected an honorary member of the American, English, Rome, Berlin, Belgian, Danish, Cracow and other Academies of Sciences; a member of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh and an honorary doctor of Cambridge, Oxford and other universities. Altogether 150 scientific and educational institutions in various countries elected him an honorary member. The Academy of Sciences and the Mendeleev Society award the Mendeleev Prize and the Mendeleev Gold Medal for outstanding research work in chemistry.

Exercise 2. Make up a vocabulary of new words, write them down in your vocabularies.

Exercise 3. Make up a plan of the text.

Exercise 4. What is the main idea of the Periodic Law of the Elements? Exercise 5. Tell your group about Dmitriy Mendeleev.



I Speaking Chemical Elements. Properties of Substances
II Grammar 1. Дієслова у Past Perfect Continuous (§90). 2. Складний додаток після дієслів to want, to expect. Вираз should/would like to (§91)
III Independent Work Chemical Elements of Living Matter


I. Speaking: Chemical Elements. Properties of Substances

Exercise 1. Test yourself: do you remember these words? Read, pay attention to their translation.

Change: change of color; chemical changes; physical changes. We can change the color of metals.

Produce: the factory produces various materials; production of materials; this medicine was produced in 1929.

Consider: they considered themselves very important; they consider him a famous scientist; we must consider his youth; she is considered a very clever girl.

Rain: It rains today; when it rains, I usually stay at home; there was a heavy rain last night.

Establish: our college was established in 1928; there are many higher educational establishments in our city; it is established that the substance dissolves slowly.

Leaf (pi. leaves): Leaves of trees are green in summer; the last leaf falls to the ground; leaves fall in autumn.

Exercise 2. Read the following words of Latin or Greek origin. Pay attention to their spelling and pronunciation.

Periodic [piari'Ddik], hydrogen ['haidracbjan], carbon [-ka:ban], nitrogen ['naitracfjan], iodine ['aiadi:n], concentration [,krjnsant'reijh], ion [aian], oxygen ['oksicfjan], phosphorus ['fbsfaras], chlorine ['klt>ri:n], potassium [pa'taesjem], calcium ['kaelsiam], human ['hju:man], total ['tautl], evolution [,i:va lojan], constituent [kan'stitjuanf], sodium ['saudjam], protein ['prautim], bicarbonate [bai'ka:banit], ammonium [a'maunjem], phosphate ['fosfeit], sulphate ['sAlfeit], diet ['daiaf], dioxide [dai'Dksaid], metal ['metl], molecular [mau'lekjula], molecule ['mt)likju:l], organic [a:'gaenik], lithium [liOiam], magnesium [ma;g'ni:zjam], bromine ['braumkn], liquid [Tikwid], component [kam'paunant], mixture ['mikstfa], practical ['praktikal], chromatography [,kroma'rogran], caustic soda ['ka:stik'sauda], sulphur ['sAlfa].

Exercise 3. Read and learn the following words: a) names of chemical elements or their combinations:

lead [led] свинець fluorine ['floari:n] фтор

diamond ['daiamand] алмаз; діамант fluoride ['floaraid] фторид

copper ['кора] мідь gold ['gauld] золото

iron [aian] залізо silver ['silva] срібло

solid ['snlid] тверда речовина bone - кістка tissue - тканина light - легкий transparent [traens'paearanf] прозорий rapid - швидкий affect - впливати separate - відділяти sample ['sasmpl] зразок; проба detect - відкривати, знаходити, виявити

b) names of substances:

sugar ['Juga] цукор sand [saend] пісок dust [dAst] пил

c) names of physical properties:

sense [sens] відчуття; відчувати taste [teist] смак odor ['auda] запах break [breik] ламати freeze [fri:z] замерзати deform - деформувати density f'densiti] питома вага soft - м'який

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the verbs affect, occur, separate, remove, detect.

1. Oxygen and nitrogen widely... in nature. 2. High temperature and pressure... sometimes the composition of a compound. 3. It is necessary to... impurities before the beginning of the experiment. 4. Water can be... by means of distillation. 5. Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas which is not difficult... by its odor.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

1. Is fluorine a gas? 2. Does lead deform under the action of high temperatures? 3. Does diamond deform under the action of high temperatures? 4. Does the human body contain inorganic substances? 5. Is oxygen present in the human body? 6. Does water constitute 45 to 75 % of the total weight of the human body? 7. Is calcium contained in bones? 8. Are there important inorganic constituents in the human body in addition to water? 9. Is carbon the most common element of living matter? 10. Do most of inorganic elements occur in living matter? 11. Is chlorine a greenish yellow gas? 12. Does sodium conduct electricity? 13. Is sodium a very reactive substance? 14. Is the river water a mixture of substances? 15. Is distilled water a pure substance?

Exercise 6. Read the sentences, name the tense and voice of the verbs.

1. Water freezes at the temperature of 0°C. 2. It is considered that life developed in the water of the Earth. 3. One half of the body weight is due to carbon. 4. Physical changes do not mean a change in the composition of a substance. 5. Some elements easily conduct electricity. 6. Many drugs affect living cells and are considered a strong poison. 7. Tea and coffee are characterized by different taste and odor. 8. Water is a colorless, odorless and transparent liquid with a boiling point of 100°C. 9. It is difficult to separate and detect constituents of drugs.

Exercise 7. Name the chemical elements in English.

Fe, Cu, O, Na, K, HC1, S, H2S04, CI, C, Ca, F, PI, N, 1, H,0.

Exercise 8. Read the text and translate it.

Symbols in chemistry stand for the elements. For example, H, O, N, CI, K, S stand for the elements hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, potassium, sodium respectively. The chemical symbol stands only for one atom of the element. The atom is the smallest particle of the element that can enter into chemical combinations. Atoms can combine and form molecules. For example, two atoms of hydrogen will form a molecule of hydrogen.

When different atoms combine as in the case of water (H,0) or sulphuric acid (H2S04), the formulas say what atoms and how many of them are present. For example, H2S04 molecules consist of two hydrogen atoms, one sulphur atom and four oxygen atoms.

Exercise 9. Match the nouns to the verbs.


solidify detection
suspend characteristics
characterize suspension
locate separation
deform occurrence
take deformation
consider identification
identify intake
establish consideration
occur establishment
separate location
detect solid

Exercise 10. Read the description of some chemical elements. What elements are spoken about? Use their names instead of blanks.

a)... occurs naturally both free and combined in the form of sulphates of calcium, barium, magnesium, and sulphides of zink, iron, copper, and mercury. One of the most abundant minerals containing... is iron pyrites. In volcanic regions, for example, in Italy, North America,... is found in free state associated with native sulphate and carbonate.... occurs in group VI of the Periodic Classification, which includes oxygen, sulphur, selenium, tellurium, together with the metals of the A subgroup.... and oxygen are in many ways similar.

b) Of the three elements - iron, cobalt, and nickel - which are included in group VII of the Periodic Classification,... finds important uses in medicine.... is not generally met in the free state but its combinations are widely distributed.... forms two series of salts. Solutions of... salts are usually very pale green.

c)... is a colorless liquid having a characteristic alcoholic odor. The boiling point is 66"C. It mixes in all proportions with water and with ethyl alcohol and burns with a pale blue flame, forming water and carbon dioxide. Chemically it is very reactive.... is neutral to litmus, but reacts with concentrated acids. With acetic acid it gives methyl acetate. It reacts readily with phosphorus trior pentachloride with the formation of methyl chloride.

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences using the following word combinations.

1. Sugar and salt have.... 2. Breaking, freezing, melting, boiling and deforming of a substance are considered.... 3. The reaction of sodium with chlorine is a typical....4. Filtration can be used to separate the iron powder from the.... 5. Most of nitrogen, sulphur and iodine and heavy metals are present or combined with... 6. Life is dependent upon great amounts of....7. Toxic substances can be classified into several categories according to....

(sulfur solution, chemical reaction, organic molecules, many different elements, effects on the body, different tastes, physical changes)

Exercise 12. Communicative situations.

1. Tell English tourists about Dmitriy Mendeleev.

2. Tell about the Periodic Classification of the Chemical Elements.

3. Characterize some of the chemical elements according to the plan:


1) Physical properties of the chemical elements (odor, taste, color).

2) Physical and chemical changes.

3) Properties of some chemical elements.

4) Chemical elements of living matter and their amount.

5) Water, its composition.

6) Purification of substances.

7) Methods of purification.


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Read this paragraph, translate it. Find verbs in the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Mr. Dennis Fowler died last Friday evening in the Highfield Hospital at the age of 58. Mr. Fowler suffered a heart attack at his home three weeks ago after he had been cooking a meal for some guests. According to friends he had been working very hard at his mobile telephone business, which had been losing money.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Continuous Tense as in the model:

Model: A: I had a terrible backache last week.

B: Oh, dear. What... you (do)? — What had you been doing? A.: I (dig) in the garden. It was in the afternoon on Sunday.

В.: I (not do) it long when I felt pain in my back. It was still aching the next day. When I finally got to see the doctor, I (wait) over an hour. He was late. He (deal) with an emergency. But he was able to help me. It's much better now.

Exercise 3. Add a sentence in the Past Perfect Continuous Tense to explain how accidents happened. Use the words in brackets.

Model: Some children started a house fire. They'd been playing with matches.

1. A man fell off a ladder, (to clean a window)

2. A girl drowned in the lake, (to walk on the ice)

3. A young woman was hit by a car. (to hitch-hike)

4. Two boys were killed by a train, (to play on the railway line)

5. A woman fell down the stairs in the middle of the night, (to walk in her sleep)

6. A man died of an electric shock, (use a faulty electric drill)

Exercise 4. Put in the correct form of the verbs as in the model.

Model: Steve could hear shouts from the flat next door.

his neighbours (to argue) - His neighbours were arguing.

1. Lucy went into the living room. It was empty but the television was still warm. Someone (to watch) it.

2.1 (to play) tennis, so I had to shower. I was annoyed because I (not win) a single game.

3. The walkers finally arrived at their destination. They (to walk) all day, and they needed a rest. They (to walk) thirty miles.

4. When I saw Ben last week, he said he (to stop) smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he (to smoke) a cigarette. He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked rather ashamed.

5. Harry found a note from Graham in Celia's coat. That's how Harry found out they (to have) an affair. In fact they (to see) each other for months. Graham's wife (to know) about it all the time.

Notes to Exercises 1-4:

emergency [i'lmidjansi] аварія; непередбачений випадок

hitch-hike ['hitjhaik] подорожувати автостопом

railway line - залізнична лінія

faulty [-fo:lti] пошкоджений; несправний

drill - дриль

ladder ['leeda] драбина

drown [draon] тонути; потопати hit - ударити

argue ['a:gju:] сперечатися annoyed [a'rroid] роздратований;

невдоволений destination [,desti'neijn] місце призначення ashamed [s'Jeimd] присоромлений

Exercise 5. Name the parts of speech of the following words, translate them.

Basic, mechanism, obesity, regulating, especial, especially, concentration, immunoreactive, generally, causal, purify, healthy, relationship, genetic.


Exercise 6. Make up sentences; use expressions translating the right column.



    вони провітрили палату.
I want   він закінчив огляд хворих.
We didn't want   їх виписали з лікарні.
She expects щоб все було зроблено вчасно.
He wouldn't like медсестра дала таблетку від головного болю.
I'd like   вона зміряла мені температуру, ми обговорили це питання, нас переривали.


III. Independent Work: Chemical Elements of Living Matter

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the question: What substances are spoken about in this text?


Chemical Elements of Living Matter

Living matter contains about one third of the elements of Mendeleev's Periodic Table. Only hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and iodine are found in higher concentration in the human body than in the Earth. Six other elements are found in roughly the same proportions: oxygen, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, potassium and calcium.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 1588. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

Важнейшие способы обработки и анализа рядов динамики Не во всех случаях эмпирические данные рядов динамики позволяют определить тенденцию изменения явления во времени...

ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ МЕХАНИКА Статика является частью теоретической механики, изучающей условия, при ко­торых тело находится под действием заданной системы сил...

Теория усилителей. Схема Основная масса современных аналоговых и аналого-цифровых электронных устройств выполняется на специализированных микросхемах...

Логические цифровые микросхемы Более сложные элементы цифровой схемотехники (триггеры, мультиплексоры, декодеры и т.д.) не имеют...

Факторы, влияющие на степень электролитической диссоциации Степень диссоциации зависит от природы электролита и растворителя, концентрации раствора, температуры, присутствия одноименного иона и других факторов...

Йодометрия. Характеристика метода Метод йодометрии основан на ОВ-реакциях, связанных с превращением I2 в ионы I- и обратно...

Броматометрия и бромометрия Броматометрический метод основан на окислении вос­становителей броматом калия в кислой среде...

ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ САМОВОСПИТАНИЕ И САМООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ПЕДАГОГА Воспитывать сегодня подрастающее поколение на со­временном уровне требований общества нельзя без по­стоянного обновления и обогащения своего профессио­нального педагогического потенциала...

Эффективность управления. Общие понятия о сущности и критериях эффективности. Эффективность управления – это экономическая категория, отражающая вклад управленческой деятельности в конечный результат работы организации...

Мотивационная сфера личности, ее структура. Потребности и мотивы. Потребности и мотивы, их роль в организации деятельности...

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