On-line sources
The biggest difficulty in citing information found on-line is usually in finding complete information. In addition, since on-line information may disappear at any time, it is of particular importance to give the date that information was accessed. As much of the following information should be given as possible: · Author’s name (last name first in bibliographies) · Title of work in italics (book) or quotation marks (article) · Title of complete work (if applicable) in italics · Original publication information (if previously in print) · Any version or file numbers, type of on-line source in brackets · Date of document or last revision (if available) · Protocol (http) and full URL · Date of access in parentheses
Examples: On-line article, previously published: N Alexander I. Negrov with Miriam Charter, “Why is there no Russian Protestant Theology in Russia? A Personal Outcry,” Religion in Eastern Europe, Vol. XVII, No. 1 (Feb. 1977): 2 [Journal on-line]; http://www.georgefox.edu/academics/undergrad/departments/soc- swk/ree/NEGROV_P... (10 September 2005).
B Negrov, Alexander I. with Miriam Charter. “Why is there no Russian Protestant Theology in Russia? A Personal Outcry.” Religion in Eastern Europe, Vol. XVII, No. 1 (Feb. 1977):1-11 [Journal on-line]; http://www.georgefox.edu/academics/undergrad/departments/soc- swk/ree/NEGROV_P... (10 September 2005). On-line article, not previously published: N Sister Helene O’Sullivan, “Chapter for Religious Leaders,” UNICEF Handbook to Combat Trafficking in Children, forthcoming. http://www.uscatholicmission.org/res02-bkg.htm (no date).
B O’Sullivan, Sister Helene. “Chapter for Religious Leaders.” UNICEF Handbook to Combat Trafficking in Children. Forthcoming. http://www.uscatholicmission.org/res02-bkg.htm (no date).
Appendix 1
Transliteration of Slavic alphabets—Library of Congress, etc. (on paper).[35]
Appendix 2 Geographical Names and Abbreviations
The following is a partial list of cities where publishers are located that are frequently cited by authors who contribute to Bogoslovskie razmyshleniia/Theological Reflections. Note that for the less familiar, the country, state, or province is also given. It is up to the author to decide whether the additional designation will be given in reference notes and bibliographies, however it must always be done consistently throughout the work.
Amsterdam Atlanta Basel Berlin Bloomington/Bloomington, In. Boston Cambridge Carlisle Cleveland Crestwood/Crestwood, N.Y. Dallas Didcot, U.K. Downers Grove, Illinois/Downers Grove, Ill. Dublin Edinburgh Eugene, Ore. Goettingen Grand Rapids/Grand Rapids, Mich. Hague, The Hamburg Heidelberg Jerusalem Jordansville/Jordansville, N.Y. Kiev, Kyiv Kirksville/Kirksville, Mo. Kitchener/Kitchener, Ont. Leiden Leningrad London Los Angeles Louisville/Louisville, Ky. Lvov/L’viv Macon/Macon, Ga. Malden/Malden, Mass. Maryknoll/Maryknoll, N.Y. Minneapolis Moscow Munich Nashville New York North Newton, Kans. Notre Dame/Notre Dame, In. Odessa Oxford Paris Petrograd Philadelphia Prague Rome St. Petersburg Salt Lake City San Francisco Scottdale/Scottdale, Penn. Sheffield Toronto Tuebingen Waco/Waco, Tex. Waterloo/Waterloo, Ont. Wuppertal Valley Forge/Valley Forge, Penn. Vienna
Abbreviations of States, Provinces, and Countries The names of states, provinces, and countries should usually be spelled out in text. In lists, footnotes, indexes, bibliographies, or charts, state, province, and country names may be abbreviated with standard abbreviations. Two-letter postal abbreviations for states and provinces should be used only when actual mailing addresses are given. The following list shows state and province abbreviations in both standard and postal style.[36]
Alabama Ala. AL Alaska Alaska AK Arizona Ariz. AZ Arkansas Ark. AR
California Calif. CA Colorado Colo. CO Connecticut Conn. CT
Delaware Del. DE
Florida Fla. FL
Georgia Ga. GA
Hawaii Hawaii HI
Idaho Ida. ID Illinois Ill. IL Indiana Ind. IN Iowa Ia. IA
Kansas Kans. KS Kentucky Ky. KY
Louisiana La. LA
Maine Me. ME Maryland Md. MD Massachusetts Mass. MA Michigan Mich. MI Minnesota Minn. MN Mississippi Miss. MS Missouri Mo. MO Montana Mont. MT
Nebraska Neb. NE Nevada Nev. NV New Hampshire N. H. NH New Jersey N. J. NJ New Mexico N. Mex. NM New York N. Y. NY North Carolina N. C. NC North Dakota N. Dak. ND
Ohio Ohio OH Oklahoma Okla. OK Oregon Ore. OR
Pennsylvania Pa. or Penn. PA
Rhode Island R. I. RI
South Carolina S. C. SC South Dakota S. Dak. SD
Tennessee Tenn. TN Texas Tex. TX
Utah Utah UT
Vermont Vt. VT Virginia Va. VA
Washington Wash. WA West Virginia W. Va. WV Wisconsin Wis. WI Wyoming Wyo. WY
Alberta Alta. AB British Columbia B. C. BC Manitoba Man. MB New Brunswick N. B. NB Newfoundland Nfld. NF Northwest Territories N. W. T. NT Nova Scotia N. S. NS Ontario Ont. ON Prince Edward Island P. E. I. PE Quebec Que. or P. Q. QC Saskatchewan Sask. SK Yukon Territory Y. T. YT
Although most country names should be spelled out in text, the following common abbreviations are exceptions. Note that no space is used between the letters of these abbreviations.
Soviet Union—U.S.S.R., USSR United Kingdom—U.K., UK United States—U.S., US, USA