Complete the text with the words from the box.
adjudicate courts review administrative adjudication judicial
The current distinction between _____________________ within administrative agencies and adjudication in _____________________ of law was not made historically. For example, the English Court of Exchequer evolved from the _____________________ Exchequer, a tax-assessing and collecting agency. American usage derives from the separation of powers in the U.S. Constitution and from its limitation of the " _____________________ power of the United States" to certain types of "cases … and controversies." Administrative adjudication was once criticized as being contrary to the reservation of judicial power to courts as set down in Article III of the Constitution. The Supreme Court held in Crowell v. Benson (1932), however, that agencies could _____________________ cases as long as provision was made for ultimate judicial _____________________. 4. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:
Адміністративне правосуддя, адміністративні органи, судова влада, законодавча влада, адміністративні суди, адміністративні норми, уряд.
Translate into English. Адміністративна реформа - це вид політико-правової реформи, яка здійснюється у сфері виконавчої влади і стосується як її організаційної структури, функцій, кадрового забезпечення, так і взаємовідносин з місцевим самоврядуванням. Правова основа адміністративної реформи - це нормативно-правові акти, які є відправною точкою і механізмом забезпечення даної реформи.
IV. GRAMMAR FOCUS Point out sentences with Participle II in the text and explain the use. In the following sentences substitute the infinitive with Participle II according to the model. Model: Some agencies have had additional procedural requirements (to impose). Some agencies have had additional procedural requirements imposed. 1) When Congress has specified that the administrative adjudication must be formal, the APA requires that the agency's decision be made upon a record (to establish) in a trial-type hearing, and that an initial decision be (to make) by the officer who hears the evidence. 2) The "administrative law judge," makes an initial decision (to base) on (to reason) analysis, written findings of fact, and conclusions of law. 3) Questions of law include allegations that constitutional or statutory rights have been denied, failure to observe (to require) procedures, and the agency's scope of authority. V. SPEAKING
Read the report devoted to the improvement of the Administrative Law Infringement Code and discuss possible improvements.
The Administrative Law Infringement Code needs to be improved. Legal Issues Committee of Parliament works on it very actively. Particularly, it works on improvement of terminological problems, establishment of new principles, on which the mentioned Code will be based. These principles are: the principle of economy, proportionality and truth. The improvement of the concept of administrative jurisdiction and competency is implemented. From the point of view of freedom of information it is important to establish the concept of Private-Common Persons, which aims to ensure the accessibility of information for the persons, who are not mentioned in the concept of administrative body, but perform administrative functions. The exact definition of state and professional secrets is determined. Dissociation of personal data and issues on adoption of particular law concerning with it. The need of adoption of particular law on protection of personal data is discussed. 2. Sum up what you know about: - the authority of administrative agencies; - administrative law in common law countries; - administrative governmental bodies.