Go through the list of word combinations below and pick out those that are not used in the recording.
check one’s blood pressure call an ambulance check the circulation die of a heart attack create the pulse people of the general do some mouth-to-mouth breathing public save the lives of people people with medical artificial respiration training die of a bleeding anyone specialised expert-help be suffering from 3.3. Recall the words and word combinations from the recording which can be used as synonyms to the following:
Follow-Up Activities Discussion a) Do you think people ought to know how to cope with problems like those mentioned in the programme. b) Do you think non-specialists should at all deal with medical problems? c) Think of other cases which might require first aid till anyone specialised arrives.
Lesson B. OUT-OF-CLASS LISTENING Text Title: First aid Cassette: From Headway Intermediate, by J. and L.Soars Pre-Listening Vocabulary Go through the list of words and word combinations below, which will help you to understand the recording. anaesthetic [ÇQnIsÈTetIk] - обезболивающее средство fracture [ÈfrQktS«] - перелом grease [griùs] - топленое сало, жир give someone artificial respiration - cделать искусственное дыхание seek - искать Listening Exercises 2.1. Listen to Dr. Clarke speaking about first aid. From the list of cases needing first aid tick (√) those that are mentioned in the interview: - a man is drowning - a bad burn - someone got lost in the mountains - a person is bleeding - someone isn’t breathing - someone has a fracture
Listen to the text again for more detail. Say if these statements are True or False. 1. First aid is terribly important and you can save lives if the right action is taken. 2. 90 % of first aid is specialist knowledge and only 10 % is common sense. 3. The people present must decide whether the victim can be taken to hospital. 4. The best thing to do about a burn is to put cream or grease or butter on. 5. If the victim complains of thirst he should wash his mouth with water and not swallow. 6. In case of fracture and bleeding don’t move the victim. 7. If a person got into a car accident and is suffering from shock, leave him alone and don’t try to reassure him.
Listen to the text again and focus on the right action you have to take when an accident happens. Complete the following sentences. 1. If the person is bleeding … 2. If someone isn’t breathing … 3. In case of an accident medical help must be sought and someone must decide whether … 4. If it is a minor burn the best thing to do is … 5. You should keep the burnt place under cold water for about ten minutes and it … 6. If it is a bad burn, what we call a third-degree burn, don’t …. 7. Cover the burn very lightly with … and go …. 8. If any bones are broken, the injury could be made much worse by … Language Focus 3.1. Translate the following sentences using the language of the interview and then compare your translation with the recorded text. 1. Считаете ли вы, что знать мало – это опасная вещь? Если мы не знаем наверняка, что делать, действительно ли лучше ничего не делать? Это несомненно интересные и важные вопросы. 2. Первая помощь очень важна, и могут быть спасены жизни людей, если будут предприняты правильные действия. 3. Многие из нас холодеют от ужаса и впадают в панику, когда сталкиваются с кризисной ситуацией. Поэтому почему бы не научиться оказывать элементарную первую помощь?
Follow-Up Activities Write a passage: a) giving some general advice on the subject of burns; b) recalling the three most important things you should do at the scene of a car accident.
UNIT 5 Lesson A. IN-CLASS LISTENING Text Title: Down the pub Cassette: From English Super Plus 2, by H.Sommers, V.Vermes Pre-Listening Exercises