Студопедия — Give synonyms from the recording for the following words and word combinations.
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Give synonyms from the recording for the following words and word combinations.

1. run into someone

2. grown-ups

3. in different corners of the world

4. all kinds of people

5. go to some place for a year

2.3. Give the English equivalents for the sentences below keeping to the text:

1. Он всегда имел способности к языкам, поэтому он решил специализироваться в немецком и французском языках.

2. Его студентами были взрослые люди, и ему очень нравилась эта работа.

3. Он обнаружил, что одним из преимуществ его работы было то, что он мог найти работу в любой точке мира.

4. Он научился ладить со всякими людьми и приспосабливаться к разным стилям жизни.

5. Пока он не пожалел о своем решении работать преподавателем и в дальнейшем.


Follow-Up Activities

3.1. Write a passage about possible choices in a foreign language teacher’s career.

Get ready to talk with your group-mates about your would-be career.





Text Title: The eight o’clock news

Cassette: From Streamline. Destinations, by B.Hartley, P.Viney


Pre-Listening Exercises

Go through the list of the following words and word combinations and make sure you understand them.

blast [blAùst] - взрыв, взрывная волна

breed - порода животных

custody - заключение, заточение

enquiry [InÈkwaI«rI] - опрос

hat trick - хет-трик (прием в футболе)

redundancy [rIÈdÃnd«nsI] - сокращение штатов

saloon [s«Èluùn] - автомобиль “седан”

shot-gun [ÈStgÃn] - дробовик (ружье)

town-hall [ÈtaUn Èhùl] - ратуша

appalling [«ÈpùlIN] - ужасный

capsize [kQpÈsaIz] - опрокинуть(ся) (о лодке, судне)



Study the following list of proper names and practise their pronunciation. While listening to the news for the first time check your pronunciation.

Chesilwort [ÈtSezIlwÎùt] Jaguar [ÈdZQgjU«]

Mickle New Forest

RAF Sopworth Bransley

Devon [devn] Brighton Belle XIV

Neptune III [Èneptjuùn] Eastfield United

Poole [puùl] European Cup

Fernside Engineering Dumromin Rangers

Tadworth Trevor Franklin [Ètrev«]


Listening Exercises

2.1. Listen to the tape. State what the above mentioned proper names stand for (town, street, sports team and so on). If you can’t decide on all of them, listen again or look them up in a dictionary.


2.2. Listen to the tape for one more time and give answers to the following questions:

2.2.1. 1. How many people went on a march in Chesilworth?

2. What were they protesting against?

3. Was there any trouble?

4. Where did the demonstrators march?

5. What are the reasons in favour of the suggested location of a new international airport?

2.2.2. 1. Why were families evacuated from the centre of Glasgow today?

2. When and where did the explosion occur?

3. What was the explosion due to?

4. Was the house empty? How long?

5. What was cracked? Why?

6. What have the police done?

2.2.3. 1. How many people were on the boat?

2. How many were rescued?

3. How many survived?

2.2.4. 1. What was announced today?

2. How many jobs will be lost? Why?

3. Was it unexpected? How do you know?

4. Why did the closure become inevitable?

5. What will results of the closure be?

2.2.5. 1. Why did the police chase the men?

2. Where did they chase them?

3. How did they chase them?

4. What kind of car were the thieves in?

5. How fast did they drive?

6. How did the police stop the car?

7. Were the men armed? What with?

8. Where did the police chase them?

9. How many shots were fired?

10. Was anybody injured?

11. What happened in the end?

2.2.6. 1. How many dogs were there?

2. How many breeds were represented?

3. How many judges were there?

4. How much were the dogs worth?

5. Which dog became “Supreme Champion”?

6. What kind of dog was it?

7. It’s worth a lot of money, isn’t it? Why?

2.2.7. 1. It was a European Cup match, wasn’t it?

2. Where was it played?

3. What was the final score?

4. Who lost?

5. Why was it an exciting match?

6. Why was Trevor Franklin mentioned especially?

7. What was the weather like?

8. Why was the game stopped twice?

9. What’s on television after the news?

Write a detailed passage about one of the pieces of news.


Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check

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