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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


Most of us would get all the vitamins we need from a balanced diet. But there are times when vitamin supplements are necessary. Pregnant women, young babies and elderly people. who are possibly not eating properly, often need a vitamin top-up. Crash dieters may require a daily dose of vitamins.

• Will swallowing megadoses of vitamins delay ageing?

Sadly, there is no proof that vitamins can put the hands of the clock back. It is also unwise to overdose on any vitamin. В and C are easily passed into the urine if too many are taken but A, D and E are stored in the body and can be harmful if taken in excess.

• Is there a sex vitamin?

Vitamin E has been called the "sex vitamin", but there is no evidence that it ennances desire or improves performance.

• Do vitamin skin creams work?

Various proponents swear they do. But scientists are sceptical that a vitamin rubbed into the face can penetrate the skin and revitalise the underlying tissue cells.

• What do vitamins do?

They act like spark plugs to the body's engine. They play a vital role in regulating our body chemistry (metabolism).

• Which vitamins are healthy for the hair?

The B-complex vitamins are especially important for hair health. A deficiency may cause a dry, falling hair, poor hair growth and premature graying.

• Can large doses of vitamin C prevent colds?

In 1971, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Linus Pauling argued that very large doses of vitamin C would prevent colds and possibly reduce the symptoms. But most medical scientists say there is no real evidence to support this theory.

• Can vitamins help prevent spina bifida in babies?

Yes, it is believed so. That's why pregnant women are now given multivitamins as part of their regular diet.

• Do vitamins help in the prevention of cataracts?

Research carried out in the U.S. and Canada suggests regular doses of vitamin E may prevent certain types of cataracts in diabetics. High blood sugar levels draw excess fluid into the lens of the eye and the theory is that vitamin E helps to reduce the damage. The vitamin is second to aspirin as today's universal panacea.

• Do vitamins help in the battle against cancer?

There has been a great deal of scientific interest recently in the possibility that vitamins A and E may protect against cancer.

Lack of vitamin E may be associated with breast cancer. A research team at Edinburgh University is being funded to investigate a possible link between vitamin A and prostate cancer.

Early signs from a U.S. study are that deficiencies in vitamin A and carotene increase the chances of lung cancer.

Vitamins: Their Uses

Vitamin A: Essential for growth. Protects against winter infections. Needed for healthy skin, nails and hair. Sources include liver, dairy produce and green vegetables.

Vitamin B: Helps nerves, digestion and skin. Deficiency can lead to insomnia, depression and lethargy. B6 can relieve menstrual tension. B12 prevents and cures pernicious anemia. Sources include wholewheat bread, brewer's yeast and liver.

Vitamin C: Maintains the body generally. Required for growth. Helps gums, teeth and bones. Plays an important role in healing processes. Sources include citrus fruit, green vegetables, potatoes and blackcurrants.

Vitamin D: Essential for growth and development of bones and teeth. Involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Sources include fish oil, dairy produce, as well as being activated by sunlight on the skin.

Vitamin E: Helps prevent and dissolve blood clots. Supplies oxygen to the body to give more endurance. Can help prevent blindness in very premature babies and possibly brain hemorrhaging. Sources include wheat germ, vegetable oil, corn, cereals and eggs.

Vitamin K: Is essential for proper blood clotting. Sources include spinach, leafy vegetables, tomatoes and liver.

Vitamins: Six Cooking Tips

□ Don't leave fresh fruit and vegetables soaking, just wash them.

□ Do prepare salads as near to serving time as possible.

□ Don't thaw frozen vegetables before cooking.

□ Do store fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator.

□ Don't peel potatoes before baking or boiling.

□ Do remember that aluminium, enamel or stainless steel cooking pans are best for preserving the vitamin content of food.

Exercise 2. Write out the underlined words to your vocabulary and translate them. (Use the medical dictionary.)

Exercise 3. Make up a dialog about vitamins with your fellow student. Use the text from Exercise 1.

Exercise 4. Speak about every vitamin and its uses. (Look at the text "Vitamins: Their Uses".)


Exercise 5. Memorize pieces of advice from the text "Vitamins: Six Cooking Tips".




I Control Test
TT Grammar 1. Дієслово у Present Continuous (§54).
    2. Способи перекладу слова one (§55).
    3. Годинник (§56).
  Suffixes (n.) -cian
  Prefixes un-, in-/im-/ir-/il-
III Independent Work Grammar Exercises

I. Control Test Variant 1

Exercise 1. Give the plural forms of the nouns.

Knife, foot, dress, plate, game, city, boy, man, box, heart, liver, doctor, child, body, fish.

Exercise 2. Translate the beginnings of the sentences into English.

1. Серце людини складається of four chambers.

2. Серцева перегородка ділить the heart into the left and right heart.

3. Артерії несуть the blood from the heart.

4. Між лівим передсердям and the ventricle there is the mitral valve.

5. Серце знаходиться between the lungs in the chest.


Exercise 3. Put all possible questions to the sentence.

My friend knows everything about this problem.

Exercise 4. Change Present Indefinite into Past Indefinite. Make all necessary changes.

1. I study at the medical school now.

2. He speaks English at today's lesson.

3. My mother likes my cake.

4. She puts her bag on the table.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

1. How does one take a pulse?

2. What must the nurse note when she takes the patient's pulse?

Variant 2

Exercise 1. Put the verbs into Past Indefinite.

Work, look, close, examine, make, give, take, put, open, write, read, speak, come, go, begin.

Exercise 2. Translate the beginnings of the sentences into English.

1. Легені, серце і стравохід are internal organs of the chest.

2. Печінка - це найбільший і найважчий орган in the human body.

3. Дві нирки знаходяться behind the abdominal cavity.

4. Печінка руйнує poisons and bacteria which get into the blood.

5. Кожен внутрішній орган людського тіла plays a specific role in the organism.


Exercise 3. Put all possible questions to the sentence.

She has wanted to be a nurse since her childhood.

Exercise 4. Change Past Indefinite into Present Indefinite. Make all necessary changes.

1. Last year 1 went to the seaside.

2. Yesterday my teacher spoke about the USA.

3. On Monday he wrote a dictation.

4. I put my books on the shelf last Sunday.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

1. How does one check blood pressure?

2. What must the nurse note when she checks the patient's BP?

II. Grammar

Present Continuous or Simple?

A. Now or sometimes?

Look at these examples and compare:


Present Continuous Present Simple
We use the Present Continuous Tense to denote something happening now. I'm painting a picture means that I am in the middle of doing it. It's raining at the moment. Don't switch off the TV. I'm watching it. Look! That man is taking a photo of you. We use the Present Simple Tense for repeated actions. /paint pictures means that I do it again and again. It always rains at the weekend. I watch television most evenings. Jeremy is a photographer. He takes photos for a newspaper.

B. Thoughts, feelings and states

We normally use the Present Simple with verbs of thinking and feeling:

/ think you 're right.

Julia likes her job.

He wants a new bike. We also use it to talk about states and permanent facts:

/ know Jane quite well.

Paris lies on the river Seine.

C. Temporary or permanent?



Present Continuous Present Simple
We use the Present Continuous for a routine or a situation that we see as temporary, for a short period: I'm working at a sports shop for six weeks. At the moment they re living in a very small fiat. We use the Present Simple for a routine or a situation that we see as permanent: / work at a sports shop. It's a permanent job. They live in a very nice flat.

D. The Present Continuous with 'always':

In this special pattern always means 'very often' or 'too often':

Peter is always inviting his friends here. (He very often invites them.)

I'm always making silly mistakes. (I make silly mistakes too often.) Always with the Present Simple means 'every time':

Peter always invites his parents to stay at Christmas.

I always make silly mistakes when I'm taking an exam.


compare [knm'pes] порівнювати state [steif] стан

permanent [рз:тзпзпі] постійний temporary ['tempsrsri] тимчасовий routine [ru:'ti:n] заведений порядок mean [mi:n] означати waste time [weist] марнувати час

outside [,aot'said] надворі garage ['g£era:3] гараж cost [kost] коштувати slam [slaem] грюкати

take time off work - не виходити на роботу politely [рз'їаіііі] чемно argue ['a:gju:] сперечатися

Exercise 1. Present Continuous or Simple? (see A, B)

Complete the conversation between two students. Put in the Present Continuous or Simple of the verbs below.

Duncan: Are you waiting for someone?

Paul: Yes - for Neil. We walk home together most days. We________ 1__ in the same street.

Duncan: I'm not sure, but 12________ he 3_____ to Mr Davis about something.

Paul: Yes, 14_____. He told me. What about you? What________ 5____ here?

Duncan: I 6.___ for the secretary. I can't find her anywhere.

Paul: She isn't here today. She only 7_______ two days a week.

Duncan: Oh, of course. 18______ my time then.

(live, think, talk, know, do, look, work, waste)

Exercise 2. Present Continuous or Simple? (seeA-C) Complete the sentences. Put in the verbs below. I 'm writing to my parents. I write to them every week

1. It_____ outside. It______ down quite hard, look.

2. Normally I______ work at eight o'clock, but I_______ at seven this week. We're very busy

just now.

3. Usually I_____ two newspapers, but not the same ones every day. On Sundays I_______ four

or five.

4. We_____. a garage next to our house. We________.____________ somewhere to put the


5.1 haven't got a car at the moment, so I________ to work by bus this week. Usually I_______ to


6. The sun______ in the east, remember. It's behind us, so we________ west.

7. We______ camping every year. It's a good cheap holiday. Hotels_________ too much.

(1. snow, come; 2. start, start; 3. read, buy; 4. build, want; 5. go, drive; 6. rise, travel; 7. go, cost)

Exercise 3. Present Continuous or Simple with always (see D). Rewrite the sentences with always. Model:

That boy talks too much. He s always talking.

You slam the door after you every time. You always slam the door after you.

1. Mrs. James leaves early every day._____________________

2. You lose your keys very often.

3. You take time off work too often.

4. I go the wrong way here every time._____________________

5. Liz thanks me politely every time.______________________

6. The Bensons argue so much.______________________


Exercise 4. Write down the time.

15.45; 2.10; 4.12; 8.43; 7.20; 1.10; 13.30; 8.30; 16.25; 12.52.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Mind the meaning of one.

1. I see one student in the lab.

2. If one wants a thing done, one would better do it himself.

3. I want a large box, not a small one.

4. One may ask any questions after the lecture.

5. The laboratory tables are higher than usual ones.

6. One can see one heart, one gullet and two lungs in the chest.

Exercise 6. The suffix -ian means national attitude, profession or status. Translate the words, pay attention to the suffix.

Physi cian, academi cian. Ukrainian. Italian. Australian, pediatri cian, obstetri cian.

Exercise 7. Read the words with different prefixes of opposition.

Unnecessary, unimportant, unusual; impossible, impurity; immobile; irregular, irrecognizable, irremissible; illegal, illegible, illiberal; indefinite, invitation, inofficial.





I Speaking First Medical Aid (Part I)
II Grammar Suffixes Prefixes 1. Дієслово у Past Continuous (§57). 2. Поняття про інфінітив (§58). 3. Прийменники і сполучники часу after, till, for, as, since, before (§59) (n.) -ity, -en mal-
III Independent Work The Strange Doctor


I. Speaking: First Medical Aid (Part I)

Exercise 1. Phonetic exercise. Read the phrases, pay attention to the verb to be.

- Can you close the window, please? I^m cold.

- Ilm 32 years old. My sister is 29.

- My brother is a policeman. He^s very tall.

- John is afraid of dogs.

- It?s 10 o'clock. You're late again.

- Ann and I are very good friends.

- My shoes are_very dirty. I must clean them.

- Ilm tired but Ilm not hungry.

- Tom isn't interested in politics.

- Jane isn't at home at the moment. She^s_at work.

- Those people aren't English. They're Australian.

Exercise 2. Read and learn the following words, help [help] допомога aid [eid] допомога care [кез] допомога, турбота victim ['viktim] жертва, потерпілий accident ['aeksidsnt] нещасний випадок emergency [i'im:d33nsi] аварійний; екстрений bleeding ['blhdirj] кровотеча poison ['poizn] отрута breathing ['brhoin] дихання injury ['indpri] пошкодження, травма available [a'veitabl] доступний involve [in'volv] охоплювати, залучати reassure [гіз'/шз] заспокоювати; запевняти, переконувати relieve [ri'lhv] заспокоювати require [rik'waia] потребувати, мати потребу urgent [-3:d39nt] невідкладний, терміновий shock [fbk] шок prevent [pri'vent] запобігати

hurt [пзД] заподіяти шкоду; поранити; завдати болю; рана; біль; пошкодження swelling f'swelirj] набряк


Exercise 3. Learn the following word combinations.

first aid - перша допомога

sudden illness - раптова недуга

save our souls - врятуйте наші душі, "SOS"

additional problems - додаткові проблеми

to be calm - бути спокійним

act without panic - діяти без паніки

moving the victim - транспортування потерпілого

life-threatening - життєнебезпечний, що загрожує життю

consult the doctor - відвідати лікаря

X-ray examination - рентген


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text. Memorize the conditions requiring first aid.


First Aid

Everybody must know how to give first aid. First aid is immediate care rendered to a victim of an accident, sudden illness, or other medical emergency.

Proper first aid can save a victim's life, especially if the victim is bleeding heavily, has stopped breathing or has been poisoned.

First aid also can prevent the development of additional medical problems that might result from injur)' or illness.

The person who gives first aid must have the best knowledge of it. He must be calm and act without panic.

Treatment should be continued until professional medical help is available. First aid also involves reassuring the victim, releiving the pain, and moving the victim, if necessary, to a hospital or a clinic.

Remember: "SOS" means "Save Our Souls".

The general steps to take in any situation requiring first aid include the following:

1) call a local emergency medical service or a doctor;

2) provide urgent care (for life-threatening emergencies);

3) examine the victim for injuries;

4) treat the victim for shock.


Here is a list of conditions requiring first aid: asphyxiation [ajs.fiksi'eijh] ядуха, асфіксія hemorrhage ['петзгіаз] крововилив; кровотеча

bee (sting) ['bi:'stirj] бджолиний укус hyperthermia [,Ьаірє'6з:тіз] перегрівання

bleeding [bli:din] кровотеча hypothermia [,паірзо'8з:тіз] переохолодження

blister [blists] пухир nosebleed [ nsozblhd] носова кровотеча

bruise [bru:z] забій, синець poison [poizn] отрута

burn [Ьз:п] опік rabies [reibi:z] сказ, водобоязнь

cuts [Lvts] порізи shock [Tok] шок

dislocation [,disbo'keiJh] вивих snakebite [sneikbait] зміїний укус

drowning ['draonirj] утеплення stroke [straok] удар, параліч

fainting [feintirj] зомління sunburn ['sAnb3:n] сонячний опік

fracture ['fhektjs] перелом unconsciousness [лп ktmjssnas] непритомність
frostbite ['frostbait] обмороження

Exercise 5. Find English equivalents in the text.

Надавати першу допомогу, врятуйте наші душі, могло бути результатом по­шкодження, бути повністю обізнаним, негайна медична допомога (екстрена), доступна, життєнебезпечний, полегшення/зменшення болю, заспокоєння потерпілого, транспор­тування потерпілого, додаткові проблеми, діяти без паніки, надати невідкладну допомогу, врятувати життя людини.


Exercise 6. Name the most common conditions requiring first aid.

Exercise 7. Tell your fellow students about the general steps to take in any situation requiring first aid.


Exercise 8. Read and act out the dialogs.

Mother: What's the matter with you, Danny? You have nose bleeding. Danny: I've fallen down and hurt my nose.

Mother: Sit down, Danny. Lena, give me some cloth and cold water. Danny: What do you want to do, Mom?

Mother: I'll put a cold compress on your nose. Breathe through your mouth, Danny. That's right. Don't be afraid. The bleeding will stop.

Kate: Ma, where are you?

Mother: I'm in the kitchen, Kate. What's the matter?

Kate: My friend Lora feels bad. She has a bad headache and hot skin.

Mother: Where is she?

Kate: She is on the bank of the river. She was lying in the sun for a long time. Mother: It may be a sunstroke. Is anybody with her? Kate: Yes, Ann is there.

Mother: Be quick. Run back and take Lora to a shady place. Raise her head a little. Put a wet cloth on her head. I'll take some medicine and come in a minute.

Mother: What's the matter with you, Jack? You look pale.

Jack: There is nothing wrong with me, Mom.

Mother: But I see that something is wrong.

Jack: Well, I fell on the skating-rink and hurt my right leg badly.

Mother: Let me take off your shoe, Jack.

Jack: Thank you, Ma. I can do it myself.

Mother: I am afraid you have a fracture.

Jack: Don't be afraid. It's not a fracture. You see there is no swelling. Mother: You'd better have an X-ray examination. Jack: All right. I'll consult a doctor.

Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1. What is first aid? 2. What are the most common conditions requiring first aid? 3. Can everybody render first aid? 4. What actions does first aid involve? 5. If a person has a nosebleeding, what must you do? 6. What does "SOS" mean?

Exercise 10. Tell your younger sister about first aid, use the following words and phrases in your story.

Immediate care, a victim, medical emergency, bleeding, shock, stopped breathing, is poisoned, be calm and act without panic, general steps, any situation requiring first aid, include, call a doctor, provide urgent care, for injuries, treat the victim for shock.


II. Grammar Exercises

to fight to show to speak to think

Exercise 1. Make four main forms of the verb, learn them by heart.

ght to come

to go to take to bring

Exercise 2. Form Participle I from the verbs. Model: to write - writing

To fight, to improve, to require, to look, to treat, to use, to design, to prove, to surround, to show, to develop, to detect, to give.

Exercise 3. Rewrite sentences using the Past Continuous Tense.

Model: He always goes to work by car. - He was going to work by car at 7 о 'clock


1. I write a letter to Jane every week. - Yesterday noon....

2. She meets her friends in the evening. - At midnight....

3. They usually go to the cinema on Sunday. -... at that moment.

4. She eats an orange every morning. -... all yesterday morning.

5. He comes home on Saturdays. -... for two hours yesterday.

6. I read newspapers in the evening. -... from 6 to 8.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences indicating the necessary points in time.

1. I was doing my homework...

2. She was speaking on the phone...

3. They were washing their car...

4. The nurse was making injections...

5. He was giving first aid...

6. We were reading this text...

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences translating the words in brackets into English.

1. When the red light switched on, (вона переходила вулицю).

2. She cut her right hand (коли мила посуд).

3. (Медсестра виходила з палати) when the patient asked her to come back.

4. (Медсестра клала гірчичники на спину пацієнта) when the doctor came.

5. (Медсестра міряла температуру пацієнтів) from 6 to 6.30 in the morning.

6. When the nurse came into the room, (лікар обстежував хлопчика).

Exercise 6. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. The people (were hurrying, hurried) home to have a short rest.

2. She (was writing, wrote) a prescription when he came.

3. They (showed, were showing) a new method in the lab.

4. We were not sure that we (went, were going) in the right direction.

5. They (looked, were looking) for new types of these cells.

Exercise 7. Form nouns from the adjectives with the help of the suffix -ity, pay attention to stress.

Model: 'humid — hu 'midity 'active - ac 'tivity





susceptible human





regular major

Exercise 8. Form verbs from the nouns and adjectives with the help of the suffix -en. Model: (adj.) weak + en - weaken (v.)

(n.) strength + en - strengthen (v.) dark -- темний broad - широкий length - довжина short короткий wide - широкий sweet - солодкий high - високий

Exercise 9. Translate the words with the prefix ma/-. It means "поганий, погано, неправильна дія". Use the dictionary.

Malnourishment, maladjust, malformation, maladminister, malcontent, malpractice, maltreat, maltreatment, malposition, malocclusion.

Exercise 10. Translate the sentences into English, pay attention to the infinitive.

1. Він хоче стати хорошим спеціалістом.

2. Вони хотіли прочитати цю статтю.

3. її головне завдання - доглядати за пацієнтами.

4. Суглоби допомагають кісткам рухатись.

5. Запобігти грипу - головне завдання наразі.

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English, pay attention to the same forms of conjunctions and prepositions.

1. For a long time people wanted to treat diseases.

2. It is difficult for him to move.

3. Since then the number of students in our medical school increased.

4. Since their report, many diseases are caused by different infections.

5. She is at work from morning till night.

6. He wasn't allowed to get up till the temperature was normal again.

7. After dinner we always go for a walk,

8. The victim was moved to the hospital after I gave him first aid.

9. You must wash your hands before every meal.

10. You must wash your hands before you go to the patient.


ill. Independent Work: The Strange Doctor

Exercise 1. Read the text.

The Strange Doctor

Their first summer in New England, a man and his wife are going along a strange country road. They are late so he is driving at top speed. In spite of this he notices a large house with a sign announcing that a doctor lives here.

Then something goes wrong with the car and it crashes against a tree. The driver is unhurt but his wife is seriously injured. She is unconscious. The road is a lonely one: there are no other cars and few houses.

The man remembers the doctor's sign some distance away. He takes his wife in his arms, runs back to that house and rings the bell. A tall, grey-haired man opens the door and says he is a doctor. There is no one else in the house.

Together they carry the woman into a dusty, disordered room and lay her upon the operating table. Examining her the doctor says that her skull is fractured and the only chance of saving her life is to operate at once. The husband hesitates but has no choice.

"You'll have to act as an anesthetist", the doctor says, "There is no one else here". Weak and shocked, the man obeys, but, when his wife has been etherized, the doctor with a knife in his hand, advises "You'd better wait outside. I can get on alone now".

The man is standing and looking from the darkness into the lighted room. Suddenly he hears steps and sees three men, two of them are armed and the third is carrying a rope. They are coming slowly to the door.

"For God's sake, wait!" the husband asks. "My wife's skull has been opened; any delay now must mean certain death."

Whispering one of the man asks, "What do you take us for?"


"No," the man answers. "We work at a neighboring asylum. The man operating your wife is mad. He escaped only two hours ago".


asylum [s'sailsm] психіатрична лікарня

mad [masd] божевільний

escape [is'keip] тікати

hesitate ['heziteit] сумніватися, вагатися

thief [9i:f] злодій

Exercise 2. Think and answer. Explain your choice.

To your mind, what is the ending of this story? Here are some variants:

1) The husband together with the three men interrupts the operation.

2) The husband does not let the three men interrupt the operation.

3) Do you have any other variant?

Exercise 3. Read the end of the story.

The three men agree to wait until the operation is over. Through the window they see that the operation is finished, then they run to the madman and take him away.

Then they bring back doctors for the woman and she is taken to New York. There she is placed in a hospital under the care of a famous doctor. Carefully examining her fractured skull this doctor says, "Your wife will get well and be normal again, but I can't understand it! Only one operation I know could have saved her, and the only man ever performed that operation successfully. That does not explain anything because that particular man went mad years ago, and now he is in an asylum somewhere in New England."

(Based on C. Pollock)



I Speaking First Medical Aid (Part II)
II Grammar 1. Зворот to be going to для вираження наміру в майбутньому (§60). 2. Дієслово у Future Indefinite та Future Continuous (§61). 3. Питально-заперечні речення (§62)
III Independent Work Grammar Box: Future Tense


I. Speaking: First Medical Aid (Part II)

Exercise 1. Read the texts about various conditions requiring first aid, translate them.

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Что такое пропорции? Это соотношение частей целого между собой. Что может являться частями в образе или в луке...

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