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Past Simple à Past Perfect

1. The shop-assistant said: "The shoe depart­ment is downstairs." 2. The professor said to his assistant: "You have made great progress." 3. Trip teacher said to us: "You must read this text at home." 4. Paul said: "We shall have to discuss this text tomorrow." 5. She asked me: "Do you know who has taken my book?" 6. We asked him: "What has happened to you? You look so pale!" 7. She said to me: "I hope you haven't forgotten to post the letter." 8. She asked me: "Where have you put my gloves? I cannot find them." 9. They said to me: "Try this coat on before buying it. Maybe you won't like it when you have put it on." 10. Last night I was called to the telephone. An unfamiliar voice said: "Is that Dmitri speaking? My name is Pavlov. I have come from Moscow today. I have brought some books for you from your friends I. am staying at the 'Europe' Hotel. When and where can I see you?" "Let's meet at the monument to Pushkin in the Square of Arts at five o'clock if it is convenient for you," I said. "All right," he answered, "I shall be there."

Rule 1

If the verb in the principal clause is in the present or the future tense, the verb in the subordinate clause may be in any tense, depending upon the sense to be expressed.

He says that he is fine.
He says that he was fine.
He says that he will be fine.
He will say that he is fine.
He will say that he was fine.
He will say that he will be fine.

Rule 2

If the tense in the principal clause is in the past tense, the tense in the subordinate clause will be in the corresponding past tense.

He said that he would come.
He told me that he had been ill.
I knew that he would not pass.
We noticed that the fan had stopped.

There are, nevertheless, a few exceptions to this rule.

A past tense in the main clause may be followed by a present tense in the subordinate clause when the subordinate clause expresses some universal truth.

Copernicus proved that the earth moves round the sun.
The teacher told us that honesty is the best policy.
He told me that the Hindus burn their dead.

A subordinate clause expressing place, reason or comparison may be in any tense, according to the sense to be expressed.

He didn’t get the job because his English isn’t good.
A fishing village once existed where now lies the city of Mumbai.

If the subordinate clause is an adjective clause, it may be in any tense as is required by the sense.

Yesterday I met a man who sells balloons.
Yesterday I met a man who sold me a balloon.

Rule 3

Note that when the subordinate clause is introduced by the conjunction of purpose that, the following rules are observed.

We use may in the subordinate clause when the main clause is in the present tense. We use might in the subordinate clause when the main clause is in the past tense.

I study that I may pass.
I will study that I may pass.
I studied that I might pass.
We eat that we may live.
He ate that he might not die.

Rule 4

If the principal clause is in the future tense, we do not use future tense in subordinating clauses beginning with when, until, before, after etc.

I will call you when dinner is ready. (NOT I will call you when dinner will be ready.)
I shall wait until you return. (NOT I shall wait until you will return.)

Rule 5

Expressions such as as if, if only, it is time and wish that are usually followed by past tenses.

I wish I was a bit taller.
It is time we started working.
He talks as if he knew everything.

Tense in Independent Clause Purpose of Dependent Clause/ Tense in Dependent Clause Example(s)
Simple Present To show same-time action, use the present tense I am eager to go to the concert because I love the Wallflowers.
To show earlier action, use past tense I know that I made the right choice.
To show a period of time extending from some point in the past to the present, use the present perfect tense. They believe that they have elected the right candidate.
To show action to come, use the future tense. The President says that he will veto the bill.
Simple Past To show another completed past action, use the past tense. I wanted to go home because I missed my parents.
To show an earlier action, use the past perfect tense. She knew she had made the right choice.
To state a general truth, use the present tense. The Deists believed that the universe is like a giant clock.
Present Perfect or Past Perfect     For any purpose, use the past tense.   She has grown a foot since she turned nine. The crowd had turned nasty before the sheriff returned.
Future To show action happening at the same time, use the present tense. I will be so happy if they fix my car today.
To show an earlier action, use the past tense. You will surely pass this exam if you studied hard.
To show future action earlier than the action of the independent clause, use the present perfect tense. The college will probably close its doors next summer if enrollments have not increased.
Future Perfect   For any purpose, use the present tense or present perfect tense. Most students will have taken sixty credits by the time they graduate. Most students will have taken sixty credits by the time they have graduated.


Выполните упражнение:


They noticed they (fly) for three hours already. 2. Tom said that it (take) him an hour to get to the station. 3. She asked them if they (play) tennis in the afternoon. 4. Mary asked her brother if he (can) tell her the way to the shop. 5. Peter and John told me they (go) to the Kremlin the day before yesterday. 6. Mother said she (have) a bad headache. Don't bother her. 7. Dorothy asked Margaret if she (be) going to buy a new dress in the nearest future. 8. They told us they (visit) the Tretyakovskaya gallery next Sunday. 9. Jack said that he already (write) the letter. 10. They asked if the work (finish) by tomorrow.


Past Simple à Past Perfect

Следует иметь в виду, так как в русском языке подобное правило отсутствует, оно не влияет на перевод предложений на русский язык. В русском языке перевод сохраняется в настоящем времени. Если же мы переводим предложение с русского на английский, следует обращать внимание на главное предложение. Если в русском варианте оно в прошедшем времени, в английском действует правило согласования времен.


“I’m working now.” “I workevery day.” “I will work tomorrow.”   “I have worked already.” “I workedyesterday.” He saidhe was working. He saidhe worked every day. He saidhe would worktomorrow.   He saidhe had worked already. He saidhe had workedyesterday. Он сказал, что работает. Он сказал, что работаеткаждый день. Он сказал, что будет работать. Он сказал, что поработал уже. Он сказал, что работалвчера.  


При переводе общих вопросов из прямой речи в косвенную следует учесть три момента:

1) использовать союз if, который соответствует частице ли в русском языке.

2) использовать прямой порядок слов (подлежащее, затем сказуемое) Вопроса уже не будет!

3) использовать правило согласования времен.

При переводе специальных вопросов также используется прямой порядок слов и правило согласования времен. Вместо союза if используется вопросительное местоимение.


“Are youAmerican?” “Are you working now?” “Do you workevery day.”   “Will you work tomorrow.” “Have you worked already.” “Did you workyesterday.”     We asked ifhe wasAmerican. We asked ifhe was working. We asked ifhe worked every day.   We asked ifhe would worktomorrow. We asked ifhe had worked already. We asked ifhe had workedyesterday.   Мы спросили, aмериканец ли он. Мы спросили, работает ли он. Мы спросили, работает ли он каждый день. Мы спросили, будет ли он работать. Мы спросили, поработал ли он уже. Мы спросили, работал ли онвчера.  
“Where are youfrom? “Where are you working now?” “Wheredo you workevery day.” “Wherewill you work tomorrow.” “Wherehave you worked already.” “Wheredid you workyesterday.”     We asked where he wasfrom. We asked where he was working.   We asked wherehe worked every day.   We asked where he would worktomorrow. We asked wherehe had worked already. We asked where he had workedyesterday.   Мы спросили, откуда он. Мы спросили, где он работает. Мы спросили, где он работает каждый день.   Мы спросили, где он будет работать.   Мы спросили, где он поработал уже.   Мы спросили, где он работалвчера.  

Просьбы и приказы переводятся в косвенную речь с помощью инфинитива:

“Read the text.” She told me to read the text.

“Don’t read the text.” She told me not to read the text.




Translate the sentences:

1. Когда Флер выглянула в окно, солнце скрылось. Моросил дождь. Густой туман расстилался над городом.

2. Прогноз погоды сообщил, что ясная погода продержится в течение недели. Местами ожидаются грозы.

3. Не успели мы раскрыть зонт, как начался ливень. Дождь лил, как из ведра, и мы недоумевали, когда же он прекратится.

4. Дождь перестал. Погода проясняется, и облака рассеиваются. Посмотри на эту чудесную радугу!

5. Очень душно. Не шелохнется и листок. Кажется, надвигается гроза. Вы слышали раскат грома? Вот и вспышка молнии. Если мы не поторопимся, то промокнем насквозь.

6. Стоял морозный зимний день. Дул холодный ветер. Выпало много снега. Иней сверкал на ветвях, и сосульки свисали с крыш домов. Дети поиграли в снежки совсем недолго и вернулись домой.

7. Мы ехали на санях минут сорок, пока не увидели огромное озеро. Оно было замерзшим и удивительно красивым.

8. Мы едем на санях с самого утра. Вокруг большие сугробы. Стоит сильный мороз.

9. Дети устали и проголодались. Они катались на санях с горы.

10. Наступила оттепель. Вокруг слякоть. Иногда идет снег с дождем. Мы с нетерпением ждем той поры, когда зацветут первые цветы и появится зеленая трава.



Translate the sentences:

1) Вы не знаете, продержится ли хорошая погода?

Прогноз погоды сообщает, что будет пасмурно, местами ливни и грозы, затем наступит период сильной жары.

2) Он сказал, что сможет уладить все вопросы сам.

3) Мы не знаем, решат ли они поехать за город на уик-энд. Если решат, мы присоединимся к ним.

4) Интересно, когда вы приготовите все для поездки? У вас мало времени!

Когда я все приготовлю, сразу вам позвоню.

5)Они сообщили нам, что им удалось реализовать свой план.

6) Я, пожалуй, поплыву к берегу! Я замерз. Тебе лучше сделать тоже самое.

7) Они сказали вам, когда отправятся в путь?

8)Все были уверены, что он станет примерным учеником, когда осознает свои ошибки.

9) Вы узнали, будет ли там много иностранных гостей?

10) Она сказала, что зайдет в выходные, если у нее будет время.




1) At the beginning of the story (At the end)

2) The story begins with the description, dialogue between...

3) The action takes place...

4) Finally, in the end...

5) At last

6) At least

7) Besides

8) By the way

9) In general

10) Anyway

11) However

12) No doubt

13) It so happened that...

14) It turned out that...

15) He turned out a good man.

16) Actually

18) At first

19) To cut a long story short

20) That’s why

21) As a result

22) Therefore

23) Fortunately (Unfortunately)

24) He was lucky (unlucky)

25) According to the situation...


The author told us a story that had happened to him. The action took place at the railway station. It turned out there were no sleeping berths in the sleeper, but the author had to change trains. He was told in the booking office that every corner was full. Standing on the platform and feeling very nervous and upset, the author tried to find a way out of the situation. He wasn’t an ordinary man but a famous writer. Unfortunately, no one recognized him in the crowd, but he was sure that he deserved privileges. His companion considered it wouldn’t help but suddenly the situation changed. The author was noticed by a porter whispering something to the conductor. Not a minute passed the conductor came up to him all politeness. At last he was lucky. The author was given a big family compartment, as a result. Feeling very happy and making himself comfortable, he asked his companion if he liked the way they were being served. No doubt, the author thought he had been recognized as a famous writer and, therefore, the attitude to him changed at once. Giving a good tip to the porter, the author wanted to confirm (подтвердить) his pleasant expectations. So he asked the porter whom he had recognized, hoping to hear his own name. But the porter’s answer was quite different from that one the author had expected. It made him feel really shocked when the porter told him, smiling very politely that he was no one but the mayor of New York. It so happened that his mistaken identity turned out to be of real service to the author, anyway, but..


Exam topics for dialogues. 1) Laughter therapy. 2) How do you feel about teaching? 3) England. Cambridge. 4) Travelling. The country I want to visit. 5) Health and medicine.  
Essay How do you feel about teaching? A plan. 1) The advantages and disadvantages of the profession. 2) The image of a contemporary teacher. (The style, methods of work…) 3) The qualities of a real teacher. (Professional qualities, character…) 4) Teaching in Russia and abroad. 5) Is it possible to make a career of a successful teacher nowadays?
Recommendations for writing an essay: 1) It should consist of three main parts - Introduction (It may be a quotation, your own general reflexions on the topic) - The main part - The conclusion!!! 2) Please, keep to 5 points of the plan, given above!! 3) An essay should be logical! When developing the main part, please, make your view point clear by using the definite examples! If you use a thesis it should be followed by a proof. E.g. a thesis: A teacher should be tolerant. (A driver should be tolerant, shouldn’t he?) a proof: Dealing with many different people, especially children takes a lot of physical, mental and emotional energy. That’s why a teacher should be tolerant. My teacher of chemistry got high results in the subject and a good discipline in the class because of this quality…) 4) Don’t forget to use linking words and expressions such as: in my opinion, according to the situation, as far as I’m concerned, therefore, finally, however, in general…) 5) Please, be free to express your own thoughts!!! 6) The volume: 3-4pages.


<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Упражнение 12. Восстановите прямую речь в следу­ющих предложениях. | Exercise 1. Use the appropriate form of the verb.

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