Змістовий модуль №2.
1. У нашому місті немає театрів та широких вулиць, але я його дуже люблю, тому що тут народився. 2. Канів — культурна столиця України. 3. Тут похований видатний митець українського народу Т.Г.Шевченко. 4. В центрі міста є мальовничий парк.
Практичне заняття №7 (2 години) 1. Фонетичний аспект. Читання сполучення приголосних cc, ch, ck, dg, gh, gn, wh, ng, nk.
Ex.1.1. Practise reading of the following. Chalk, teacher, speech, technique, school, scheme, chemistry, enclose, occur, clock, fact, bacon, cent, ice, circus, icy, scent, science, special, ancient, suspicious, block, angry, English, long, stronger, bringing, chin, cheek, cherry, white, why, who, whole, whose.
2. Граматичний аспект: Контроль Ex.2.1. Insert the proper articles where necessary In the old days it was necessary for all... parts of... city to be close together, in order that... defensive wall might surround it, and... streets, therefore, were made as narrow as possible. Many... European cities began with... walls round them. But in... America there was little need for... defensive walls, and that's why many... American cities have been built on... regular plan, modified a little according to... natural surroundings,.. streets in... American cities, instead of having... names, are numbered, and so when one has once understood... plan of... American city, it is very easy to find one's way from one part of it to... other.... old part of... New York lies in... southern half of... Manhattan Island, and there... streets are narrow and twisted, as in... towns of.... old world. But... rest of... streets, with but few exceptions, all run in... straight lines. There is оле street in... city, however, that does not follow... straight line. And that is Broadway,... New York's most famous street. It starts within sight of... dancing waters of... harbour and runs between tall skyscrapers in... north-western direction. This great street is... longest in... world. Ex.2.2. Insert the proper articles where necessary ... Africa is... very large continent lying to... south of... Europe and to... south-west of... Asia to which it is joined by... Isthmus of Suez. Less than one hundred years ago... men knew almost nothing of... middle of... continent.... travellers from... Europe made... long journeys into... centre but they met with... terrible difficulties, for... continent is covered with... forests full of... fearful wild animals. Some travellers died of.., hunger or... thirst or... strange illnesses,... others were killed by... lions, still... others by... natives; but nevertheless bold men were found ready to go along... rivers into... heart of... Africa. The merchants who came from... European countries had much to sell, and here were... millions of... people ready to buy; here was... country,... richness of which was unimaginable.
3. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул „Привертання уваги” (“Arresting someone’s attention”). Найбільш поширеними є наступні форми привертання уваги: Пробачте, вы не знаете...? Excuse me, do you happen to know...? Будьте люб’язні.... Would you... (please)? Would you mind..., (please)? Would you be so good (kind)..., (please)? Не могли б ви сказати? Can/Could you tell me..., (please)? Можна (вас) запитати? May I ask (you) a question? Дозвольте (вас) запитати? Саn I have a word with you? Можна вас (тебе) на May I see you a moment? хвилинку? Послухайте! Excuse me,.... I say! Hi! Hey! Here! Hey there! Look (here)! See here! Ex.3.1. Use appropriate formulas of address and replies to them in the following situations. 1) You are at the railway station and need a porter. You see one, but he is hurrying past you. 2) You have been waiting too long at a restaurant; you want to attract the waiters attention. Ex. 3.2. Think of some situation in which you could use the following formulas: excuse me, look here, I say and replies to them.
Змістовий модуль №2.