Метод чтения Ильи Франка
Составление, перевод-адаптация, лексико-грамматический комментарий Сергея Вознесенского и Татьяны Завирюхи. Комментарии и замечания просьба присылать на адрес frank@franklang.ru
This book forms part of Ilya Frank’s Multilingual Educational Project. All parts of the original texts and graphic illustrations used in this book which may belong to other authors are either "public domain", or used in accordance with Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (in force since 9th of August 1993, No.5351-I, in redaction of Federal Law dated 20th of July 2004, No.72-FL), which allows using rightfully disclosed works and extracts therefrom in the territory of the Russian Federation as illustrations in educational publications within the scope justified by the declared purpose without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before using or reading this book. This book in electronic form is provided "as-is". No warranties of any kind, express or implied, are made as to the book in electronic form, including but not limited to warranties of correctness and/or fitness for a particular purpose. You may not distribute copies of this book electronically, or by disk, book or any other medium without obtaining a written permission from the authors.
© С.А. Вознесенский, Т.З. Завирюха, 2006 © И.М. Франк, 2006 (метод чтения)