Студопедия — Listen to Part 3 and note down the relevant information from the recording to answer these questions.
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Listen to Part 3 and note down the relevant information from the recording to answer these questions.

1. What does she like about sponsorship?

2. What kind of sponsorship is she against?

3. Is she the only one who feels like that or is everybody pretty much of the same opinion?

Listen to Part 4 of the recording and answer the questions below choosing the right variant.

1. What is her attitude to people who think that life is perfect?

a) She likes optimists.

b) They make good company.

c) They are living in a dream world.

2. What makes her feel that she is not wasting her time?

a) teaching students

b) encouraging other women to come into sport

c) both teaching and sport

Listen to Part 4 again paying attention to what the speaker teaches and who she teaches.

Before listening to Part 5 copy the charts below.


N 1 N 2

the olimpic distance   events times a week distance
events distance        
1. 2. 3.     1. 2. 3.    

Now listen to the description of her sport routine and fill in the details.

Listen to Part 5 again. Combine the words from the left-hand column with those in the right-hand column to produce word-combinations used by the speaker to describe her sport routine.

steady trial

time sessions

interval rides

circuit run

tempo training


Listen to Part 5 and answer the 2 questions.

1. What exercises does she do besides swimming, bicycling and running?

2. How careful is she about what she drinks and eats?

Language Focus and Auditory Memory Development

Complete the following sentences from the recording choosing the right intensifier from the box below. One of them can be used more than once.

quite many more pretty much absolutely

that much more never ever clearly

quite so very too


1.... when you’re resting, your heart isn’t working ___ hard.

2.... you have a positive self-image and you feel ___ confident about life.

3.... you can put on a wonderful event and ___ people benefit.

4. I feel ____ strongly about this, I would ___ allow myself or I would strongly discourage...

5. And fortunately I think everybody is ___ of the same opinion as I am.

6. In contrast to an event that takes me ten hours I ___ don’t need to train ___ long.

7..... when I’m running ___ hard so I’m a bit breathless but not ___ flat out...

8.... eat all the right foods, nothing ___ processed.

3.2. Listen to each part of the recording separately and note down: a) the synonyms for the given words and word combinations (see List 1); b) the English equivalents for the Russian expressions and word combinations below (see List 2).

List 1

Part 1 1. to do one’s sport

2. a hard event


Part 2 1. to drop 4. to feel positive about sth

2. advantage 5. the races are the best

3. to be sure of sth 6. well-grounded, solid marker

in one’s mind


Part 3 1. real, true sponsorship

2. to be very certain of sth


Part 4 1. to suppose

2. to stimulate

3. to keep sth in mind


Part 5 1. about 2 hours

2. to be completely exhausted

3. to keep one’s body well-toned

List 2

Part 1 1. взгляд на жизнь

Part 2 1. развивать верхнюю часть тела/нижнюю часть тела

2. люди, ведущие малоподвижный образ жизни

3. главное удовлетворение

4. первым пересечь линию финиша


Part 3 1. деньги движут миром

2. проводить соревнование


Part 4 1. в жизни все уравновешено

2. делать вклад во что-либо


Part 5 1. проводить серию тренировок с перерывом между ними

2. неизбежно, неумолимо

3. все время дающая о себе знать травма

4. подвергшийся длительной термической обработке


1. What kind of person does the speaker seem to be?

2. Would you like to take part in a triathlon? Give your reasons.

3. What is your attitude to commercial sponsorship of sporting events?

4. How are professional sports people different from amateurs?

5. Do you take part in sports for enjoyment, for exercise or to win?




Text Title: How to run properly

Cassette: From Blueprint Intermediate, by B.Abbs, I.Freebairn

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Go over the vocabulary list. Consult a dictionary if you need.

posture clench

tip loosely



Listening Exercises

Listen to an interview with a man who gives advice on how to run properly.

While listening put down the answers for the questions that follow.

1. What is the name of the programme?

2. What is the man’s name?

3. What does he do for his living?

Listen to the interview once more and note down what advice he gives about the correct position of a) your back, b) your head, c) your arms and how to breathe.

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