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Заполните пробелы недостающими словами из списка (Упражнение 1).

1. She suffered from ________ attacks.

2. "These are the guys I __________ with, best friends," Staudacher said.

3. I could have been reading about a drug ________, alcoholic young man.

4. For instance, you can become a better problem solver by looking beyond your personal biases and blind spots to consider alternative ___________.

5. But the analyst questioned whether Jackson fans would want to use a virtual world, which is mostly populated by _________ and teenagers, he said.

6. They ________ to be ranked in the top ten.

7. Convincing voters that he means it, however, may be Mr. Romney’s greatest __________.

8. The release of the single is _________ for April.

9. Ending our fossil fuel addiction is the only way to truly __________ climate change.

10. Children should be accompanied by an ________.


Сократите данные предложения, заменяя словами из списка (Упражнение 1) выделенные курсивом конструкции. Если это необходимо, измените порядок слов.

1. “It was very difficult and severely testing to go through, disappointing,” he said.

2. Keeping informed and fully aware of a country's greenhouse gases is an accounting problem of epic proportions.

3. In Medicare, costs of caring for more than average fat and obese seniors is rising faster than for the general population.

4. He achieved the desired aim in winning a pardon.

5. The audits also found five facilities that employed workers not of legal age.

6. Expecting the state of being without a flaw or defect is asking too much of a human being and an algorithm.

7. And, as with something that is inhaled, abuse is seen mainly among younger teens, poor people and prisoners.

5. Дайте ответ на нижеследующий вопрос:

What problems may await growing up children and teenagers? What are the possible reasons for problematic situations?

6. Затем, используя данный текст для получения дополнительной информации, расширьте свой ответ:

Growing up can be difficult, and as much as preteens go through while transitioning to the teenage years, it's no wonder many of them find themselves in the middle of some troubling challenges. Parents, teachers, and other adults can help troubled youth by being supportive, and by setting fair limits. Below are a few ways preteens can stumble into trouble, as well as some solutions to help them when they fall.

Risk Taking and the Teen Years

There are many ways in which troubled youth express themselves. For some it's through risk taking. Actually, it's not just troubled youth who take chances. Risk taking is common among teens and preteens, partly because they truly do believe they are invincible. Risk taking can include binge drinking, having sex, and taking chances with their own safety.

Troubled Youth and Substance Abuse

Many parents believe that the risks of smoking, underage drinking, and drugs are reserved for teenagers. Unfortunately, many preteens engage in underage drinking, smoking, or other abusive dangers, such as inhalants. Knowing the signs that your child is using alcohol, or drugs can help you combat the problem earlier rather than later.

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety can strike children as well as adults, and in both cases it can be a difficult and challenging obstacle. Children who are depressed will often pull away from friends, have trouble sleeping, or they may change their eating habits, among other possible symptoms. If you suspect your child may be suffering from depression or anxiety, it would be wise to contact your child's doctor for an evaluation.

In addition, research has shown that physical activity can help with depression and anxiety symptoms – so schedule a little physical activity every day.

Obesity and Youth

For obese children, life can be tough and troubled. Youth with serious weight problems often face social problems and may have trouble fitting in. In addition, they have higher rates of depression and behavior problems. If your child is overweight, be aware of his or her self-esteem, and offer assistance in helping your child overcome the weight issues as well as the other issues that may come with it.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 591. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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