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Listen again and fill in the left-hand column of the chart below with the types of characteristics required in the order they come on the tape.

Characteristics What the Manager Wants What He Doesn’t Want

Listen to the first part of the recording again and complete the chart filling the necessary information in the right-hand columns.

You will now hear 3 possible candidates for the job who have telephoned the manager for further details. Listen to their calls and answer the questions that follow.

1. Are all the candidates men?

2. Are they all the same age?

3. Have they all got the same educational background?

4. Have they all worked before?

Listen to each candidate separately and do the suggested tasks to check your comprehension.




2.5.1. Answer the following alternative questions:

1. Is the candidate working abroad or in the country now?

2. Did she graduate from the University of Manchester last year or a few years ago?

3. Has she got a degree in French, Italian and English or in English only?

4. Is the candidate interested in the job because it has good career prospects or because she wants to be nearer her family?



2.5.2. Complete choosing the right continuation:

1. The candidate wants

a) to send in a written application

b) the manager to send him an application form

c) to arrange for an interview

2. The candidate is enquiring about he job because

a) he is interested in management

b) the job has travel possibilities

c) he wants more freedom and variety in his job

3. The candidate

a) doesn’t mind working overtime and in the evenings

b) doesn’t like working overtime and in the evenings

c) can’t work in the evenings

4. The candidate has got

a) A level in English

b) O level in Geography

c) A level in Geography




Mark the following statements as True or False.

1. The candidate is interested in the job.

2. The candidate has no experience in sales.

3. He once worked at a toy factory but then left because he found a better job.

4. The candidate has A levels in all the subjects.

5. The candidate doesn’t like travel possibilities of the job.

2.6. Listen to the phone calls again and fill the available information in the chart below:

Candidate A B C
educational background      
previous work      
reasons for applying      
career perspective      

Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check

Identify the speaker (the manager, the secretary and the candidates) who the following sentences belong to.

1. I think you’re asking quite a lot.

2. Well, I am ambitious.

3.... there is a considerable travel element in this job.

4. I’m phoning about the job that was in the paper last night.

5. Could you tell me what it’s paying?

6. Well, this is to be negotiated...

7. What kind of money are you paying then?

8. Well, could I ask what sort of salary youre offering?

3.2. Indicate the meanings the following words and word combinations have in the conversations you’ve heard.

1. right up one’s street a) to be close to the place where you live

b) to be right for you, to suit you

2. a short list a) brief information

b) candidates selected for further consideration

3. to get on a) to be promoted

b) to have good relations with...

4. to put down to sth a) to refer to

b) to note down

5. to feel one’s way around a) to get to know sth better

b) to find the right way

6. to talk like a gutter a) to talk very fast and indistinctly b) to talk uneducated, vulgar English

7. plenty of drive a) plenty of ambition

b) plenty of travel

8. not to look at the clock all the time a) to be ready to work long hours

b) not to be punctual

9. cocks of the walk a) those who have an upright posture

b) those who think they are better and more important than other people

3.3. Insert fairly, rather, too in the sentences from the recording.

1. Oh, well, somebody... young.

2. It’s really... demanding.

3. The sort of situations that they get into are much... difficult I think for a young woman to deal with...

4. I’m not really... worried about getting a large salary to start with.

5. Well, we’re really looking for someone who is anxious to get on, and who is not... concerned about working... long hours.

6. I’m... interested in applying for this job.

7.... this would be a... responsible position from the outset...

8. - Er would that be immediately?

9. Well, er,... immediately, yes.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 569. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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