To be fired
look through (просматривать) job adverts
( используя эти слова, вы должны рассказать историю о том, как нашли и потеряли работу. История в свободной форме, со смыслом ) Example:One day I realized that I needed a job, so I started to look through job adverts in a newspaper. I found a good option, called this company and they asked me to write and send my CV. I did it and went to apply for a job. When I got to the company, I was asked to fill in an application form and right after that I was interviewed. I signed the contract. I had my probationary period for 3 months and got my first salary the next day. I was working very hard and did my best, so I was promoted in a week. But in a month I shouted at my boss, because he was impolite with my colleagues and shortly after that I was fired. That’s my job story.
Listen to the Interview and fill in the gaps!
1."What kind of salary are you seeking?" I would expect a salary which reflects the experience and qualifications that I’ve got. 2."Have you completed your education?"
Yes, I've finished school and college education. Right now I'm focusing on my career and on being as good at my job as I possibly can. I enjoy learning and I think it's essential in both personal and career development. I hope that my education is not over. 3. " What are your weaknesses? How do you overcome them?" I'm always ready to learn new skills to become better at what I do. If I become aware of a weakness in my knowledge, I’ll do my best to fill that gap. 4. "Tell us about yourself."I’m an ambitious, self-motivated person and I'm very happy in my life right now. I'm looking for a job that will provide fresh challenges and rewards. 5."Are you competitive? Is that good or bad?"I'm quite a competitive person. I'd say the person I compete with most is myself. I work hard to achieve the goals I set myself. 6. "What type of people do you find difficult to get along with?" I'm a very social person. I enjoy being around people and I get on very well with people. I don't think there're any people that I don't get on well with. 7. "Why should we hire you?"I believe that I've got the skills and enthusiasm required for this position. And moreover …… 8. "Do you like to be criticized? Why?"I don't enjoy being criticized but I certainly realize the usefulness of constructive criticism. It's a way to learn what I'm doing wrong and to find out how to improve. 9. "How do you respond to criticism?" I respond very well to criticism, especially if it's constructive. Accepting constructive criticism and advice from colleagues is one of the best ways to learn. I'd like to think that I learn quickly from any advice that I'm given. 10. "How do you define 'success'?"That's very easy. For me, success is achieved goals you have set for yourself or the goals that have been set for you. 11. What do you think of our boss? Advice: Be as positive as you can. A potential boss is likely to wonder what you think about him/her
12. How do you prioritize your work? 13. Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?
15. Tell us about the last time you lost your temper? 16. What situations make you lose your temper? 17. How would your best friend describe you? 18. How would your worst enemy describe you?