Listen to Anna Wright and Peter Savage giving their opinions on the problem. While listening answer the questions below choosing the right alternative.
1. According to Anna Wright, why is there no alternative to experimenting on animals? a) Scientific observation is not always reliable. b) Careful observation takes a lot of time. c) Researchers are not able to observe human beings in scientifically controlled conditions. 2. Which of the diseases does she claim have been conquered as the result of research involving vivisection? a) neuralgia, ulcer, TB b) smallpox, flue, allergy c) diphtheria, smallpox, TB 3. Why does she say new drugs have to be tested on animals? a) to check for their effect on the nervous system b) to be sure they are not poisonous c) to check for side effects 4. What, according to Peter Savage, is the problem of trying out drugs for humans on animals? a) Not all animals react like humans. b) It’s difficult to predict what the effect of a drug will be on human beings. c) Not all drugs can be tested on animals. 5. What is his explanation for the decline in killer diseases? a) They’ve been on the decline because of careful observation. b) They’ve been on the decline because of the improvements in hygiene. c) They’ve been on the decline because of successful experimenting on monkeys. 6. What points does he make about penicillin and aspirin? a) The drugs were found as the result of medical research. b) The drugs were found by accident. c) The drugs were found as the result of long term observations. 7. What does he consider to be the most important argument against vivisection? a) It’s not effective. b) It’s inhumane. c) Other methods can be used instead of it equally well. Listen to the speakers once more and note down the arguments for and against vivisection. Make use of the table below.
Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check 3.1. Listen to the tape again, pick out and note down the English equivalents for the following Russian word combinations: 1. злободневные вопросы 2. проведение экспериментов на живых животных 3. достичь огромных успехов 4. во многом благодаря вивисекции 5. процент выздоровления от рака 6. до появления новых лекарств на рынке 7. не говорить всей правды 8. идти на убыль 9. достаточно 10. извлекать выгоду из чего-либо 3.2. Give synonyms from the recording for the following words and expressions: 1. to start a discussion 2. to be the first to express one’s point of view 3. to excuse 4. to participate in a debate 5. to rely on sb/sth 6. to conduct experiments 7. to find by chance 8. absolute nonsense 9. cruel 10. look after sb Follow-Up Activities Discuss the following: 1. Whose arguments (Peter’s or Anna’s) sound more convincing to you? 2. What do you personally think of experiments on animals?
Lesson B. OUT-OF-CLASS LISTENING Text Title: Toothache Cassette: From Headway Intermediate, by J. and L.Soars Pre-Listening Vocabulary Go through the following words to avoid any difficulty of understanding. acid [ÈQsId] - кислота bacterium (sing) [bQkÈtI«rI«m] - бактерия bacteria (pl) [bQkÈtI«rI«] - бактерии decay [dIÈkeI] - разрушение, гниение vaccine [ÈvQksiùn] - вакцина apparently [«ÈpQr«ntlI] - очевидно
Listening Exercises Listen to the conversation and complete the statements that follow. 1. The scientists have found a) a cure for gum treatment b) a cure for tooth decay c) a completely safe acid
2. The bacteria convert a) acids into sugar b) water into oxygen с) sugar into acids 3. They are going to give the vaccine to a) monkeys b) adults c) kids
As you listen to the conversation once more complete some of the answers. Listen to the recording twice. A. Look at this.......... B....? What.........? A. Well,...... found...... for tooth.... B. Really? I can’t believe....... A. Yes. It says here we all eat............, and that’s what....... B. I....... A. Yes, well,... these... that............, and they......... and make.......... B........... How do you.........? A. It’s........., but when......, you’ll...... from.... Oh, I don’t think...................... you’ll get it............., they’re going to............ kids.......... B. What.......... Language Focus