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Many small business owners handle a vast array of responsibilities in their businesses, wearing many different hats during the course of the workday. The ability to block out distractions and focus on the immediate issue, task or goal as well as the bigger picture can be a key trait in a successful entrepreneur.


While focus is an important trait found in most successful small business owners, it's also important to keep an open mind and consider different perspectives. Small business owners who are willing to consider alternative ideas and try new processes may be more likely to reach significant levels of success.


Family Life


Before reading the text make sure that you know the words and expressions listed below. Consult the dictionary if necessary.



















humble fellowship





A family is a household of people related by blood or marriage. More specifically, we can define a family as husband and wife (or one parent), with or without never-married children, living together in the same dwelling. A household may contain more than two generations of people.


The family is given great importance as it should form the basis of both the individual's spiritual development and happiness, and society's cohesion and advancement. It constitutes "as the bedrock of the whole structure of human society". Attitudes and relationships developed in the family, when transformed to ever-wider circles of the community, can have a direct bearing on the order, peace, and wealth of an entire nation.

The family provides a fertile ground to nurture children, the future adults, to love the Creator, to become spiritually minded, to "conform to the rules of good conduct," to acquires "all the graces and praiseworthy qualities of humankind," amongst other virtues.


There is only a general sketch that defines the structure of the family. We suggest that the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, will be the norm. The distribution of inheritance, for instance, suggests the importance of the extended family.

Although the father is the "head" of the household, both parents carry the authority and primary responsibility for the family. The mother, as the "first educator of the child", occupies the most important position during the early years of family life, responsible for the spiritual and material education of her children. She should "nurture the health" of her children and guard them from disease". The mother has the right to be supported by her husband, while he has no such rights.

The husband's primary responsibility is to "provide for and protect the family". Fatherhood is forfeited when a father fails to assume these responsibilities.

Children have the duty and moral obligation to obey their parents. Children will not learn to obey their Creator and to be good citizens of their country, if they do not obey their parents. The eldest son, in particular, has the moral obligation to see to the needs of his mother and her offspring. Each member of the household has prerogatives. If their rights and prerogatives are not maintained, it is impossible to sustain the unity of the family.

Relationships within the family should be characterized as "not dictatorial authority but humble fellowship, not arbitrary power, but the spirit of frank and loving consultation. While embracing advanced societal goals, family relationships appear to affirm traditional norms. For example, daughters must be trained to become "more self-effacing, more humble, and will defer to and obey their parents and forebears, and be a comfort and a solace to all"


What Is Family Life Like In Britain…?


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