Exercise 15. Translate into English using the Subjunctive Mood in object clauses.
1. Как жаль, что вы были так неосторожны. Этого бы не случилось, если бы вы послушали совета наших друзей. 2. Как жаль, что это произошло в ваше отсутствие. 3. Жаль, что вы не интересуетесь искусством. 4. Я теперь жалею, что не захватила с собой таблетки от головной боли. 5. Ты пожалеешь, что не пошел со мной. 6. Жаль, что вы не сохранили письмо. 7. Хоть бы ей кто-нибудь сказал, что это невежливо. 8. Ей очень хотелось, чтобы кто-нибудь заметил ее и спросил, что она тут делает. 9. Хорошо, если бы вы всегда приходили вовремя. 10. Жаль, что вы не смогли посмотреть этот матч. 11. Досадно, что преподаватель обращает мало внимания на ваше произношение. 12. Хотелось бы мне, чтобы вы были осторожнее в следующий раз. 13. Как жаль, что я не могу как следует описать вам сцену, которая затем последовала. 14. Как жаль, что доктор ушел. Я не спросила его, когда принимать лекарство. 15. Обидно, что мы не знаем его адреса. Мы могли бы сходить к нему сегодня же. 16. Жаль, что в детстве меня не учили никакому иностранному языку. 17. Она жалела, что ей не было слышно, о чем говорили внизу. 18. Я бы хотела, чтобы ты содержал все свои вещи в порядке. 19. Напрасно он не посвятил свою жизнь математике. Это его любимый предмет с детства. Exercise 16. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in clauses introduced by as if and as though.
1. For a moment or two she remained by the desk, one hand touching the telephone, as if a thread of contact still remained. 2. He was not so well-dressed as Robert, who always looked as though he had stepped out of a shop-window, but he wore his old clothes as though it didn't much matter what one wore. 3. He had been feeling more comfortable every day, in fact he was beginning to feel as if he'd never been away. 4. He found Brenner standing on the sidewalk in his dirty raincoat and shaking as though he were suffering from a malarial attack. 5. He looked at me as though he wanted to ask me something. 6. "I'm glad you could come, gentlemen." Curtis O'Keefe informed them, as if this meeting had not been planned weeks ahead. 7. She looked fresh and clean as though nothing had happened to her that night. 8. She looked at me as though that were the end of the interview and she expected me to get up and take myself off. 9. She looked as though she had been crying. 10. Hurstwood gazed at it a moment as if something were scratching him. 11. It was Sunday, and there was a feeling of quietness, a silence as though nature were at rest. 12. A convulsion racked him as though he had been touched by a high-tension wire. 13. His heart laboured as though it were pumping sand, not blood, not liquid, he thought. 14.1 sat in the garden feeling as though I were home again. 15. It was as if someone he had never known had written the story. 16. There was a pause, with heavy breathing, as if a moment of emotion were being controlled. 17. It was as if Marthy had received a physical blow and were rocking on her feet. 18. When he finally broke the silence his voice was as hoarse as though he had been shouting inside himself.
Exercise 17. Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood in clauses introduced by as if and as though.
1. Whenever I saw them it looked as though they (to be) on very good terms with one another. 2. The knife shone as though it just (to come) out of the workshop. 3. As I opened my door I seemed to hear a changing sound as if a mass of metal (to fall). 4. Suddenly the voice was clear and strong as if Constance (to be) in another room of the hotel. 5. Fred wasn't shy, and he talked to Gracie's parents as though he (to know) them all his life. 6. His tanned, smooth skin looked as though a razor never (to touch) it. 7. You behave as if you (to be married) to her already. 8. You look as though you (not to have) much sleep the last night or two. 9. She noticed a shade of thought pass over his face as if he (to begin) to realize that things were changed. 10. He felt as if he (to catch) cold. 11. He leaned against the desk, and upon my word he was shaking as though he (to get) fever. 12. He looked аs if he (to step) from the pages of "Pickwick Papers". 13. She always smelled as though she just (to come) from a long walk in a forest. 14. She clutched the letter to her heart as though she (to think) I would take it from her. 15. He looked as if he (not to have) a meal for a week, and I hadn't the heart to refuse him. 16. Sharon frowned as if she (to be puzzled). 17. He looked as if he (not to sleep) much lately.