Follow-Up Activities
4.1. In your opinion, should there be a minimum age for teenagers becoming professional? 4.2. Think of some children who have excelled in the world of sport, music, art, films and entertainment. How were they affected by their success and fame? Lesson B. OUT - OF-CLASS LISTENING Text Title: Our theme is keeping fit Cassette: From Kernel Two, by R.O’Neill Pre-Listening Vocabulary Make sure you know these words and word combinations. Text 1 Text 2 be a lot longer (about hours) be overweight ‘expense account’ lunch jog do a test yoga exercises
Listening Exercises 2.1. Listen to two stories and think of the suitable titles for them. Choose from the list below: - Health Problems - The Way I Live - Keeping Fit - Better Late than Never - Prevention Is Better than Cure 2.2. Identify the following statements as True or False: Text 1 1. Ten years ago the man used to be very fit. 2. About 8 years ago he got a much better job. 3. Two months ago he was taken to hospital and spent a few weeks there. 4. The doctor advised the man to work less and the man decided to get another job. Text 2 1. It all started a few months ago. 2. In those days Laura used to smoke a lot and was overweight. 3. Laura’s husband and daughter don’t approve of her new way of life. 2.3. While listening to the man’s story again write down the following information about him.
2.4. Now listen to Laura’s story and note down the answers to the following questions. 1. What made Laura change her way of life? 2. What was the first thing she tried to do? 3. When did she sell her car? 4. What has she started doing recently?
Language Focus Give the English equivalents for the following Russian sentences using the language of the recording. 1. Десять лет назад я был здоровым и бодрым. 2. На работу я ездил на велосипеде и много занимался физкультурой по выходным дням. 3. Затем, где-то 8 лет назад, я перешел на более высокооплачиваемую работу. 4. Оклад был выше, но рабочий день был намного больше. 5. Я стал приглашать людей на дорогие ленчи и начал прибавлять в весе. 6. На работе у меня часто возникают стрессовые ситуации. 7. Обычно я выпивал только полстакана виски, когда возвращался домой, но потом я стал наполнять стакан до краев. 8. Я провел в больнице несколько дней, и врачи сделали много анализов. 9. Врач посоветовал мне меньше работать и больше заниматься физкультурой. Но у меня нет времени. Работа отнимает у меня все силы и все свободное время. 10. Мне нужно содержать семью. 11. Я никогда не выходила на свежий воздух, если не считать магазины. 12. На другой день я попробовала немного пробежаться. 13. Сейчас я полностью изменила свой образ жизни. 14. Я перестала есть мясо и начала употреблять в пищу намного больше свежих овощей. 15. Они оба похудели и стали намного здоровее, чем были раньше.
Follow-Up Activity Write a passage about Laura and her family. Be sure to describe 1. the way Laura used to live 2. what happened one day about 2 years ago 3. the things she and her family started doing in the last 2 years
UNIT 2 Lesson A. IN-CLASS LISTENING Text Title: Eddie the Eagle Cassette: From The Listening File, by J.Harmer, S.Elsworth
Pre-Listening Exercises Go through the list of words below and clear up any difficulties. eagle - орел lift pass - разрешение на подъем luge [luùZ] - санный спорт ski-jump (hill) [ÈskiùdZÃmp] - трамплин take-off [ÈteIkf] - взлет shovel [ÈSÃvl] - убирать (сгребать) have a go at sth - попробовать что-либо сделать jump on/off a hill - прыгать с горы push off - оттолкнуться 1.2. Can you guess from the vocabulary given what this programme is about?
Listening Exercises You will now hear a man who is a sport star and the national ski hope. He is talking about how he started doing a new kind of sport when he decided to stay in Lake Placid. Listen and define a) the subject-matter of the talk and b) the speaker’s intention, choosing from the prompts below. a) the subject-matter 1. skiing in the speaker’s life 2. ski-jumping as the speaker’s main interest 3. speed skating as the new hobby of the speaker b) the speaker’s intention 1. to boast of his success and to impress the audience 2. to convince the listeners that there’s nothing extraordinary about his story