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Сократите данные предложения, заменяя словами из списка (Упражнение 1) выделенные курсивом конструкции. Если это необходимо, измените порядок слов.

1. Situated in the Royal Burgh of Elgin, in the heart of Moray, Moray large public building with many different sports and exercise facilities has been the most popular leisure facility in the area since it was built in 1993.

2. The baseball team was at an unfavourable circumstance that reduced the chances of success or effectiveness in today's game because two of their best players were injured and could not play.

3. We were through the place at a port, airport, or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travelers, or luggage with a minimum of formalities.

4. You can enjoy your voyage on a ship taken for pleasure or as a holiday and usually calling in at several places in the blue waters of the Indian Ocean with us.

5. Five star ratings are only given to organizations providing a regular public service of air transport on one or more routes that have shown a consistent attentiveness to service on the ground and in the air.

6. A twelve episode book about my travel experiences and the visited places written on my second trip to Germany and Europe to visit my friend Martin and to attend my friends Andi and Karin’s wedding.

7. There are several ways to become a specialist who mainly helps customers find right information on travel itineraries, tour packages: one way is to apply for an entry-level position with a travel agency and learn by participating in on the job training.

5. Дайте ответ на нижеследующий вопрос:

What types of tourist companies do you know?

6. Затем, используя данный текст для получения дополнительной информации, расширьте свой ответ:

Tour operators are tourist companies which develop and put together tour packages.

Tour operators do market research. They promote their tours and advertise them. Tour operators publish colourful brochures, booklets and travelogues.

Tour operators sell tour packages wholesale to travel agencies or sometimes direct to the public.

There are tour operators which also act like travel agencies. They produce and sell their products themselves.

There are independent tour operators. But among tour operators there are major airlines and shipping companies.

There are large tour operators, such as Thomas Cook & Sons Company or American Express Company. Thomas Cook is the oldest tour operator in the world.

Travel agencies are retail tourist companies which work directly with the public. Travel agencies are often called travel shops where customers buy different tourist products.

Travel agencies sell tour operators' tour packages and individual tourist services. Among tour packages there are inclusive tours, charter inclusive tours and inclusive tours with an excursion. Travel agencies also sell coaching tours and cruising tours.

Travel agencies form groups of tourists who take part in ready-made prepaid tours. They also make individual travel arrangements.

Among separate tourist services there are air tickets, train tickets, boat or ferry tickets, hotel rooms, car rentals, sightseeing tours, services of a guide or a guide-interpreter. Travel agencies also offer travel insurances and theatre tickets to their customers.

Large travel agencies branch out and have got branches and outlets in a city, a region, a country or all over the world.

There are large travel agencies which are members of a chain. A chain is a group of agencies which belong to the same company. In this case they often have the word «Group» in their names, for instance, Barry Martin Group or Blue Heart Travel Group. Usually such travel agencies act as tour operators as well.

Tourist information offices are also called tourist information centers.

There are tourist information offices at major airports, railway stations, hotels, holiday or leisure centers and many tourist attractions.

Tourist information offices have got office clerks who give and advice to customers on car hire, sightseeing and other coach tours, accommodations, flights and so on. The clerks also give city orientations to guests.

Tourist information office clerks answer a lot of phone calls and give information on passports and visas, the Customs and luggage, weather and climate, city public transport and food service.

The office clerks speak foreign languages fluently because they deal with many international travelers.

There are usually racks full of city maps and guide books, booklets and folders, travelogues and timetables, billboards and posters in tourist information offices. Travelers get most of them free of charge.

Many large travel companies have got a lot of outlets within a city, a region, a country or throughout the world. An outlet is point of sales of a company. There are outlets of travel agencies, airlines, car hire companies, coaching and cruising companies.

There are travel agency outlets in hotels, airport terminals, railway stations, big department stores, at large factories and plants, and in office sites.

If a travel company has got an outlet at a factory or in an office building, it means that it serves employees of those companies. Such an outlet provides the same services as other outlets and the head office of the travel company. It means that offers and prices are the same in all outlets.

There is usually just one travel clerk at a sales outlet. He or she does all the work. He or she answers phone calls, meets customers in person, works on the computer, does paper work. This clerk makes bookings, issues tickets, collects money and gives receipts. Of course, the clerk keeps in touch with the head office and knows all the up-to-date information on tours and tickets.

There are people in tourism who work for themselves. They are called free-lancers. They don't work full-time for any tourist company. They work part-time or in high season only. They don’t work in low and off-season.

Among free-lancers there are guides, guides-interpreters, escorts, animators, travel writers. Tourist companies employ them for seasonal work. Cruising companies, resort hotels and holiday centers employ animators for summer high season. Travel agencies which deal with in-coming tourism employ guides, guides-interpreters, escorts. Travel writers offer their articles to magazines and newspapers when they wish to. Often magazines order special articles on tourist subjects from travel writers

Free-lancers are registered. It means that, on the one hand, they have got licences. Licences prove their qualifications and give them permission to work. On the other hand, if they are registered, they pay taxes.

Free-lancers are, as a rule, members of professional associations. In high season free-lancers earn a lot of money. In low and of season they don't earn any money at all or do some other job. Teachers work as freelance guides. Students work as escorts. Actors work as animators. Travel writers are often permanent free-lancers.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 967. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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