Listen to the tape again to find the answers to these questions.
1. Why did the speaker decide to find some work when he stayed in Lake Placid? 2. What kind of work could the speaker find in Lake Placid at that time? 3. Why did the speaker have to start a new kind of sport? 4. What important sport event took place in Lake Placid and when? 5. Had the speaker known anything about ski-jumping before he came to Lake Placid? 6. What is the speaker’s name and nationality? 7. How did he get his first pair of skis? 8. What was the price of the pair of skis he got? 9. Did the speaker buy a pair of boots or did he borrow them? Listen to the recording again and note down a) the range of sports; b) the sports facilities they had at Lake Placid at that time. a) 1. _________________ b) 1. _________________ 2. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________ 4. _________________ 5. _________________ 5. _________________ Listen to the part of the recording where the sportsman speaks about the jumps he did. Fill the necessary information about them (when there is some) in the chart below.
Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check In each pair of sentences given below choose the one from the recording. 1. a) I didn’t think it would be very expensive... b) I didn’t realise how expensive it would be... 2. a) I couldn’t even afford to buy a lift pass for a week... b) I couldn’t even buy a lift ticket for a week... 3. a) They’ve got a whole range of things there... b) They’ve got all sorts of things there... 4. a) I just thought about nothing. b) I just didn’t think about anything. Tape dictation. Fill in the blanks. Check your answers by listening to the tape again. And I’d seen ski-jumping in in (1)... er on television where I was (2)... and I thought, “ Well, you know, that looks (3)... good ”, so I went (4)... to the ski-jumps and just (5)... a look at the jumps, and they (6)... they were big, but they weren’t as big (7).... I thought they were and so I (8)..., “ I’ll have a go at that ”, so I (9)... to their offices, just knocked on their (10)... and walked in and said, “Hi, I’m (11)...... from (12)....... Can I have a go at (13)......? ” And they said, “ Oh, Yeah. O.K.” So I bought a pair of skis (14)... them for $ (15)..., and er the ski club (16)... le-lent me a pair of old, (17)... old boots, and er they said,” Look, (18)... a (19)... and (20)......... hill just (21)... the corner (22)... the trees, go (23)... and play “. Listen and note down the English equivalents for the following Russian expressions and sentences. 1. Дело дошло до того, что я не мог даже позволить себе оплатить стоимость подъемов за неделю. 2. осмотреться 3. принимать Олимпийские игры 4. У них были представлены все виды спорта. 5. попробовать прыгать с трамплина 6. Я купил у них пару лыж. 7. быть... дюймов над землей 8. прыгать немного дальше 9. Я надел лыжи, оттолкнулся, поехал вниз и прыгнул.
Follow-Up Activity In groups discuss the following: a) Eddie’s nickname is Eddie the Eagle. Why do you think he has been given this nickname? b) Have you heard or read a similar story about a famous sportsman, how he got started and became successful?
Lesson B. OUT-OF-CLASS LISTENING Text Title: What people say Cassette: From Kernel Two, by R.O’Neill
Pre-Listening Vocabulary Go over the list of words below to avoid any difficulty of understanding. carbohydrate [ÇkAùb«UÈhaIdreIt] - углевод intake [ÈInteIk] - потребление lazy habits - привычка к лени deny oneself sth - отказывать себе в чем-то, не позволять себе чего-либо
Listening Exercises 2.1. You’ll hear 5 people speaking. Do these people speak about: a) their illnesses; b) likes and dislikes; c) daily routine; d) keeping fit?
Identify the following sentences as True or False. 1. One of the speakers says that people should work hard to keep fit. 2. Another speaker says he spends hours exercising. 3. All the speakers keep to a balanced diet. 4. One of the speakers is fond of swimming. 5. One of the speakers says she is fit because she denies herself things. Listen to these people again and note down their names. 2.4. Listen to the recording once more and complete the following sentences: 1. I don’t think people should......... all this...... it and... If they don’t work so hard............. 2. I don’t do............. Just...... nothing. 3.......... of meat, vegetables,............. ............ meat and vegetables. 4...., what I do......... is go swimming............. I go... the sea............, weather.... 5. I love... and... and I like......, and........., and I like.... I love to sleep, and so..................... and I like to get... or...hours..., if I can. Language Focus