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4. Запропонуйте подрузі сісти, висловіть співчуття з приводу того, що стоїть погана погода, пригостіть її чашечкою кави.

5. Представте групі нового студента, скажіть, що він приїхав зі столиці і буде завершувати навчання у нашому коледжі.







I Speaking Diseases. Symptoms
II Grammar 1. Дієслово в Present Perfect (§63). 2. Present Perfect зі словами since, for a long time, for ages (§64). 3. Складнопідрядні означальні речення (§65)
III Independent Work From the History of Medicine


I. Speaking: Diseases. Symptoms

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read the following words and word combinations, translate them.

Blood - to make one's blood tests, to take blood from a finger, to take BP, his BP is normal, his BP is abnormal.

X-ray - to be X-rayed, to X-ray, an X-ray examination, an X-ray room, to X-ray the patient's stomach, his lungs were X-rayed.

Nurse - nurses, a nurse on duty, a ward nurse, to work as a nurse.

Obstetrician - obstetricians, an obstetrician on duty, to work as an obstetrician.

Diagnosis [,daiag naosis] - diagnoses, to make a diagnosis, a correct diagnosis, he made a diagnosis of influenza.

To prescribe - to prescribe treatment, to prescribe some medicines, to give a prescrip­tion.

Trouble - a serious trouble, to trouble, to complain of some troubles, a heart trouble, a lung trouble, a stomach trouble, don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following headache ['hedeik] головний біль

e.g. 1 have a bad headache, toothache [tu:0eik] зубний біль

e.g. His toothache was so bad. stomachache ['sumskeik] біль у животі

e.g. He is suffering from a stomachache, earache ['ізгеік] біль у вусі

e.g. The child cries because of his earache, heartachef hu:teik] біль у серці

e.g. He has a heartache, sore throat [soi'Orsot] біль у горлі

e.g. The baby has a sore throat and a high

temperature, bleeding ['bli:dirj] кровотеча

e.g. You must stop bleeding as soon

as possible.

words, cough [krjfj кашляти; кашель

e.g. He asked me to cough, cold in the head - нежить

e.g. Influenza is not a cold in the head, fracture [Traektjb] перелом

e.g. There are open and closed fractures, sunstroke [sAnstrsok] сонячний удар

e.g. He can get a sunstroke. It's very

hot today.

fever ['fhva] лихоманка; висока температура

e.g. She had a bad fever, temperature [tempritfs] температура

e.g. Her son had a high temperature

in the evening.


Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

a bad headache (heartache, earache, stomachache, toothache) сильний головний біль (біль у серці, у вусі, у животі, зубний)

to take a tablet for... - прийняти таблетку від... to rinse the mouth полоскати рот to keep to a diet - дотримуватись дієти

to apply a hot compress on... покласти теплий компрес на...

to listen to heart sounds - прослухати серце

a bad (weak) heart слабке серце

to gargle the throat - полоскати горло

a dry (bad) cough - сухий (сильний) кашель

a bad cold in the head сильний нежить

a running nose - нежить

to apply splints - накладати шини

to apply plaster cast накласти гіпс

to cool the body - охолодити тіло

to keep (stay) in bed - залишатися в ліжку

to catch a cold застудитися


Exercise 4. Make up sentences.


Peter has a headache.
Ann hasn't a bad cough.
Tom have a weak heart.
I haven't a running nose.
We   a high temperature.
    a sore throat.
    a severe pain in the leg.
    a cold in the head.

Do you keep to the heart and lungs?
  listen splints or plaster cast?
  gargle a diet?
  apply in bed?
  catch a bad cough?
  have a bad cold?
  take a tablet for a headache?

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words.

1. This patient has a weak.... (throat, cough, heart)

2. If you have a toothache,... your mouth every hour, (gargle, rinse)

3. You must... the bleeding quickly, (stop, finish, end)

4. Take a... for a headache, (compress, splints, tablet)

5. If you often have a stomachache, you must... to a diet, (hold, carry, keep)

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. У хлопчика відкритий перелом ноги, накладіть йому шину.

2. Я прийняла таблетку від головного болю дві години тому.

3. Він застудився і тепер кашляє, чхає і в нього сильно болить горло.

4. У дитини боліло вухо, і мама поставила на нього теплий компрес.

5. Лікар прослухав його серце і легені.

Exercise 7. Read and act out the dialogs.

A: Good morning.

B: Good morning. What is your name?

A: My name is....

B: What is the matter with you?

A: I have had a stomachache for a week.

B: Show me with your finger the place where it hurts (болить) you. A: Here, doctor.

B: We must take an X-ray picture of your stomach and test the blood and urine ['juarim] (сеча).

P: Oh doctor, 1 have pain in my back. D: Do you feel the pain all the time? P: No, I don't. Only sometimes.

D: Here are tablets. Take one tablet five minutes before the pain begins.

D: Tell me your trouble, young man.

P: Well, I have caught a cold. I have a running nose, a bad cough and it's hard for me to swallow (ковтати).

D: Open your mouth and say "Ah". Now, 1 am going to listen to your lungs. Got a temperature?

P: Yes, but not very high - 37.5"C.

D:There is nothing serious. Keep in bed for a few days and take these medicines.

Exercise 8. Read, translate the text and be ready to answer questions.

When We Have Pain

When we have a headache, an earache, a stomachache, a toothache, a cold, a sore throat or a pain in some other parts of the body, we go to the doctor. He takes our temperature and feels our pulse. He listens to our heart and lungs. He examines our stomach and checks our blood pressure. He asks what hurts us, and tells what the matter is with us. He says, "You have caught a cold", "You have a slight temperature", "You have a flu (грип)", or "Your have a heart disease".

The doctor gives us a prescription. We must take the medicine. If we follow doctor's instructions, we get better. If we disobey the doctor, we may get worse. And when we don't get better at home, we must go to the hospital.

Exercise 9. Answer the questions.

1. What do you do when you are ill?

2. What does the doctor do?

3. What do you feel when you have a flu?

4. Why must we follow doctor's instructions?

5. Whom do you consult when you have a headache (a sore throat, a broken leg, a


Exercise 10. Read and retell the text.


Fever is a rise of body temperature above normal. The symptoms of high temperature are headache, aches all over the body, red face, hot dry skin, loss of appetite, quick pulse and breathing.

A feverish person must be put in bed, not allowed to get out of bed, drink much water. The nurse must keep the patient warm, give him warm drinks. When the patient is sweating, replace the damp bedclothes as quickly as possible and dress the patient in a clean warm bedgown or pyjamas. When the temperature is normal, the patient may sit in bed and then have a short walk.

Exercise 11. Communicative situations.

1. You complain to the doctor of the illness you have.

2. Tell about the nurse's duties when she cares for a feverish patient.

3. Your friend has caught a cold during your visit to England and you have to act as an


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Name the parts of speech of the following words.

Developer, undeveloped, newly, electronic, diagnostic, diagnostician, condition, connected, connective, connection, sensor, sense, sensitive, mathematician.

Exercise 3. Learn the meanings of the word since.



Частина мови Відношення
причини часу
прислівник прийменник сполучник оскільки з тих пір з (після чого) з тих пір як

Translate the sentences.

1. 60 years have passed since that event.

2. Since then a number of other substances have been isolated.

3. Since their report, numerous studies have shown a relation between these diseases.

4. 1 haven't seen him since last month.

5. We have seen the effect many times since.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences. Mind the tense of the verbs.

1. Цю нову лікарню щойно збудували.

2. Я вже ходив до лікаря.

3. У мене був сильний кашель, нежить і боліло горло.

4. Лікар коли-небудь приходив до тебе додому?

5. Ти вже прийняв ліки і прополоскав горло?

6. Він коли-небудь відвідував цього лікаря?

7. Медсестра щойно зміряла пульс і тиск у цього лежачого хворого.

8. Він сьогодні вже оглянув усіх своїх пацієнтів.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the introduction of the attributive clause.

1. The valves which direct one-way blood flow are found in the heart. 2. The symptoms of flu may be all those present in case of cold. 3. A special test that shows what blood composition must be used. 4. The present problem includes 10 patients with influenza who were under special care. 5. The patients the doctor examined were all children.

III. Independent Work: From the History of Medicine


Exercise 1. Read the text and translate it.

From the History of Medicine

The search for health is as old as the history of mankind.

In Babylon it was a custom to show the sick in the streets, so that passers-by could say how to treat the sick from their own experience. It was not allowed to pass a sick man in silence.

A papyrus was found dating back to 1600 B.C. about surgery and treatment of wounds. Then another papyrus was found with about 900 prescriptions, some of these prescriptions are used by doctors today. People learn much from Egyptian manuscripts and from embalmed bodies. Examination of some of these bodies showed many interesting facts. For example people of those times knew such diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis and appendicitis.


search [S3:tf] пошук custom ['kAstsm] звичай passers-by [ pa:sszbai] перехожі

Papyrus [pa paisres] папірус B.C. ['bi:'si:] (Before Christ) до нашої ери manuscript ['meenjuskript] манускрипт, рукопис embalmed [im'ba:md] забальзамований

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. What was the custom in Babylon?

2. What did passers-by have to do when they passed a sick man?

3. What papyrus was found dating back to 1600 B.C.?

4. What did people learn from Egyptian manuscripts and embalmed bodies?


Exercise 3. Name all the diseases you know.

Exercise 4. What famous names in the history of medicine do you know? The text below will give you some more information.

Clinical medicine and health protection greatly developed in Roman times. The name of Galen is widely known. Galen worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators. He went to Rome when he had much practice, but he continued to experiment on living animals, especially apes and pigs.

The Roman army had a well-organized service of surgeons. The gladiators school was an ideal school for training in surgery.



protection [pro'tekjn] охорона Roman ['гзотзп] римський

surgeon ['s3:03sn] хірург

gladiator ['gleedieitg] гладіатор аре [eip] людиноподібна мавпа

service ['s3:vis] служба

training ['treinirj] тренування; підготовка; навчання

develop [di'vebp] розвивати

organize ['o:ganaiz] організовувати

Galen ['geilin] Гален (давньогрецький лікар, анатом,




I Speaking Things for Nursing
II Grammar Suffixes Prefixes 1. Дієслово у Past Perfect (§66). 2. Складнопідрядні додаткові речення (§67). (n.) -ness post-, pre-, re-, extra-
III Independent Work Medicine



I. Speaking: Things for Nursing

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

A headache: to have a headache, to have a bad headache, to complain of a headache, to suffer from a headache.

A sore throat: to have a sore throat, to suffer from a sore throat, to gargle the throat. A pulse: to feel one's pulse, his pulse is normal, her pulse was abnormal. To catch (caught, caught): to catch a cold, to catch a bad cold, she caught a severe cold. To sneeze: to be sneezing, he's sneezing, why are you sneezing?

To cause [ko:z] - викликати, спричиняти: to cause pain, to cause a complication, to cause a serious complication, what caused these complications?

Cough: to cough, to be coughing, I'm coughing, to have a bad (dry) cough.

Fever [fi:v9]: a bad fever, to keep the fever down, to have a bad fever, I am feverish.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words, air-ring fesrirj] надувний круг для профілактики пролежнів e.g. She gave him an air-ring, bedpan ['bedpasn] підкладне судно e.g. The bedpan is under the bed. compress ['kDmpres] компрес dressing ['dresirj] пов'язка bandage ['basndicfj] бинт: бинтувати

e.g. The nurse puts on a dressing with bandages and applies warm compresses on the bruised places.

cups [kAps] банки

e.g. His mother applied cups on his chest.

dropping bottle/medicine bottle пляшечка з кришкою-дозатором enema ['enima] клізма

e.g. The patient needs a cleansing (очисну) enema.

feeding cup - напувальник

e.g. Give the patient some tea using a feeding cup.

hot-water bag (bottle) - грілка

ice bag - міхур з льодом

e.g. Put an ice bag on the head and a hot-water bottle on the feet.

wheelchair ['wi:lrtfE3] крісло на колесах (для хворих); крісло-каталка pipette - піпетка

e.g. You can put these drops into your eyes with a pipette, mustard plaster ['ma:st3d pla:st3] гірчичник sticking plaster - лейкопластир soap - мило; милити

e.g. You must soap your hands with the green soap.

syringe ['sirinctj] шприц

e.g. Give me a single-use syringe, please.

scissors ['si:zsz] ножиці

e.g. Cut the bandage with scissors.

thermometer [бз'тзотйз] термометр

basin ['beisn] таз, миска

sponge [spAnchj] губка

stretcher ['stretfs] ноші


Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

bed patient - лежачий хворий

to give smth to smb - дати щось комусь

to take smth away from smb - забрати щось у когось

to apply a cold (warm, hot) compress on - покласти холодний (теплий, гарячий) компрес на to put drops (in) - крапати краплі

to give a warm (cleansing, medicinal) enema - зробити теплу (очисну, лікувальну) клізму to fill an ice bag with ice наповнити міхур льодом to change ice in the ice bag - замінити лід у міхурі

to take a patient in a wheelchair to the ward - відвезти хворого у кріслі-каталці в палату a bar of soap - брусок мила

to put (read, shake) a thermometer - поставити (подивитись показники, збити) термометр

to take a thermometer out - забрати термометр

to bring a basin for washing - принести миску для вмивання

to wash with a sponge - обмити губкою

to be on a stretcher - бути на ношах

to carry a patient on a stretcher - нести хворого на ношах


Exercise 4. Choose the correct sentence.

1. The nurse gives injections. The nurse makes injections. The nurse does injections.

2. I apply cups and mustard plasters on the back. I give cups and mustard plasters on the back.

I take cups and mustard plasters on the back

3. They carry a patient on a wheeled bed. They bring a patient on a wheeled bed. They take a patient on a wheeled bed.

4. She puts a thermometer and reads it. She takes a thermometer out and reads it. She shakes a thermometer and reads it.

Exercise 6. Read and act out the dialogs.

N.: Good morning! P.: Good morning!

N.: It's time to take your temperature. Put the thermometer under your armpit. P.: Left or right?

N.: It doesn't matter. (In 3 minutes.) Give me your thermometer, please. I want to read it.

P.: What's the temperature today?

N.: It's normal. Thirty-six point six. That' all right.

P.: Thank you.

N.: Please, let me take the hot-water bag. P.: Don't change water in it, please.

N.: But the doctor said that water had to be cold all the time. P.: But my liver hurts me very much.

N.: I'll put an ice bag on your right side, the ice will relieve the pain. P.: Thank you.

Exercise 7. Complete the text. Translate the endings of the sentences into English. Retell the text.

The work of a nurse в лікарні дуже важка. The nurse must виконувати всі вказівки лікаря. She must доглядати хворих удень і вночі. In the morning the nurse міряє температуру пацієнтам, дає необхідні ліки, робить ін'єкції. She takes special care of лежачих хворих. She helps to wash їхнє обличчя і руки губкою. She changes their простирадла і shakes the pillows. When doctors come, the nurse розповідає їм про стан пацієнтів. She helps the doctors to оглядати пацієнтів і записує нові призначення лікаря. During all day the nurse is busy, she змінює пов'язки, робить ін'єкції, закапує очі (вуха) пацієнтів піпеткою, робить бинтові пов'язки, ставить банки, компреси і гірчичники, робить клізми, ставить міхури з льодом і

грілки, приносить і забирає судна у лежачих хворих, допомагає годувати лежачих хворих напувальником.

In the evening the nurse знову міряє температуру пацієнтів і записує її в їх температурні листи, виконує всі вказівки лікарів.

At work the nurse watches over her patients' health with great attention. She is responsible for їх життя.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions.

1. What are the means of nursing?

2. What things for nursing do you know?

3. What are the necessary nursing things for bed patients?

4. What things for dressings can you name?

5. How do nurses transport bed patients?

Exercise 9. Communicative situations.

1. You are a ward nurse. What are your duties in the morning?

2. Name all the things for nursing. Explain what they are used for.



II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences. Correct the tense of the verbs.

1. This week we have had one lecture in biology. 2. First-year students spent much time at the institute reading halls and library. 3. He didn't enter the institute as he hadn't passed an examination in biology. 4. Most senior students belong to the students' scientific society. 5. We have often prepared our homework in English together.

Exercise 2. Give short answers.

1. Have you ever been to Great Britain? 2. Has your friend ever visited London? 3. Will he have finished the experiment by the planned time? 4. Have you had practice in botany this summer? 5. Has your group performed the task of gathering medicinal herbs and plants? 6. Did he graduate from the institute last year? 7. Do you take an active part in the amateur performances of your medical college?

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Коли ми зайшли в палату, лікар вже оглядав його. 2. Я вступив до медичного коледжу, коли мені було 15 років. До того я жив у селі з батьками. 3. Щойно лікар призначив ліки, медсестра зробила ін'єкцію. 4. Мій товариш був дуже блідий, коли я його зустрів. Я зрозумів, що він захворів. 5. Медсестра прочитала всі вказівки лікаря перед тим, як іти до хворих у палату. 6. Я не знав, що вона захворіла. Я думав, що вона поїхала у відпустку.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences with the object clause.

1. Він каже, що брат зустріне її о 5-ій.

2. Вони знають, що вона хоче стати хорошою медсестрою.

3. Лікар впевнений, що медсестра виконає всі його інструкції.

4. Ми хочемо, щоб вони поїхали до США.

5. Ти не знаєш, що він може ще зробити.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Remember that the following nouns with prepositions are translated as follows.

in question - який вивчається; який обговорюється; який викликає сумнів; спірний under study - який вивчається under discussion - який обговорюється

1. The students know the problem is under study.

2. I'm sure the duties of the nurse are in question.

3. He doesn't remember the work is under discussion.


III. Independent Work: Medicine

Exercise 1. Read the text and translate it.


Medicine is the science and art of healing. Medicine is a science because it is based on knowledge gained through careful study and experimentation. It is an art because it depends on how skillfully doctors and nurses and other medical workers apply the knowledge when dealing with patients.

The goals of medicine are to save lives and to relieve suffering. For this reason, medicine has long been one of the most respected professions. Many thousands of men and women who work in medical professions spend their lives caring for the sick.

Today doctors head medical teams made up of nurses, laboratory workers, and many other skilled professionals. The care provided by such teams cannot generally be started at home. As a result health centers, clinics, and hospitals have become the chief centers for medical care in most countries.

Medical care consists of three main elements: the first is the diagnosis or identification of disease or injury; the second is the treatment of disease or injury; the third is the promotion of health and prevention of disease.

Medical care is provided by a variety of specially trained people. Doctors take charge of treating the sick. Nurses help doctors to care for patients. Other trained workers also help to provide health care.

People usually recover from minor illnesses and injuries without special treatment. In these cases, doctors may simply reassure their patients and allow the body to heal itself. But serious diseases generally require special treatment. In these cases, a doctor may prescribe drugs, surgery or other treatment.

provide [prs'vaid] забезпечувати; вживати заходів promotion [pra'msojh] сприяння, стимулювання prevention [pri'venjh] попередження, запобігання reassure [,гі:з'/оз] переконувати drugs [drAgz] ліки surgery ['s3:d3eri] хірургічне втручання



healing [ hi:lirj] зцілення gain [gein] здобувати art - мистецтво skilfully - майстерно, вміло apply [o'plai] прикладати; застосовувати;

вживати respected -- почесний be started - починатися chief [tfi:f] головний


Exercise 2. Look at the text and make a plan of it.


Exercise 3. What are the main duties of a nurse in:

- treatment and care of patients;

- preventing diseases;

- promotion of healthy life?





I Speaking When I'm 111
II Grammar 1. Підрядні обставинні речення (§68). 2. Підсилювальна конструкція It is... that (who) (§69). 3. Сполучники часу, місця, способу дії, мети, причини, умови
III Independent Work Your Health


I. Speaking: When I'm III

Exercise 1. Phonetic reading. Read and translate paying attention to prepositions.

To be on duty; to write out a prescription; to listen to the patient's heart and lungs; to make an appointment with a doctor for certain time; to wait for a nurse (dinner); to keep a thermometer in my armpit; to go out to a call; to complain of pain; to strip to the waist; to lie down on a couch; to sit down on a chair; to fill in a patient's card; to suffer from; to take care of smb/smth; to go in for sports; to be out in the open air; to stay in bed; a complication after a disease; to put a hot-water bag under your feet; to keep the fever down; to be ill with influenza; in no time; to go on with smth.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words,

ill, sick - хворий prescription - рецепт

e.g. 1 am badly ill. instruction - порада, призначення

examine [ig'zeemin] оглядати prescribe - приписувати

e.g. I'll examine you. polyclinic - поліклініка

strip - роздягатися check-up - перевірка

e.g. The doctor asked the patient to strip to the couch [kautj] кушетка

waist. hurt [пз.Т] завдавати болю

cure [kjos] лікувати complain [kom'plein] скаржитись

e.g. If you are sick, the doctor will cure you. e.g. What are you complaining of?

Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

to fall ill - захворіти

to be ill - хворіти

blood examination - аналіз крові

patient's life history - анамнез життя хворого

to follow instructions - дотримуватись рекомендацій

to consult a doctor - звертатися до лікаря

reception office - реєстратура

sick leave - відпустка через хворобу

to admit to a hospital - покласти в лікарню

to suffer from pneumonia - хворіти на запалення легенів


Exercise 4. Match the equivalents.


доглядати за observe the condition
робити ін'єкції be attentive
ставити банки give medicine
ставити клізму take care
мити руки not to be rude
провітрювати палату make injections
тримати в теплі apply cups
давати ліки give enemas
слідкувати за станом wash hands
бути уважним keep warm
не грубити air the room

Exercise 5. Memorize the plan of questioning a patient.

At the Polyclinic

1. Introduction (вступ)

2. Passport Data (паспортні дані)

3. Complaints (скарги)

4. Present History (анамнез захворювання)

5. Past History (анамнез життя)

6. Physical Examination (фізичні обстеження)

7. Prescriptions and Instructions (призначення і поради)

Exercise 6. Translate the dialog into English. Is the dialog built according to the plan given above?

Ганна: Доброго ранку, лікарю! Лікар: Доброго ранку. Ваше прізвище? Ганна: Стельмах.

Лікар: Ось Ваша картка. Що з Вами?

Ганна: Мене морозить і, гадаю, в мене температура. Я погано спала цієї ночі, але вранці поїхала до коледжу. Після двох лекцій я змушена була піти - почувала себе дуже погано.

Лікар: Давайте я огляну Вас, але спочатку зміряйте температуру... Температура висока.

Відкрийте рот і скажіть "А-а". Ганна: А-а-а.

Лікар: Гортань трохи запалена. Зніміть кофтину, я хочу Вас послухати. Вдихніть.

Видихніть. Покашляйте. Скільки днів Ви кашляєте? Ганна: Другий день.

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