Listen to the text again so as to be able to outline its contents. Expand each of the items choosing the appropriate arguments from the prompts given below.
1. Some teachers can no longer teach their classes effectively a) because some teenage pupils deliberately disrupt lessons b) because the majority of pupils have lost interest in school c) because they don’t use modern teaching resources 2. Pupils cannot accept school discipline a) because personal enjoyment prevails over serious academic work in modern schools b) because they are accustomed to expressing their individuality without any restriction c) because the teacher’s requirements are impossible to meet 3. The problem of discipline can be solved a) by better co-operation between the schools and the parents b) by using modern teaching techniques more reasonably c) by re-introducing caning
Listen to the text another time paying attention to the details of the contents and the language. Give answers to the following questions. 1. What are teachers in some secondary schools in Britain worried about? 2. What kind of schools does the problem of discipline concern most of all? 3. Who is responsible for the present situation at school? 4. What’s the drawback of modern teaching techniques? 5. What other ways of solving the problem are mentioned in the letter? Language Focus Listen to the text again and note down the word combinations to do with teaching and school problems. The list of Russian equivalents below will help you. 1. восстанавливать дисциплину 2. небольшое число учеников подросткового возраста 3. преднамеренно срывать уроки 4. эффективно проводить занятия 5. выражать свою индивидуальность без всяких ограничений 6. неохотно подчиняться школьной дисциплине 7. делать акцент на личном удовольствии в ущерб серьезной учебе 8. ставить личные интересы выше обязанностей перед обществом 9. более тесное сотрудничество между школой и родителями 10. плохо себя вести 11. заново вводить телесное наказаниe.
Follow-Up Activities 4.1. Act out the following situations: 1. The editor who got the letter is telling his colleague about the problems that the author of the letter is worried about. 2. Two teachers are arguing about the letter written by their former colleague. 4.2. Give your point of view on the following problems: 1. Advantages and disadvantages of modern teaching techniques. 2. Co-operation between schools and parents.
TEXT 2. Teaching at school Pre-Listening Exercises Answer the following questions. a) Have you ever wanted to be a school teacher? b) What age would you prefer to teach? Why? c) Are career prospects for school teachers good in our country? d) What sort of qualities are important in a teacher of young children? Go through the word list below to clear up any difficulty. authority [ùÈTr«tI] - административный округ scale [ÈskeIl] - категория to be adaptable [«ÈdQpt«bl] - уметь приспосабливаться Study the following information. It will help you to understand the text of the recording.
Listening Exercises You will now hear a recording in which Isabel talks about her work. Listen and state the general topic of her talk, choosing from the options given below. a) personal problems that she used to have when she was working with older children; b) teaching in a middle and high school; c) positive and negative aspects of a high school 2.2. Give Yes/No answers to these questions. 1. Does Isabel enjoy the job she is doing? 2. Is she an experienced teacher? 3. Does she mind the fact that the career prospects are not very good in her position?
2.3. Listen to the 1st part of the recording and answer the questions below: 1. How long has Isabel been teaching young children? 2. What sort of personal qualities does Isabel think are needed to be a teacher of children? 3. What sort of skills and qualifications does she consider necessary for a teacher?
Copy the chart below into your workbooks. Listen to the second part of the recording and compare the middle and high schools along the given features.