Paraphrase the following using the above - stated modal verb. Translate.
Pattern:You will tell your manager you have lost the document which contains the details of the company’s insurance. 1. Get rid of a bad habits connected with persistently failing to finish work on time. 2. Don’t tell your friends how the book ends. It’s going to spoil it for them. 3. Don’t put an old battery in a new car. 4. Don’ put too much in that shopping bag - the handle’s going to break. 5. Close the door, please. That smell of paint is making me feel awful - I think I’ll be sick. Near Certainty (the Suppositional Meaning) Smb, smth will, would be, be doing smth Smb will, would have been, have done smth - должно быть, по-видимому 1. Change the following statements of fact into expressions of near certainty by using “will”, would + Infinitive. Use the Indefinite Infinitive when speaking about the present, the Perfect Infinitive when speaking about the past. Pattern:1.The slim girl in the middle of the room, she was the secretary making frequent typing mistakes. The slim girl in the middle of the room will have been the secretary making frequent typing mistakes. 2. The tall building to the left is the post office. The tall building to the left will be the post office. 1. These are the parents of the children taking exams. 2. This is the person who is working slowly and inefficiently. 3. You have done the puzzles. 4. He left a message for his wife. 5. It was someone the secretary knew. 6. That is the programme I adore. 7. The tall man in brown shorts cutting the grass is our neighbour. 8. Something was decided. Translate the following. Indicate the functions in each case for will and would. 1. Они слишком долго там стоят, по-видимому, дверь не открывается. 2. Ножницы не режут. 3. Она ни как не хотела говорить, что она там видела. 4. Оставайтесь с нами посмотреть концерт. 5. Заполните, пожалуйста, этот формуляр. 6. Она, бывало, всегда рассказывала о своих поездках. 7. Сейчас же сходи и проверь все замки. 8. Напишите пять примеров на это правило. 9. Второе он есть не стал, и я не смогла его заставить. 10. Дверь все время открывается. 11. Я обязательно посмотрю этот фильм. 12. Проходите, пожалуйста. CONCLUSIVE TESTS ON MODALS Underline the correct answer and indicate the corresponding function. 1) Alice must / had to leave the meeting early because she had a train to catch. 2) What you must / should have done is to call the police, not get involved yourself. 3) I will /could be able to speak better if I practise more. 4) Bernadette has done so little work, she should / needn’t have bothered to come to class today. 5) I didn’t / couldn’t get tickets after all – they were sold out.